Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

August 2nd, 2018       



Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Treasurer Myron Pauly, Shelley Pauly, Clerk and Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


Others Present

Curt Hennes, Kyle Renneke – Stantec, Diane Lynch – PLSPWD, Annette Chlan, Herb Baldwin and Deb Pauly


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.



Minutes for the July meeting were presented to the Board. Motion to approve the minutes by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous.  Motion to erase the July recording of minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for July was submitted by Myron. After reviewing the report, Motion to accept the report by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous. 



Monthly Claims


                        Stantec                                                                        $ 20,111.46

                        Dvorak Excavating                                                       $   5,676.50

                        Bryan Rock                                                                  $   3,251.25

                        Eric Shaughnessy – Driveway Escrow                           $   1,000.00

                        Shelley Pauly – Mileage/Expenses                               $      277.77

                        Bill Schneider – Mileage/Expenses                              $        71.96

                        Bruce Hunstad – Conf, Mileage Reimbursement         $      172.32

                        Michelle Rutoski – Reissue Check #6289                      $      438.66

                        Payroll                                                                         $   2,558.08


                                                            Total                                        $ 33,385.68


                        Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous.



Public Comment – Curt Hennes offered his regular discussion time to the Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District Administrator Diane Lynch




Sheriff’s Department:  was not present at the meeting. 


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Diane Lynch asked for the township to review the PLSL Watershed District Management Plan. Diane reported there are upcoming meetings on August 16 and October 18. They are also budgeting for projects in the coming year. Chad recommended 2 projects on Red Wing Ave. One, at the junction of 10 and 282 as there is a ditch problem coming from the runoff and erosion from a field down into the Red Wing east ditch and causing deterioration of the road bed. May need a buffer strip or re-shaping of the ditch or a better reservoir before it crosses into the inlet to get across 10. The second project would be north bound on Red Wing near the s-curves. Seven years ago, there was ditch reclamation on the east side of the road next to Swamp Lake. Now there is water runoff from the top of a field in the northwest that runs down towards Swamp Lake. All of the erosion has completely filled the ditch again. It needs to be cleaned out so that the water drains out properly. There is so much top soil coming off that it may need a buffer strip or terracing. The last project would be on 10 near Sutton Lake. There has been recent sloughing near the culvert on the north side of the road. Discussions were about how PLSLWD was started (citizen request), their mission statement, and how they are funded – budget, levy, and grant. Chad asked about the site map and how many sites were agricultural vs heavy population. Questions were asked about how often sampling was done at each of these sites, and if the data collected for nutrient loading was compared between the two. Chad suggested that the data from the densest areas is given the same amount of representation as the data from the rural areas. It is important the plan does not fall behind as technology has changed since 2013 when the plan was first created. There was concern by the Board members about how much power the Watershed Districts have. Curt Hennes replied that the PLSL Watershed District cares the most about water quality. If it is an issue, they want their voice heard. Diane explained that they have a memorandum of agreement with the Cities of Prior Lake, Savage, and Scott County so they do not permit. Their rules are equivalent to the PLSL Watershed Districts rules. The only city they do not have an agreement with is Shakopee and they are working on it.


Rays Remodeling Inc:  Kevin Ray was not present at the meeting, but asked about building permit via email. He will need to work with Scott County. If they need a driveway permit for the house in Cedar Valley, Shelley can sign off on it.


Rosti Construction Recommendation:  Rosti Construction will meet August 13th to discuss the CUP with the county and review the plans. It is important to the township that they are required to keep the yard and equipment organized. During the work season the equipment is kept at the construction site, off season it is kept on site. There are minimum screening requirements as a part of the CUP which includes fencing. They construct sound walls as a business and would like to show examples of their work as the screening. A comment was made as to limit the height of the sound walls. After further discussion it was agreed to amend Condition #11. An amendment to Condition #11 states: “To allow sound wall partitions to be constructed as part of the fence surrounding the outside storage yard. The sound wall partitions shall not exceed 14 feet in height and the Applicant would still install landscaping materials pursuant to the plan.” Motion by Chad to approve the request by Rosti Construction as recommended by Zoning Administration staff to allow sound wall partitions with the amendment to condition #11 as stated above, second by Bruce, Unanimous. 



Stantec – TH 169 Corridor Study:  Kyle reported that Stantec had met with the town board on August 1 to discuss the 169 concepts to date. They have reviewed their mapping, data, utilities, and old studies and have completed 48-hour traffic counts off of Bluff Drive, and 166th. Of the traffic coming on to 169 in that area, 50% is heavy trucks. Safety summaries define the biggest reasons for crashes are rear-ending and running off the road. These are most likely due to trucks pulling out in front of someone or slow acceleration from trucks or passenger cars turning onto 169. Some cars are getting hit as other vehicles are having to swerve around them. Those crashes account for 2/3 of the accidents. Kyle said that the concept designs started with minimal median designs to full intersections. From 10 concepts they have reduced the number to 2 or 3 with one overpass that goes over 169 or 169 is raised up and the crossing traffic would go underneath 169. Having some acceleration and deceleration lanes on the east side of 169 is a better concept due to the railroad tracks on the west side or a right in or right or access. They are now looking at adding vertical elevations, land usage, swamps, and land cost. There will be a meeting with MNDOT and the Federal Highway Department on Monday, August 6th.


Golfview Drive: Kyle met with Bill and Bruce to look at pavement and patching. They are working on getting quotes and adding them to the CIP.


Bluff Drive: Bill asked about the contractor and if they were going to fix the problem of nothing growing on the Bluff project. Kyle explained that we have not passed our warranty period yet so it is a good time to bring it up. Replacing the seed and a new tree is needed.



Capital Improvement Plan: The plan is used to plan for the repairs that are needed with in the township.  Bruce updated the report and explained that we would set aside 80% of the Road and Bridge levy for maintenance and 20% for CIP. We would keep track of expenditures until September 1st. Try to limit the amount spent up to that time so we can see what we have left for the year. We would require two accounts – one for Road and Bridge and one for CIP so the monthly finance treasurer report would list both as a sub type under the General Account. We would be able to see how much we spend month to month. We would know if we need to put off tree trimming until the following year or use some of it towards salt and sanding. If we can keep the spending below 60% until September, then 40% would go towards the rest of the year. The monthly agenda would review the balances as a topic of discussion. Kyle (Stantec) brought up that there is a conglomerate that puts all of the projects together from cities, townships, and the county to get a better price. Burnsville manages it and charges $100 to administer. The township is interested in joining. There was further discussion on road maintenance and techniques on chip sealing, seal coating, fogging, and sealing new asphalt to extend its life.


City of Jordan 2040 Comp Plan: Chad said that there is still time for approvals. Supervisors are to make a list of comments for the next meeting in September. Bruce said that the Annexation map compared to the post 2040 city limits map doesn’t include Golfview, but goes east, south and north. We want them to change the future 2040 Comp Plan to stop at the township boundaries. The Comp Plan should be kept on all of the future agendas, including the PLSL Watershed District Management Plan. We may have to revise our plan as well. The City of Jordan got approval from the Met Council to up their population counts from the 2030 Plan to the 2040 Plan and that is driving a lot of what we are seeing. Chad went to a meeting that affected Sand Creek. Topics included were Automobile Nation and their request for re-zoning, the ring road concept that Herb Baldwin added that extends from 173rd Street to Xanadu all the way down to 8, and zoning in Prior Lake on two sections of land near 160th and County Road 79 from Urban Reserve to Urban Transition. Chad thought it was curious that Mike Waltman from City of Jordan was there to address the ring road since it would go through the township. The ring road concept needs to be discussed for the City of Jordan and Scott County’s 2040 Comp Plans.


DRT Meetings Invoicing to Applicants:  In the past, an escrow account was setup for businesses right away and the treasurer would transfer escrow balances from the account to pay supervisors for the DRT or development meetings. In some cases, applicants were not getting billed correctly. There should be some written communication with Scott County that explains to an Applicant that the township supervisors are to be paid $75 per supervisor per meeting (instead of $50) and that the township will be billing the Applicant for those costs. Kyle (Stantec) suggested a fee schedule per meeting type and time commitment - commercial, development, etc. By the Yard and Noble RV escrow accounts need to be reviewed to determine the correct balances. There is an issue with Shakopee Sands as they used to be called Great Plains Sand and owned by a different group (not Fairmount Santrol). There was a $5,000 escrow account that the township used and eventually went negative so Rita billed them. GPS complained that there were multiple government bodies billing them (townships and the county) and they weren’t going to keep paying for all of the duplicate billing. Scott County setup a GPS development review team to manage the billing. Now GPS is owned by Fairmount Santrol. Scott County will be letting the township know in September how we are supposed to be billing Fairmount Santrol. Shakopee Sands money has been coming out of our General Account and not getting reimbursed. Leave Shakopee Sands on the agenda for September.


Website Updates: Bruce has updated agendas and meetings including the Fire Meeting in January 2019. He has created a Roads and Maintenance tab and included the 169 Corridor information. He plans to train Emily and Shelley this month so that more of us know how to update the website. He thinks the most important item is to get the email notifications working so subscribers can see when the website is updated.



Reports and Discussions: 



Bruce Hunstad:  Bruce went to the Stantec meeting on Golfview Drive and the workshop for the town board. He has been working on the CIP and website. 


Bill Schneider:  Bill had no other meetings.


Road Report:  Bill said there were some rough roads especially Valley View near the SCALE facility. We need to get some rain for grading. He talked to Scott County about grading as they were the ones who put down the dust coating on Valley View. He filled holes on 170th and Zumbro and a turn on Sawmill Road due to complaints. He had Dvorak Excavating put down ¾ inch with fines down on Red Wing between 10 and 282 and on 10 from South Sutton to Red Wing because there was black dirt showing up after grading. A discussion started about using mixed materials for South Sutton. A comment was made that we need to better our roads by adding a crown and more materials. Should we experiment with South Sutton to replace the black dirt with clay or other material? Todd thought about $7,000 to fix South Sutton and may need a couple of spots touched up afterward. There was a long discussion about road shape management techniques and which roads are in the worst shape and why. Motion by Bruce, second Chad to approve the road report from Bill for July.  Unanimous.


Chad Sandey:  Chad went to the county meeting regarding Automobile Nation and their request for re-zoning. Mr. Tennison was “an angel” sweet talking the Planning Commission. Chad told the Planning Commission that Mr. Tennison bought the property with the CUP on it. He agreed to the conditions of the CUP. Now he is asking the county to change it and spot zone it. A previous discussion explained the site geographical challenges. Mr. Tennsion bought the property knowing he can never change the zoning because it was grand-fathered in. The Planning Commission agreed with Chad’s statements.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 pm by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey