Board of Audit Minutes
February 21, 2018
Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative
Present: Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce
Hunstad, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Treasurer
Michelle Rutoski, and Clerk Shelley Pauly.
The Board of
Audit meeting was called to order by Chad Sandey at 6:00 pm.
The 2017
Revenue and Expenses worksheet was presented by Michelle, Treasurer, and Shelley,
Clerk. The 2017 books have been
balanced. After comparing each other’s
reports, it was noticed that there were a couple numbers in different expense
funds and a couple transposing of numbers.
These differences were corrected and the two balanced out. The board reviewed the report.
questioned the investment balances in both the Road and Bridge column and the
Park Fund. Chad explained these are Certificate
of Deposit investments. These funds are
only to be used for the specific items they are listed under, so the township
has them in CD’s thus receiving a small amount of interest.
Chad and
Bill mentioned there has been some work done on the roads this year to keep
them in good shape and a couple emergency situations, that is the reason for a
larger disbursement amount for the Road and Bridge Fund.
After discussion
on some disbursements to make sure they were coded to the right account number,
a motion by Chad to accept the 2017 Statement
of Receipts, Disbursements and Balances (Schedule 1) as presented by the
Treasurer and Clerk, seconded by Bill, Unanimous.
Motion by
Bruce to close the meeting, seconded by Bill, Unanimous. Meeting closed at 7:50 pm
Chad Sandey,
Pauly, Clerk