Township of Sand Creek
Regular Monthly Meeting - MVEC
7:00 pm – 5, 2017
Chairman Chad Sandey Also Present: Curt Hennes -
PLSLWD, Spencer Autenrieth – Scott Cty
Supervisor Bruce Hunstad Sheriff’s office, Kevin and Shiela VonBank, Emily Nordich,
Supervisor Bill Schneider
Todd Becker – Auto Nation, Emily Sandey, Mitchell Sandey,
Treasurer Michelle Rutoski Nolan Sandey, Calvin Sandey, Bre Rockers, Herb Baldwin.
Clerk Rita Tauer/Shelley Pauly
Called to Order: The
regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Chairman
Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was
Oath of Office: Oath
of office was given to all newly elected officers by Rita Tauer. Chad Sandey, Chairman, Bill Schneider,
Supervisor, Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor, Michelle
Rutoski, Treasurer and Shelley Pauly, Clerk.
Chairman Comment: Chairman
Chad Sandey gave a wonderful tribute to Rita and all that she has done for the
township over the past 16 years. The
township thanks her for all of her time, hours of service and many duties she
has done for the township.
Minutes: Minutes for December were
presented to the Board. Chairman Sandey
made a motion to remove a part of a paragraph that was in the public comment
section as it was a duplicate from the November minutes. A motion to accept the minutes with the
correction was made by Bruce seconded by Bill.
Unanimous. A motion to erase the
December recording was made by Bruce, seconded by Bill. Unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: The
Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by the board.
Chad noted the second half payment from Scott County was received. A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s
Report by Bruce, seconded by Bill.
Monthly Charges: Dvorak
Excavating $32,703.00
Bond Trust Services $54.443.75
Stantec $
Couri & Ruppe $
questioned the charge from Couri and Ruppe for $146.25 for Jordan Gravel whether it should be
paid us or SM Hentges. Chad said that it was for a review we did
regarding the appeal by SM Hentges so it should be
paid by us.
Scott Cty Treasurer $
US Hwy 169
Corridor Coalition $ 250.00
MAT Clerk Training $ 30.00
Dept of Treas. 4th
Qtr payroll tax $
Planning $
Schneider $ 107.46
Payroll $ 392.49
Payroll $ 992.76
Payroll $ 323.22
Payroll $ 69.26
Payroll $ 138.52
Payroll $
Motion by
Bruce to accept the claims as read, seconded by Bill, Unanimous.
Public Comment: Herb Baldwin inquired about the Treasurer’s
Report and having the information as to what the balances and what is being
spent available for the Township residents.
Rita suggested that we have a copy of the monthly report available for
any one in attendance to see. It was
agreed that we will be placing a copy of this report on the table with the
Agenda and the Minutes. Rita mentioned
that all financial information is available at the Annual Meeting with the
whole year of expenses and balances of accounts.
Sheriff’s Office:
Sheriff’s Deputy Spencer Autenrieth as present. There were 65 calls in December. Some of the calls were 6 traffic, 14 crashes
(1 fatal on hwy 8 and 21), 7 medical, 1 alarm, 0
burglaries, and 2 domestic. A more detail list will be filed with the minutes. Still
working with the new system.
Prior Lake/Spring Lake:
Curt will be turning over the role as presidency. The next junior person
will take over. He was chairman for two
years. Normally it is only a year term. Raymond
Avenue will have about 160 feet of shoreline restoration with plants and shrubs
that will hopefully stop the pollutants from entering the lakes. This is where
the city of prior lake built a picnic shelter.
Working also on the outlet channel from the flooding of two years
ago. Sediment removal is also being
done. After some testing it has come
back that it is not restricted so it will be less expensive to remove.
Spring Clean-Up: Deadline
is January 13th to sign up for this day to work with the city for
Clean-up for both the City and Township.
Not sure if the city is going to do it and where. The City would get our portion of the Grant
money to offset their costs for the Clean-up.
The city includes us in all the advertising and work. Bruce made a motion to sign up for spring
clean-up together with the City of Jordan.
Bill seconded the motion. Unanimous.
Long Range Planning: Chad reviewed
some of the earlier discussions regarding the 2040 comp plan and Herb Baldwin’s
suggestion of putting together a committee of township residents to participate
in discussing the future plans of the township.
After much discussion, it was decided to run an ad inviting township
residents to come to the February township meeting to discuss putting together
a committee. Bruce volunteered to write
up the ad and put it in the newspaper. The
ad will run for two weeks prior to the February meeting. Chad wanted this notice to be posted
also. Bruce volunteered to put together
an agenda of some kind for the meeting to make sure that the discussion has a
purpose and direction. Hopefully, the committee would be able to attend the
next 2040 comp plan next month at Scott County.
Tree Trimming: Bill mentioned that
trimming the trees in the winter time is probably not as expensive as in the
summer. Bill would go through and mark the trees that need to be trimmed. Bruce said it would be beneficial to have
another board member go through and verify the trees. Chad stated that we need
to give the homeowners plenty of notice of the trimming. Bill said he would speak to the residents and
let them know what is going on. Chad suggested newsletter go out with a
paragraph in it about the marking of the trees and trimming of trees in the
right of way before we start marking any trees.
Heavily wood areas in the township would be the prime target now Carrs is one of
the company’s that we are looking at using.
Herb mentioned we need to be careful about the different types of tress
and when is the best to trim them. Chad is proposing that we take sections
of the township each year and have a tree trimming budget to keep the trees
under control. Carr’s
come very highly recommended by MVEC. Chad
asked Bill if he woul would like to present a tree
trimming plan to the Board for discussion next month. Bill agreed and said he
would work on it
AutoNation: Todd Becker Auto
Nation was present at the meeting. During an annual review of the conditional
use permits, it was noted that Auto Nation is not compliant with a few items. Chad
met with Todd about getting into compliance.
Since then they have contacted the county to see what they could with
those conditions. DRT meeting was held
at the county. This property is currently zoned UER (Urban Expansion Reserve.) It had previously been commercial. After a lot of discussion, applicants
decided to work on being compliant the items noted by the county and then they
would try to get the amendment process to rezone their property. Scott County will send a letter summarizing
the meeting and what items need to come into compliance. They would also send them the information for
comp plan amendment. It is a lengthy
process. Todd agreed with Chad’s
summarization of the meeting.
Supplies: Wes Herman called
Chad regarding layout of the two sides of Hwy 169 that he has his business
located. Landscape supplies for public
to be kept on the east side of the high.
The west side of the highway would be for making steps, boulder carving
– fabrication facilities. ON the west
side of the road he would like to take down two older buildings and put up a
new large one the size of the two he takes down. The city has said that it was OK. He was going to come to the meeting today and
we were going to give him the permit to take back to the county, but he was
called out of town. He will be appearing
before the board in Feb or March to inform the township so we are in the know
of his plan.
Pass Fencing: Jim
Pass has a fencing business in industrial park – a cross from Jordan
Avenue. He has a home plus garages and sheds
and would like to construct another building.
The county states that he has a conditional use permit for his business
on the land. The county informed members
of the board that should he have damage to his house over 50% he could not sell
or rebuild a residence. The county suggested he get the property amended to
have his residence there. He may not be
able to pass on the property to anyone else as residential. There is really no
concern regarding the new shed just the residence. He is going ahead with the initial steps.
Land Donation: Kathy
Stemig is doing some estate planning and one of the
estate representative spoke to Chad regarding a parcel of land that is located
on Sand Creek drive that she owns and is interested in getting rid of it. This
parcel is located between Vern Hartman’s house and Sand Creek Drive. It was discussed about what could be done with
this parcel, if anything, should Kathy wanted to donate it to the township.
Chad made a call to Couri & Ruppe,
our attorneys, and their response is to have the board review it and see if it
is a parcel of land we could use. The attorney said this does happen quite a
bit and they township can respectfully decline if the board is not
interested. At this time no decision has been made.
Process for
Road Tech
FYI: *Township
Organizational Meeting Feb. 2nd, 2017,
6:15pm at MVEC (prior to reg mtg)
*Next Monthly Meeting, Feb 2nd,
2017, at MVEC at 7pm.
*Annual Township/Residents Meeting,
March 14th, 7 pm at MVEC.
*Spring Township Seminar in Mankato
on March 22nd, 2017, all day at Verizon Ctr