Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

June 7th, 2018   



Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Bruce Hunstad, Treasurer Michelle Rutoski and Shelley Pauly, Clerk


Others Present

Travis Cherro, Emily Nordick, Curt Hennes, Herb Baldwin, Myron Pauly, Deb Pauly and Bob Wolf


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.



Minutes for the May meeting were presented to the Board. Motion to approve the minutes by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous.  Motion to erase the MAY recording of minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for May was submitted by Michelle.  Motion to accept the report by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous. 


Monthly Claims


            Dvorak Excavating                                                       $  16,221.00

            Couri & Ruppe                                                             $       142.50

            Stantec                                                                                    $    9,481.50

            Southwest Newspaper                                                 $       148.01

            Dem Con                                                                      $         23.40

            Scott County                                                                $  21,600.00

            MATIT                                                                          $    1,837.00

            Shelley Pauly   Cell phone Reimbursement                  $       108.78

            Bill Schneider   Dust Coating Stake Reimbursement   $         21.42

            Bill Schneider    Mileage and Reimbursement             $       286.97

            Sibley Aggregates                                                        $       105.93

            Roger Anderson Driveway Escrow Refund                   $    1,000.00

            Tru-North Driveway Escrow Refund                            $    1,000.00

            Payroll                                                                         $       961.59

            Payroll                                                                         $       207.79

            Payroll                                                                         $    1,131.29

            Payroll                                                                         $       438.66

            Payroll                                                                         $       600.27


                                                            Total                            $  55,316.11


                          Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous.



Public Comment – Herb Baldwin expressed his and his neighbor’s appreciation for the work that was done on 185th and Naylor.  The work done was excellent and the road is much safer now.






Sheriff’s Department No Deputy was present.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District Curt advised the board that Stage 2 of the Alm treatment was done on Spring Lake 146,000 gallons of Alm treatment was spread over 80% of the Lake.  This time is was done in the shallower parts of the lake. The coast was about $259000.  Hopefully, the next time it needs to be done will not be for another 8 to 10 years.  There will possibly be an Alm treatment on Upper Prior Lake soon.  The cost for that treatment could run around $500,000.00.  Once the lakes become stable.  The costs will be significantly less.  Spring Lake Access is pretty much completed and looks great.


Stantec –   Base Mapping work is being done right now. Traffic count information is being studied also at this time. The Open House for the businesses was not as great as expected.  Kyle feels they still were able to get some valuable information for the study from the businesses that did attend. He hopes the next Open House for the public next week will be better attended.


Letter from Homeland Security regarding FEMA – Letter was inquiring if the township needed an extension on the FEMA monies.  The township has received all the FEMA money they were entitled to for the Storm of 2014.  Chad asked Shelley to Contact Lisa Freeze at Scott County to make sure that we have competed everything we needed to do.


Annexation Letter from City of Jordan – Annexation meeting at the City of Jordan was attended by a few people.  Bill spoke on behalf of Sand Creek Township and told them that the township supports this annexation because it is for all the children in the area – not just the city of Jordan.  Sand Creek Township is still trying to set a meeting with the City of Jordan to discuss the township’s Orderly Annexation Agreement. 


Capital Improvement Plan – Bruce would like to see a discussion at each township meeting to stay on top of the improvements that are needed in the township.  After the spring Road tour there has been a few items that need to be addressed.  Bruce presented the spreadsheet of the items for the Capital Improvement Plan and explained the markings on it.  As of now, potholes have been filled on Golfview and Sand Creek Drive.  Bruce asked Shelley to look over what has been spent in the last two years on roads.  Ultimately, the township board would like to set up a budget for the road maintenance yearly. 


Dust Coating Update -  Bill said the dust coating process went very well.  It is all completed.  Frost boils have been a problem this year on the roads.  That is something that the board may need to look into. 



Resignation of Treasurer – The board accepted the resignation letter from the treasurer since she will be moving out of the township. Motion to accept Michelle’s resignation by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous.  After some discussion, Motion by Chad to appoint Myron Pauly as Treasurer, second by Bruce, Unanimous.  There was discussion to keep Michelle on as a Deputy Treasurer to help with training.  Motion by Myron as Treasurer to appoint Michelle Rutoski as Deputy Treasurer for Sand Creek Township.  Motion by Chad to accept Myron’s appointment of Michelle Rutoski as Deputy Treasurer, second by Bill, Unanimous.


It was brought before the board by Shelley to ask for assistance in the duties of the clerk to appoint a Deputy Clerk.  After some discussion with Emily Nordick, Motion by Shelley to appoint Emily Nordick as the Deputy Clerk for Sand Creek Township.  Motion by Chad to accept Shelley’s request to appoint Emily, second by Bruce, Unanimous.



Reports and Discussions: 


Road Report:  Roads are in great shape.  Bill will be spraying for the weeds soon. 


Motion by Chad, second Bruce to approve the road report from Bill for June.  Unanimous


Bruce Hunstad:  SCALE Meeting was run by the Jordan Mayor for the next year.  The month of May was about Mental Health.  Janet Williams from Prior lake spoke on the resources available for county residents.  Mental Health information is at the Science Museum also.  There was also discussion on Mental Health awareness in the schools.  Treasurer Resignation Special Meeting was attended to discuss the process


Bill Schneider:  Attended Treasurer Resignation Special Meeting and Bill supports the two decisions that have been made by the board.   Bill also attended the SCALE meeting.


Chad Sandey:  SCALE Meeting, Shakopee Sands, Treasurer Resignation Special Meeting.  Chad asked Bill to comment on the problems Final Grade is having with the explosions at Shakopee Sands.  Shakopee Sands has been made aware of these issues and is trying to be more cautious when close to their facility.  Right now Shakopee Sands will be moving away from Final Grade to do the explosions, so hopefully these will subside.

Chad said the construction on Ace Auto has begun.  Chad also spoke about the business Open House and has asked Kyle to call some of the businesses that did not make the first open house to invite them to the public Open House.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Shelley Pauly, Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey