Sand Creek Township
Annual Meeting Minutes
(Continued from March 8th,
September 1st, 2022
Officers Present
Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad (via zoom), Treasurer Myron Pauly, Deputy
Treasurer Kevin Nordick, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily
Nordick. Supervisor Bill Schneider did not attend.
Others Present
Called to Order
The continuation of the Annual meeting (March
8th, 2022) was called to order at 6:38pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. Due
to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social distancing.
Discussion about
known upcoming projects for finalizing and adopting the 2023 Levy.
Sand Creek Drive and
Twin Oaks Circle re-pavement project.
Sand Creek Township
Projects: build up Berkshire Ave. and 166th (both sides) for heavy
traffic, 166th to Jordan Ave. extension, intersection of Bluff Drive
and Jordan Avenue, Jordan Avenue pavement project.
Known price
increases (inflation) all around (labor, goods and services) affecting Road
& Bridge account.
Discussion about the
existing Bond that will expire in the time that the Township projects are going
on. We may be able to roll over the costs to the Bond based on interested
rates. We could also define a Subordinate Service District (SSD) with a Local
Area Assessment where the land owners could be assessed.
Change to salaries
in 2021and Scott County appraisals require an increase to the General Revenue
Changes for Jordan
Fire contract and new fire truck payments.
Review of 2021 year-end
Schedule 1 to see what was spent.
General Revenue Fund: $75,000.00 (up approx. 16.3%)
Road and Bridge Fund: $425,000.00
(up 6.25%)
Bonds/Debt: $20,000.00 (no change)
Fire District Fund: $150,000.00
(up approx. 11%)
Total: $670,000.00 (up 8.15%)
Motion by Chad, on
September 1st for 2022, the Board voted to approve General Revenue at
$75,000, Road and Bridge Fund at $425,000.00, the Bonds and Debt at $20,000.00,
the Fire Fund to be 150,000.00 for a grand total of $670,000.00 Levy, second by
Bruce, Unanimous at 7:07pm. Maggie will sign the
Resolution. Maggie will send Emily the Resolution for the website. Bruce needs
a refresher on the Schedule 1 in October.
Motion by Bruce to close
the continuation Levy meeting, second by Chad, Unanimous at 7:07pm.
Submitted By:
Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk
Approved by
Chairman, Chad Sandey