Sand Creek Township
Monthly Meeting Minutes
September 1st, 2022
Officers Present
Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad (via Zoom), Treasurer Myron Pauly, Deputy
Treasurer Kevin Nordick, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily
Nordick. Supervisor Bill Schneider did not attend.
Others Present
Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Ben Burnett –
PLSLWD, Todd Dvorak – Dvorak Excavating, Det. Muelken – Sheriff’s Department,
and Jason Preston.
Called to Order
The regular monthly meeting was called
to order at 7:08pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social
Minutes for the August meeting were presented to the Board. Motion
to accept the August Meeting Minutes by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:10pm.
Motion to erase the August recording of minutes by Chad, second by Bruce,
Unanimous at 7:11pm.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report for September was submitted by Myron. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce,
second by Chad, Unanimous at 7:13pm.
Monthly Claims
Dvorak Excavating (gravel,
grading, tree trimming) $ 10,707.53
Bryan Red Rock Products
(gravel & rock) $
Pentagon Materials $ 1,121.99
Couri & Ruppe
P.L.L.P. (general legal fees) $
Victor Lundeen Company
(500 township checks) $ 336.67
Dem-Con Companies (small
furniture disposal) $ 89.51
New Prague Mini Storage
(September rent) $ 116.00
Final Grade (driveway
escrow) $ 1,000.00
Xcel Energy (5 driveways
escrow) $ 5,000.00
Maggie Gallentine (cell
phone) $
Kevin Nordick (mileage) $ 53.13
Stantec Consulting
Services (general engineering) $ 3,445.75
GovOffice (website license
and upgrades) $ 845.00
Martha Reger (Head
Election Judge & training) $ 362.81
Houston Niesche (Head
Election Judge & training) $ 360.00
Lance Schmitt (Head
Election Judge & training) $ 350.00
Emily Nordick (Election
Judge & training) $ 310.63
Kristy Johnson (Election
Judge & training) $ 170.63
Bill Johnson (Election
Judge & training) $ 183.19
Deb Pauly (Election
Judge & training) $ 172.71
Janice Lennox (Election
Judge & training) $ 157.50
Barbara Simonson
(Election Judge & training) $ 166.25
Catherine Rogers
(Election Judge & training) $ 186.09
Maggie Gallentine
(Election Judge & training) $ 122.50
Maggie Gallentine (Food
for election) $ 348.59
Steven Gallentine
(Election Day setup & teardown) $ 190.21
Payroll $ 1,070.00
Payroll $ 300.00
Payroll $ 630.00
Payroll $ 400.00
Payroll $ 555.00
Payroll $ 660.00
Payroll $ 0.00
Total $ 33,410.50
by Chad to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:24pm.
Two checks were removed, one was a mistake, and the
other needs to have Clerk’s, Treasurer’s, Deputy Treasurer’s and Matt
Stordahl’s time taken out of the balance. Bruce said he still hasn’t heard from
Curb To Curb yet.
Public Comment: None.
Sheriff’s Department: Det. Muelken spoke
about this month’s Report that listed 65 calls for service, up from 55 last
month: 10 traffic stops, 3 agency assists, 12 medical, 6 accidents, 1
disturbance, 3 civil, 4 suspicious, 2 welfare and 2 alarms. Renaissance
Festival has not had many issues.
Prior Lake Spring Lake
Watershed District: Ben Burnett introduced himself to the Board.
He mentioned the budgeting for the Levy and that they are still looking for
someone to fill the Project Manager position. Working with Farmer Led Council
to make them aware of programs available. Chad thanked Ben for coming to the
meeting to keep us informed in Christian’s place.
Stantec: Matt Stordahl provided
updates on the following Projects/Topics: Matt checked that Xcel’s 5 driveways
were managed, and approved the return of the Escrow. Unofficial detours
caused by TH 282 road project: Matt worked with Bob Ruppe on the letter to Diane
Langenbach MNDOT protesting their new math for determining unofficial detour
reimbursement. Bob suggested lobbying our State Representatives to treat
Townships the same as cities. The letter will be forwarded to Eric Pratt. Jeff
Krueger from Minnesota Associations of Townships (MAT) should be aware of this
issue too. Matt commented that Doug Berens (Spring Lake Township) contacted
MNDOT Commissioner when they were having problems. Bruce to review letter and
will suggest other names to be sent it to asking for help or support. Motion
by Chad after the letter has been approved and revised for content for the designees
to receive the letter, that Chad is allowed to sign the letter and send it out,
second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:42pm. Berkshire Extension Project: SM
Hentges started construction August 8th and is making good progress.
By The Yard’s project new driveway and expansion working well with SM Hentges
project. Cemstone was concerned about the road cross section and has been
updated from 8 inches gravel and 4 inches bituminous to 8 inches gravel and 6
inches bituminous for the entire length of Berkshire Ave. TH 169 Overpass
Project: Deep into design and defining right-of-way land needs and acquisition
process is working with Herman’s Landscaping, Continental Lift and Mullen
Trucking. Herman’s needs to pick a pond design. Other: Matt noted that
the Township was not selected for this year’s LPP Grant out of 12 submissions.
Clint and Elizabeth
Semm ADU:
The Semm’s want to build their daughter and Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) above
the garage. Motion by Chad that Sand Creek Township has reviewed their
letter and have no comments or concerns, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:53pm.
Scott County THC
The Moratorium Public Notice was added to the website under the News section. Chad
mentioned that the last SCALE meeting, Ron Hocevar brought up the law change on
August 1st and that it caught many municipalities off guard.
CIP discussion: Bruce suggested
getting updated estimates for the mil and overlay work needed for top priority projects
Sand Creek Drive and Twin Oak Circle for 2023. Subordinate Service District
(SSD) can be setup or 429 Process can be used for assessing residents. Bruce to
help work with Vendors on bids. Chad said he would be available to meet with Vendors.
Matt to develop Scope of Work so bids would be consistent.
Website Update and
Task List:
Emily added News bulletin about Public Notice THC Moratorium and Berkshire
Project construction starting August 8th. Task List: Finalized discussion about
business cards. Motion by Chad to have Emily purchase business cards for 2
supervisors and Clerk, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:24pm. Completed
letters to Legislators for funding and Bridge Inspection Report work. Kevin to
look at printer/scanners. Board to review selection and vote in October.
Printer/scanner to be purchased using ARPA funds. No Workshop meeting this
Bruce Hunstad: Bruce attended a meeting
with 169 Corridor Coalition in which they are working on a 1-pager to send to
Washington DC. He also attended the PMT meeting on Bluff Drive overpass.
Bill Schneider: Bill was not present.
Chad Sandey: Chad attended the Minnesota Association of
Townships (MAT) District 4 meeting in St. Peter, and the SCALE meeting which
was hosted by City of Jordan. Mayor Mike Franklin did a great job. Chad met
with PLSPLWD members Bruce Loney and Joanie Giese. MAT’s annual meeting is
October 14-15th in St. Cloud. Chad has signed the Scott County
Cooperative Agreement document (Bluff Overpass and Jordan Ave. projects). Remaining
document signatures are being collected at Scott County. Once the document is
100% executed, we will get a copy.
Discussion with Todd
Dvorak: Todd completed cleanout of the box culvert on Xanadu. The golf course spillways riprapped,
seeded, and blanketed. Deerwood culvert has also been cleaned out on the outlet
end and seeded and blanketed. He has graded roads except for Redwing Trail
(while it is closed). The roads with oil are getting rough. Chad agreed with Todd
should grade through the oil after it rains unless the dust control is still
good. Trees on Grommesch can be cut now that tree cutting letter has been sent
out to residents (Monday, August 29th). Todd to not exceed
right-of-way when cleaning up the trees. More material can be added to the
roads in September so they have a chance to pack down before winter. Bruce asked
if brush work was done on Harlow and Grommesch. Todd explained he is waiting
until they can start cutting back the trees.
Maggie: Maggie noticed the
math on her check was not correct (numbers transposed) and was over by $36. Voiding
Claims is difficult. Chad said $36 will be deducted from her Claims for next
month (October).
Motion to adjourn the
meeting at 8:48pm by Bruce, second by Chad, Unanimous.
Submitted By:
Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk
Approved by
Chairman, Chad Sandey