Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

July 5th, 2018   



Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Bruce Hunstad, Treasurer Myron Pauly, Deputy Treasurer Michelle Rutoski, Shelley Pauly, Clerk and Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


Others Present

Curt Hennes, Herb Baldwin, Kyle Renneke – Stantec, Deb Pauly, Beverly Koehnen, and Deputy Guralink.


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.



Minutes for the June meeting were presented to the Board. Motion to approve the minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.  Motion to erase the June recording of minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for June was submitted by Michelle. After reviewing the report, Motion by Bruce to refund Eric Shaughnessy’s Driveway Escrow of $1,000.00, second by Bill, Unanimous.  This will be done at the August meeting.  Motion to accept the report by Chad, second by Bill, Unanimous. 



Monthly Claims


                        Dvorak Excavating                                                       $ 13,095.50

                        Stantec                                                                                    $   5,667.43

                        Bryan Rock                                                                  $   8,331.30

                        Bond Trust Services Corporation – Interest                 $   7,531.25

                        Northern Salt, Inc                                                        $ 23,052.70

                        Internal Revenue Service                                             $   1,745.92

                        Bruce Hunstad – Conf, Mileage Reimbursement          $      172.32

                        Shelley Pauly – Mileage/Cell Phone Reimburse           $        95.70

                        Bond Trust - Service Fee                                              $      475.00

                        Bill Schneider – Mileage Reimbursement                    $      112.28

                        Payroll                                                                         $   3,387.16


                                                            Total                                        $ 63,666.56


                        Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous.



Public Comment – Herb Baldwin spoke about the City of Jordan’s 2040 Comp Plan is available and wanted to know when the board would be discussing this plan.  Chad said that the board will be reviewing the plan and he would like to have this on the agenda for next month. 


Chad amended the agenda by adding:


Menke Solar Garden Update

Discuss the Jordan Comp Review





Sheriff’s Department:  Deputy Guralick was present at the meeting and stated that we had 53 calls in the month of  June.  Three of the calls were for thefts in the township at Greystone Lane, 165th Street and Ridges of Sand Creek Golf Course.  The other calls were minor issues. 


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Lakefront Music Festival is this upcoming weekend.  Lakefront Days is the first weekend in August.  PLSPWD will have a kiosk at Lakefront Days.  Curt brought in an article from the DNR regarding the coy goldfish that carry the coy herpes virus that kill carp and only carp.   DNR is still testing and the WD is waiting for the results to see if it would work in Prior Lake instead of the expensive seining process. 


Stantec – TH 169 Corridor Study:  Kyle reported that Stantec has been holding a few internal meetings regarding the study and concept designs.  Kyle said they will be planning some meetings with the county to discuss the concept designs and will keep the board informed of when the meetings are.   Herb asked if Stantec made any progress with the City of Jordan as far as the 169 study.  Kyle said Stantec will take a look at the Jordan Comp Plan that is now available. 

Beverly asked if there was any information available for her to look at right now.  Kyle said he could post on Sand Creek’s website the timeline of the study.  It is still in a working process.  The draft report of the study should be available sometime in September or October for the Board. Beverly had some questions and had still not received any answers from Stantec.  Kyle agreed to go back to the office and get the answers.


Capital Improvement Plan: The plan is used to plan for the repairs that are needed with in the township.  Bruce updated the report and said the potholes have been filled.  Bill is getting bids for patchwork and tree trimming in the fall.   Bruce went over a few budget items by looking at the past year’s expenses.  Our goal is to try and set up a budget as to what percentage of the budget is spent right away in the spring, then during the summer and follow-up in the fall.  We also need to set some aside for emergencies.  Bruce said the summer training session had some good discussion on gravel roads and how the different townships handle their monies.  Bruce will continue to work on the list that has been created and will just keep working on it.


DRT Meeting for Rosti Construction:  Rosti is located on Grey Stone Lane – across the street from Thread Logic.

They specialize in sound walls along highways – all different kinds of materials. DemCon owns the land and will be leasing it to Rosti.  Rosti is going through the county to get approval.  Rosti will probably appear before the township board for a recommendation at the August meeting. 


Website Updates: Bruce is now updating the website as he can.  He will be training Shelley and Emily on how work with it. 

Some of the residents have requested a few more additions to the website and we are trying to work to get these items added.  Bruce said all the meeting agenda, minutes, calendar etc have been updated.  We will be adding a link to the 2040 comp plan and also the CIP Update.  Bruce, Emily and Shelley will be meeting on August 1 for training and updating.

Motion by Bruce to renew the domain name for 5 years for $220.00 for our website, second by Bill, Unanimous


Rural Fire Update:   The fire department had their semi-annual meeting in June.  They updated the group on their activities.  Applied for a grant for new breathing apparatuses.  Bruce said the number of incidences have gone way up in part due to the road construction. The department responds to almost every call that goes out whether it is an accident, medical call or fire which also increases the number of calls. Next Rural Fire Department Meeting is January 23, 2019. 


Menke Solar Garden Update: Chad received a phone call from Joe Menke – who is a neighbor to one of the solar gardens.  Joe was concerned regarding the water run off during heavy rains with the moving of the dirt.  The pond is filling up and going over the overflow and it is not holding it.  It goes over and Joe then gets a lot of the run off.  After contacting the county and observation of the rain run off – they have agreed that it was not engineered correctly to how it historically ran.  Marty from the county is putting together a letter that will be sent to Next Era to have them fix the outlet of the pond to go the way it historically went into the 282 ditch and not the Pueblo ditch.  Joe was pleased that everything is being looked into and handled.




Jordan’s 2040 Comp Plan Review:  Notice was sent out that Jordan’s 2040 Comp Plan is available for comment now.  It is quite lengthy.  Chad asked the board to read over what they can and it will be on the agenda for the August meeting. The township has been trying to set up a meeting with the town of Jordan to discuss the Orderly Annexation Agreement that the township has designed.  Herb requested a copy of the OAA and Bruce said that he can get a copy of the draft.


Driveway permit signed for Phil and Renee Geis and Utility Permit signed for Center Point Energy for Ace Auto.



Reports and Discussions: 



Bruce Hunstad:  Bill and Bruce attended the Summer Short Courses put on by the Township and it was about Gravel Roads and felt it was very informative.  Discussed frost boils and wash boarding problems on them.  July 31st to August 14th is the time frame to fill out the candidacy forms filled out for Elections. 


Bill Schneider:  Bill also thought the Gravel Road short Course was very informative.  Bill was not aware that the gravel roads need to be hinged.  Todd said that is where the roads slope down.  Service Delivery meeting for SCALE.  County is trying to get the census accurate on the webpages’.


Road Report:  Bill said the roads are all in pretty good condition.  It could dry up a little.


Motion by Chad, second Bruce to approve the road report from Bill for June.  Unanimous


Chad Sandey:  Chad said everything he had already been discussed.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 pm by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Shelley Pauly, Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey