Notes from the Long Range Planning Meeting Date April 20, 2017:

          Introduction - Discussion

Four Key Words: Context, Continuity, Connectivity, and Comprehensive – add another word “Regenerative”.  

These terms, as applied, provide a tool to create a well-planned thought-out concept for the development of Sand Creek Township

Sand Creek Township: mostly agricultural with river, streams, wetlands, bluffs, pothole lakes and wildlife corridors

                        Identify Sand Creek Township as a unique township

                        Revisit previous agenda items for discussion

Background /Research - Discussion

Revisit previous agenda items for discussion

Scott County 2030 Comp Plan doesn’t really include townships specifically. This means that Sand Creek needs to be visible to the County and actively participate in the preparation of the 2040 Comp Plan. The County like the Townships, usually ‘react’ and not plan ‘proactively’ to planning issues

Traffic – major intersections include Bluff Drive (but not 173rd because of the hill on the east side and wetlands on the west) - consider a ring road around the City of Jordan – connection of Hwy 10 and Hwy 69 is unrealistic due to Bluffs, Sand Creek, RR and Property Ownership

Retaining walls are an example of development not being land sensitive (plan with the land first then see if retaining walls are necessary) – this is a good indicator of planning and design without regard for the natural lay of the land

Setbacks, as required, should be ‘site specific’– how do we establish, manage and enforce them?

Frontage Roads will bring growth pressure/development and will require foresighted planning to anticipate and provide for lateral impact

Most areas are 1-in-40 or 1-in-10 and there is little vision to future land use planning - verify

Much of the land around County Road 8 was 1-in-10 but now back to 1-in-40 acres - verify

Rural farm families want to sell land & move or put their kids on the land and/or sell to commercial farming or developers

                        Explore Planned Unit Development and Cluster Development

                        Explore how to allow more efficient Smaller Housing -

            Planned Green Space/ Open Space (parks and trails)- being sensitive to natural areas and wildlife

Zoning Districts Agricultural, Residential, Commercial, Light Industrial, Recreational and Natural Areas need to be re-examined for appropriateness

Zoning ordinances are 1-in-10 along bluffs, maybe smaller, because it wasn’t feasible for 1-in-40. Look at the connecting roads in these areas. That guide what we can reasonably do in these areas as long as you don’t impact the natural systems and your neighbors - be site specific

                        Bluff Ordinances – develop criteria and site development standards

                        Site and Building Eligibilities – set standards

                        Purposefully and comprehensively develop land in the Township

                        Development Incentives – provide professional options and alternatives

            What is compatible – how does a proposal ‘fit’ – how to adapt to mitigate

                        Amend for the times but be conscious of future changes – be visionaries

            Intent / Purpose /Objectives - Discussion

We continue to need citizen involvement!  We are tasked with putting forth a recommendation to the township Board later this year. All comments are needed and welcome

Observations - Discussion

Resident Input:  we have growth within the City of Jordan and possible annexation concerns.  We need an annexation agreement immediately.             Encourage the Sand Creek Town Board to be proactive and get moving on an agreement

            Issues - Discussion

Farmers know the land but are encouraged to communicate their concerns

County planners tend to work in two-dimensions and not in ‘real-time’ – usually based on the past situations

Met Council is a bigger issue than Scott County as they are tasked with larger, Seven County, urban issues and do not have the necessary regard for the specifics of the County and Townships

What are the chronic issues?  What are the most common threats to Sand Creek Twp.

                        What are our priorities – define with options – create a list

            Future Topics - Discussion

Annexation - what should we research - we need to assist the Town Board - without an Orderly Annexation agreement the Township can lose opportunities and options as well as missing out on being a participant in the process - it is called ‘Orderly’ for a reason - We must leverage conversations with adjacent townships and the City of Jordan - Jordan wants to expand out into the townships without focusing in on the City itself and developing based their own existing uniqueness

Transportation – Connectivity – Continuity – be concerned for development along the transportation routes and the resultant impact of high traffic volume generated by new development on existing highway and road systems – insist on relevant costs to be born by the developer

Zoning around bluffs – consider “Small Farm Agriculture” or “Urban Agriculture” transitions by way of the “Middle Landscape”

We need buffer transitions between agricultural, residential and commercial properties as well as appropriate buffer setbacks from natural areas and plan and design appropriately for existing drainage patterns and storm water management

Priorities – establish and set



Roads / Bridges

Water Ways

Rail Roads

Utilities – Water, Gas, Electrical, Telephone, Cable, Sewer

Anticipate New Technologies – how to effectively, practically and fairly incorporate into the existing fabric and existing character of the area – require visual screening and/or mitigation of noise, sound and smell to be a part of the land to be developed as well as visual lines to imposing installations by existing residences within at least ¼ mile of the property being developed for screening of off-site locations.  Consider and act constructively regarding the public’s health, safety and welfare particularly as these developments interface with existing built and natural systems

What are the priorities –what are the priorities – define with options and study the impact on existing systems

Anticipate New Technologies


Solar Gardens

Wind Farms


What do we hold as sacred –the late Chairman of the Town Board, Cy Wolf had meticulously recorded innovative ideas – research (Chad Sandey has Cy’s Files) – obtain to discuss – Chad to present

            Planning Process - Discussion

Plans should be developed to accommodate and coordinate the input of the Sand Creek Township citizens, other townships, the City of Jordan, Religious and Educational institutions to complement the Scott County’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan

Find the methods of communication with common concerns.

‘Aggressively’ plan ‘defensively’ - we define it or we live with what is defined for us, good or bad

Work with public and private agencies and authorities to insure medical, emergency, police, social and environmental services

What areas, if any, could be developed?  Define

Start planning where it makes sense– define – set criteria and standards

Protect our Agricultural heritage and industry both large and small

Protect and maintain the wooded bluffs, river, creeks, drainage ways, wetlands, lakes and wildlife refuge

Protect and revere nature

            Initial Summary / Conclusions - Discussion

                                    Keep Sand Creek Township rural and agricultural

Encourage people to develop bigger private lots so that smaller lots, are part of massive developments, have to comply with stringent planning standards and not be implemented until the infrastructure is in place

Defend, protect and maintain our physical character and image

            Recommendations – Discussion

We cannot lay back and wait to ‘react’ to development and changes in Sand Creek Township – we need to be ‘proactive’ – otherwise we are not responsibly guiding development (change) and we become the victims of what happens by way of what we are not doing

We need to establish a ‘dialog’ and better cooperation / coordination with adjoining Townships, Scott County Staff, the City of Jordan, Religious and Educational Institutions

We need more participation and input by the citizens of Sand Creek Township…more effective announcement of scheduled meetings

We need to continue Sand Creek Township’s Long Range Planning (LRP) meetings in order to receive input, establish goals and objectives and set priorities

Herb will create a diagram for potential road designs along Hwy 169 for discussion and consideration

Herb will also bring a 2030 Comp Plan and Scott County Ordinances to the next meeting for reference

Respectfully Submitted by:

Bruce Hunstad, Emily Nordick, Herb Baldwin

            In behalf of:

Chad Sandey, Bill Schneider, Roger Anderson, Bruce Pauly, Mary Pauly, Peggy Dunnette, Greg Pieper, Carl Adams, Travis Cherro