Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

March 1, 2018          


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Bruce Hunstad, Treasurer Michelle Rutoski, and Clerk Shelley Pauly. 


Others Present

Deputy Sheriff Phil Nawrocki, Curt Hennes, SLPL Watershed District, Emily Nordick, Herb Baldwin, Travis Cherro, Bill Scott and Kyle Renneke – Stantec Engineering


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.



Minutes for the February’s meeting were presented to the Board. Motion to approve the minutes by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous.  Motion to erase the February recording of minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report was submitted by Michelle.  Motion to accept the report by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous. 


Monthly Claims


                        Scott County, MN Assoc Township Dues                           $  1,000.00

                        Stantec Engineering                                                             $     137.75

                        DemCon                                                                                 $     250.00

                        Louisville Township-160th Street bill-50% split                 $     190.00

                        Dvorak Excavating, Inc                                                         $10,964.00

                        Shelley Pauly Reimbursement         Ink/Cell Phone          $      186.88

                        Payroll                                                                                                $      507.92

                        Payroll                                                                                    $      698.98



                        Bill Schneider – Mileage Reimbursement                           $      135.98

                        Payroll -


              Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous.






Public Comment – Herb said that the LRP Committee is still working on the graphic section of the proposal to the county. There is still time for the public to add any comments or suggestions they would like. 


Brin Rafferty stated that she has not been able to get the townships calendar up on the website.  Bruce informed the residents that he and Shelley will be training on the operation of the website shortly and we will try to keep the information current.




Chad made an amendment to the Agenda to add Auto Nation.


Sheriff’s Department There was no deputy available.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District Mike Myser has been appointed to the watershed board last week.  Sand Point Beach project started last week – putting in sand filters and water catching basins.  Hopefully, the project will be completed by the end of May.  They are also hopeful to get another carp seining done on Prior Lake next Friday, March 9th.  They will also be completing an alm treatment on Spring Lake this spring.  Curt also said the two Solar Gardens in Spring Lake Township will be starting construction soon.


Chad questioned Curt about the email we received from Diane Lynch regarding the Water Plan Review as to what within the plan may be relevant to the township.  Kyle from Stantec said he was working pretty closely with Spring Lake Township with this plan and would advise our board if there was anything that we need to be concerned about.  Chad asked the board to preview the plan and bring any items to the board on April 5th. 


Stantec – Kyle said we are still waiting for the County to go over the grant agreement and sign it.  Kyle thinks we should see the signed copy within the next couple weeks.  Kyle suggested to set up a meeting between Stantec and Sand Creek Board to put together some ideas for the study for Hwy 169.  The board agreed to meet on Wednesday, March 25th at 6 pm at MVEC.  Kyle also mentioned that the road restrictions will be starting on Monday, March 5th. 


Solar Garden Scholarships:   Bruce has shared the scholarship information to everyone involved.  The board asked Shelley to invoice both Al Menke and Gene Hauer for their $1,000.00 portion of the scholarships.  Bruce said the schools invited someone from the township to hand out the actual scholarship to the recipient on the day the students meet.   


Approval of the following:

Motion by Bill to approve the Board of Audit Meeting Minutes, second by Bruce, Unanimous

Motion by Bruce to approve the Reorganization Meeting Minutes, second by Bill, Unanimous                                      


Automobile Nation Requests


Information regarding the request for rezone.  See the below emails regarding this request.


Email to Sand Creek Township from Scott Tennessen (Automobile Nation)

“As the 2020 comp plan comes to a final version, I would like to remind you of Automobile Nation’s request to be placed into a commercial zone. This not only would behoove Sand Creek in additional valuations of said properties, but also increase tax roles for this property. I have been in conversation with Scott County and they fully support this change but would need your help in achieving this goal. We look forward to your support and also look forward to hearing from you with your ideas in this matter of great concern to Automobile Nation. I look forward to your phone contact in regards to this important matter. “


Chad contacted Brad Davis at Scott County and questioned the nonconforming use -   Brad said that Scott can request it, but would have numerous obstacles to get through for this to happen.


Brad Davis’s email back to Scott Tennessen



I have received your request to put your properties to the commercial land use designation on the 2040 Planned Use Map.  This designation would allow you or a future property owner to rezone properties from Urban Expansion Reserve to General Commercial C1.  The rezone could occur after the 2040 Comp Plan is officially adopted by the board which is scheduled for the spring of 2019.  Your request would be forwarded to the County Planning commission prior to a public hearing on the 2040 Comp Plan which is scheduled for Monday April 9th and the Sand Creek Township Chair is aware that your request will be discussed at the public hearing.  After the public hearing, Scott County is required to send the plan to all 11 townships, 7 cities, the school districts, MNDOT and other state agencies for a mandatory 6-month review.  This 6-month review period will occur from April through October, this means the Sand Creek Township board has several months to consider this request and provide the county with any comments on your request before the October deadline.  After the 6 months review period the county board will be asked to conditionally approve the 2040 plan and submit it to the Met Council for review and we are required to submit the 2040 plan to the Met Council by December 31, 2018.  The Met Council states their findings on the county plan in the winter of 2018 and the county officially supports it in the Spring of 2019.


Scott purchased the property knowing the conditions on the property.  There are many conditions that may not allow this request to go through. Chad said that Scott was not able to attend this meeting and will probably be at the next board meeting.








Reports and Discussions:


Bruce Hunstad:  Attended the 2040 Planning Meeting with the rest of the board.  Parks and Trails were the main topic and Bruce said that trails will not go in without the permission of the property owners or the township.  The county is willing to meet with the property owners and show them the whole plan.  2040 Comp Plan is going to go public and have open houses. Bruce said the township has the opportunity to revise any comments we have made on our proposal to the county for the 2040 Plan until October 2018.


Bill Schneider:  Bill attended the SCALE – they are working on an ordinance for vehicle parking for private residences for all cities and townships to be the same.  Another item SCALE is working on is the Public Health Nuisance ordinance.  There is a state statute, but not a county one. 


Road Report: Bill rode with Dvorak plowing snow to experience how long it took to plow the township roads.  He was done after 9 hours and was totally impressed with the way the drivers are concerned about the resident’s property and how the roads are plowed.  Todd requested a Letter of Exemption for the road weight restrictions from the township.  Chad asked Shelley to write one and send it to him to sign and forward to Todd.



Motion by Bruce, second Chad to approve the road report from Bill.  Unanimous                                                                 


Chad Sandey: 


Brad Davis from Scott County questioned Chad on where the Orderly Annexation stands with the city.  Right now, the city is not interested in our current version of the Annexation.  Chad thinks the township should meet again with the city and go through our plan with them again and push a little more on our suggestions.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Shelley Pauly, Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey