Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

September 7th, 2023


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor Lee Kes, Treasurer Kevin Nordick, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Gayle Bowler, Ursula Bedeaux, Chuck Devaney, Brandon Dahl, Brin Rafferty, Amy Bedeaux, Carl Adams, Deb Pauly, Peggy Jo Dunnette, Nate Heinz, Dan Wolf, Travis Cherro, Bryan Petzel – ISG (Shakopee Sands/Covia), and Todd Dvorak – Dvorak Excavating.


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:06pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social distancing.



Minutes for the August meeting and August 25th Special Meeting were presented to the Board. Amendment to the August meeting minutes changing from Amy to Ursula Bedeaux. Motion to accept the August Meeting Minutes by Bruce, second by Chad, Unanimous at 7:08pm. Motion to accept the August 25th Special Meeting Minutes by Bruce, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:09pm. Motion to delete the August meetings recording of minutes by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:05pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for August was submitted by Kevin. Kevin moved the 3 expiring CDs at 3% interest to higher interest CDs at 5.28% for 5-month term. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:10pm.


Monthly Claims


Dvorak Excavating (gravel and grading)                      $    5,434.00

                        Stantec Consulting Services (planning & zoning)         $  11,989.44

                        Dem-Con (waste disposal)                                           $         62.01

                        Couri & Ruppe (city/town attorney)                            $       125.00

                        Scott County Treasurer (seal coating invoice)              $  79,484.85

                        New Prague Mini Storage (storage unit rent)              $       120.00

                        Gov Office (annual website hosting fee)                      $       895.70

                        SW News Media (publishing meetings/legal)               $       560.09

                        Louisville Township (1/2 shingle mix on 160th St.)       $  13,045.80

                        Maggie Gallentine (cell phone)                                    $         49.84

                        Lee Kes (August mileage – 344 miles)                          $       162.44

                        Kevin Nordick (mileage to MAT meeting, printer ink) $         54.25

Payroll                                                                         $    1,060.00

Payroll                                                                         $       240.00

Payroll                                                                         $       480.00

Payroll                                                                         $       720.00

Payroll                                                                         $       640.00

Payroll                                                                         $       680.00



                                                            Total                                         $ 115,803.42


Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:14pm.



Public Comment:  Chad explained to attendees that the St. Peter Swine Vet Center had withdrawn their proposal from Scott County Planning and Zoning. Peggy Jo Dunnette wanted to remind everyone that ground water is precious and should not be taken for granted. Even the City of St. Paul is in a water crisis and asking their residents to be mindful of their water usage. Brin Rafferty asked if the Swine research facility would they would try again to propose the research facility. Chad responded that they realized they weren’t wanted here and will take their business elsewhere. Brin asked who makes the final decision? Chad responded with the process that starts with a “DRT” (Development Review Team) meeting which includes representatives from multiple County departments (Planning/Zoning, Transportation, Environment, etc.) as well as Township Board members. Scott County is our planning and zoning authority, but the Township Board does provide input to the decision-making process. Chuck Devaney noted that the Swine Vet Center has been turned down in other places before here.




Sheriff’s Department: Det. Muelken provided the Sheriff’s Report. It stated there were 49 calls in August, down from 53 calls for July. Calls included: 4 alarms, 3 suspicious, 11 traffic, 3 accidents, 7 medicals, 3 disturbances (JAF & KOA), 3 hazards and 2 animals. So far, the Renaissance Festival parking has been calm and people are using the shuttles.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Christian Morkeberg said their 2024 budget is being worked on and finalized. The Sutton Lake iron-enhanced sand filter will be discussed at their next meeting and what location it is to be placed along with the cost. They are waiting for a report on the iron system located in Ditch 13. The Watershed District has provided $55,000.00 to support efforts for Farmer-led Council cost share projects. They are looking for feedback from residents on Fish Lake and Swamp Lake projects.


Stantec: Matt Stordahl provided updates on the following Projects/Topics: Sand Creek Drive and Twin Oak Circle Project: A special meeting was held on August 25th to award the bid to Prior Lake Blacktop. The project will begin middle-end of this month. Notices will be sent to residents affected. Engineer’s estimate: $375,000 with residents paying: $5,060. Actual bid: $224,000 with residents paying: $3,025. TH 169 Bluff Drive Overpass Project: There has been 100% plan review by MNDOT. We are waiting on road review and an approval from the railroad. Minor bridge maintenance (snow plowing, street sweeping and storm drain cleaning) is owned by the Township. Major maintenance (re-decking, retaining wall repair, etc.) is 2/3 Township responsibility. According to MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships), no Townships own major maintenance over a trunk highway in the State of Minnesota. We are working to get that major responsibility pushed down to zero. Scott County may push out bid until Spring while we wait for the railroad to respond. Questions from Residents: Brin asked why MNDOT thinks it’s a good idea why the Township should be charged 2/3 of the cost. A resident asked about the signage from Hwy 14 to southbound TH 169 to have a sign that notifies drivers of cars merging ahead. Matt noted that MNDOT signage and acceleration lanes are difficult topics. Amy Bedeaux commented on the potholes on Bluff Drive and TH 169 and can MNDOT fix them. Matt explained the pothole repair should be done in spite of upcoming road projects and will discuss with MNDOT. LPP (Local Partnership Program) Grant: Sand Creek Township was selected as a Grant recipient. The Township will receive $540,000.00 which will cover one-half of the Project cost. The Project is to connect Jordan Avenue to 173rd Street West and close access to 2 railroad crossings and 2 entrances/exits to TH 169. Design Plans will be started next year and construction is planned to start in the fall. Scott County cannot take the lead on the project. Stantec can do Scope/Schedule/Budget. LRIP (Local Road Improvement Program) Funding: They are looking for safety and economic development possibilities. Matt thinks that based on recent events on Valley View Road may be a good idea. Chad thought that the Bluff Drive Overpass and surrounding road projects might be considered. Matt explained that the timing of those may not work.


Shakopee Sand IUP (Interim Use Permit) Amendment: Bryan Petzel provided and update at Louisville Township’s meeting regarding the IUP Amendment and Development Agreement. Chad explained recent events. Covia will no longer be mining the property and plans to sell it. The reclamation plan for Covia property had to change as not all land has been mined. The buildings were expected to be torn down, but the buyer now wants to use them. The Amendment is to update the language in both IUP reclamation Plan and the Developer’s Agreement. The IUP has been approved by Louisville Township. Motion by Chad to approve the Third Amendment to Development Agreement contingent upon Township Attorney review and approval. I further move to recommend to Scott County approval of Shakopee Sand, LLC’s requested Amendment to the Interim Use Permit provided that the proposed amendment is substantially consistent with the terms of the Third Amendment to the Development Agreement, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:19pm.


Comp Plan Amendment Discussion: Chad noted the Township submitted paperwork for a Comp Plan Amendment to Scott County in August to change the zoning from Urban Business Reserve to Rural Business Reserve which will allow for outside storage in the industrial area along Valley View Drive. All jurisdictions have been notified and have 60 days for review and responses (ends October 8th). At the end of the 60 days, a public hearing could be held in November with the Scott County Planning Commission. Residents, businesses, and jurisdictions can comment at the hearing. The Board of Commissioners could vote on it in December and then send to the Met Council in January if it’s approved as it passes through each phase. Chad read from the letter sent with Comp Plan Amendment proposal. Brin asked for clarification that Jordan wants to Annex that portion of Valley View Drive. Chad confirmed the statement. Travis Cherro reminded Chad that the City of Jordan refused to enter an Orderly Annexation Agreement. Peggy Jo Dunnette still opposes the Amendment because of the thin soil, aquifer, and Minnesota Valley wildlife area.


Town Road Mileage Certification: Bruce commented the mileage appears correct (addition of section that connects Berkshire Ave. with Bluff Drive) but the map is not correct. Motion by Chad to approve…, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:44pm. Bruce is asking for a better breakdown of construction costs and not just estimates. Chad agrees. Matt explained the MNDOT bid forms. Brandon at SRF is working on breakdown of costs.


CIP Updates: Bruce wants to continue to plan for future projects. He reminded the Board that the ARPA funds can be used for culvert replacement. We need to designate ARPa funds by the end of the year. Measurements for culverts were complete on September 5th. Scope of work needed from Matt for 173rd Street, Harlow, and Naylor so Todd Dvorak can bid on them.


Website Update: Emily explained she added the Levy meeting to the Calendar and sent the mass emails about the St. Peter Swine Vet Center. Task List: Emily noted that she removed the completed items (CIP Sand Creek Drive & Twin Oak Circle, JPA Road Maintenance, MNDOT Unofficial Detours reimbursement, and added culverts to the ARPA Funds topic.




Lee Kes Road Report: Lee reported a resident wants to replace the culvert under his driveway. If it replacing and extending the culvert, no Permit is needed as it is for an existing driveway. Size and elevation of the new culvert are the same. Todd Dvorak graded South Sutton and Red Wing as they were really bad. He had to cut the washboard out of the roads and is down to the base. We will need to add material and take care of the ditch. Todd has been informed a Resident on Pueblo Blvd. on a hairpin turn ends up with a lot of gravel in the ditch.


Bruce Hunstad: Bruce reported attending Shakopee Sand/Covia meeting(s) and worked on updating the one-pager with Matt to give to the TH 169 Corridor Coalition.


Chad Sandey:  Chad attended many meetings with Shakopee Sand/Covia, and is going to the SCALE meeting on Friday (September 8th). Maggie added the Road Easement meeting on September 20th.


Motion to adjourn the meeting by Bruce, second by Lee, Unanimous at 9:07pm.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey