Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

September 2nd, 2021


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad (via zoom), Supervisor Bill Schneider, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Curt Hennes – PLSLWD, Mike DeRoma, Travis Cherro, Herb Baldwin, and Deb Pauly. Todd Dvorak showed after the meeting was over.


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social distancing.



Minutes for the August meeting were presented to the Board. Motion to accept the August Meeting Minutes by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:05pm. Motion to erase the August recording of minutes by Chad, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:05pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for September was submitted by Myron.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:06pm.


Monthly Claims


                        Dvorak Excavating (grading, gravel)                            $ 10,655.00

                        Curb 2 Curb Inc. (street sweeping)                               $   1,123.00

                        Valley Paving (bituminous mix)                                   $      192.20

                        Stantec Consulting (general engineering)                    $ 18,983.75

                        Couri & Ruppe (general legal)                                     $      170.00

                        Dem Con (mattress, box spring disposal)                     $        58.50

                        New Prague Mini Storage (Aug rent)                           $      113.00

                        Maggie Gallentine (cell phone)                                    $        46.68

                        Bill Schneider (mileage: road inspect, patching)          $      479.66

Payroll                                                                         $      975.00

Payroll                                                                         $      170.00

Payroll                                                                         $      555.00

Payroll                                                                         $      555.00

Payroll                                                                         $          0.00

Payroll                                                                         $      520.00



                                                            Total                                         $ 34,596.79


Motion by Chad to accept the monthly charges as read, with the exception of the Scott County invoice (crack fill) for $9,876.09 until we know which roads were listed with Maggie to call Joe Wiita, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:14pm.



Public Comment:  none





Sheriff’s Department: Deputy Strack spoke about the Report that listed 56 calls, up from 53 last month: 20 traffic, 3 alarms, and 7 medicals. The juvenile calls are from JAF, and there was a death at Valley View. There were also 2 criminal sexual conduct calls, one call is under investigation, the other involved a couple at the campground whose adult female recovering addict daughter met an adult male recovering addict who raped her. Phase 2 of TH 282 Project will be ending and Phase 3 beginning on September 17th.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Curt Hennes mentioned the Watershed District senior staff changes in planning, regulation, and permitting. Monday, October 4th from 1 to 4pm will be walk the outlet channel. Shakopee Mdewankanton Sioux Community may be having another water treatment plant tour. It is a state-of-the-art facility. There will be three Manager position postings next year – Bruce and Steve in March, Curt in June. City of Prior Lake bought their own street sweeper which will be good for water quality. SCALE meetings are now in person at Link Event Center. Flooding on the east coast due to Hurricane Ida is a “one in 500-year event”. What does this mean for future infrastructure?


Stantec: Matt Stordahl provided updates on the following Projects/Topics: Hwy 2982 Project: Phase 2 (Lydia Road to Dairy Lane) ends September 17th. Phase 3 starts from Dairy Lane to Hwy 13 and should be completed by the end of October. He suggested we check gravel roads to make sure un-official detour expenses are collected and submitted. Bruce said that Diane Langenbach (MNDOT) has seen the 3-year gravel expenditures. Matt explained that we should have repair work done (if any) before the end of October. TH 169 Overpass Project: Scott County and SRF are working with access being shifted from Bluff Drive to 166th. We are trying to include the Jordan Ave. pavement, the intersection of Bluff Drive and Jordan Ave. update, and update Berkshire where it is not getting upgraded into the project so costs can be consolidated. Bruce agreed these projects need to be included to understand the costs to the Township for funding or bonding. Estimates are needed from Stantec. Berkshire Extension: They had the layout approval committee meeting with no comments back yet. At the PMT meeting, MNDOT folks agreed to start formal design work. By The Yard, Sport Wheels, Cemstone driveways are done with no change to Sport Wheels. Cemstone is keeping two driveways, one on Berkshire and one on 166th. By The Yard is expanding and adding a second driveway. Project schedule is on track, with the costs being a little over due to moving the overpass to Bluff Drive. ARPA Funds: No updates, nothing to report.


Legal Seminar: Maggie registered Chad and Bill. Maggie will post the meeting.


Website Update and Task List: Emily created pages for TH 169 Projects including Overpass, Berkshire Ave. Extension, and Sand Creek Projects and added “New webpages for TH 169 Projects” with links in the News section. The Overpass page includes the link to Scott County’s webpage for the Overpass. Emily to add 166th Street to Jordan Ave. to the TH 169 Overpass page. Bruce suggested we inform businesses in area to look at the website pages for updates. Task List: Added Sand Creek Township Projects to the list. Chad and Bruce completed their Board of Appeals training.




Bruce Hunstad: Bruce attended the TH 169 PMT meetings, and took the Board of Appeals training.


Bill Schneider:  Bill attended the District 4 meeting.


Road Report:  Bill commented that he picked up a lot of trash including a dishwasher, iron, stove and tires. He setup for blacktop patching, worked with a resident on Morlock Drive about a resident was leaving trash containers out too far onto the road, checked roads before and after grading. Trees are being removed, grass cutting, and ditch cleaning at Zumbro & 170th Street. Motion by Bruce to approve the Road Report, second Chad, Unanimous at 8:04pm.


Chad Sandey:  Chad received multiple resident calls, worked with Couri & Ruppe activities, attended the District 4 meeting and ARPA Funds meeting. Chad commented that it shouldn’t matter which account the funds come into. Having Jeff Krieger (MAT) come from Scott County is going to be beneficial to us. Some counties have gotten their funds already. Myron to speak to investment person at Frandsen Bank to find highest interest type of account. SCALE is the first live meeting in 18 months. Getting people back together and interpersonal contact is so important. Chad took the Board of Appeals training. At the Shakopee Sands (Covia) meeting, Covia did not have time to respond to Bob Ruppe’s comments that the proposed reclamation is lacking and suggested rigorous tracking like dust issues and to dial in control on loose items. Covia needs to revise their reclamation plan to address Bob Ruppe’s comments so we can meet again at the end of September. Marty Schmitz, Lisa Frieze, and Joe Wiita discussed the overpass project with Covia. Covia is involved in the Overpass Project as they lease the land from Q-Prime and there is a legal right-of-way action beginning there.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:21pm by Bill, second by Chad, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey