Sand Creek Township
Monthly Meeting Minutes
August 6th, 2020
Officers Present
Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Treasurer Myron Pauly, Clerk Maggie
Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick
Others Present
Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Curt Hennes –
PLSLWD, Jennifer Jensen, Perry Mulcrone
Called to Order
The regular monthly meeting was called
to order at 7:05pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social
Minutes for the July
meeting were presented to the Board. Motion by Bruce to accept the minutes,
second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:07pm. Motion to erase
the July recording of minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:08pm.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report for August was submitted by Myron. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bill,
second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:15pm.
Monthly Claims
Dvorak Excavating $ 8,733.50
Bryan Rock Products $
Astech (crack sealing) $
Couri & Ruppe
(general legal) $ 682.50
Stantec (general
engineering) $ 1,236.00
Dem-Con Companies
(disposal) $ 107.47
169 Corridor Coalition
(membership dues) $
New Prague Mini Storage $ 109.00
Victor Lundeen Company (Twp
checks) $ 297.62
Maggie Gallentine (cell phone) $ 41.49
Bill Schneider (mileage: road insp, trash) $ 116.15
Bruce Hunstad (materials for Ridgeview) $ 108.62
Myron Pauly (stamps, paper, envelopes) $ 50.31
Stantec (general engineering) $ 2,339.50
Payroll $ 825.00
Payroll $ 75.00
Payroll $ 475.00
Payroll $ 475.00
Payroll $ 450.00
Payroll $ 490.00
Total $ 34,220.26
by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:22pm.
Public Comment: Jennifer Jensen is planning an event for the
Disabled American Veterans and their families at her farm – Sutton Ridge Farm
on Saturday, September 26th.
Sheriff’s Department: No Deputy present. There
were 64 total calls, with Medical and Suspicious calls topping the list.
Prior Lake Spring Lake
Watershed District: Curt Hennes shared that the open positions
for Mangers have been filled by Steve Pany and Frank Boyles and were sworn in
on Tuesday, August 4th. Wenck Engineering will be providing a report on
re-creating wetlands, water storage, etc. Fish stocking of Black Crappies and
Large Mouth Bass will be done next month. The Sutton Lake Project has been
planned for late Fall but are now waiting on grant money to fund the project.
Stantec: Matt Stordahl
explained that the Hwy. 282 access agreement is still under consideration as
the pond is in the MNDOT right-of-way, but the adjacent properties could be
annexed. We need a clause to ensure that Jordan would then be responsible for
any activities regarding the pond if they were annexed. Financial cap may also
be needed if something catastrophic were to happen. Discussions are continuing
with MNDOT. We are still waiting to see drawings for the northbound turn lane
onto Pueblo from westbound 282.
Extension/Acceleration Lanes/Access Controls: Stantec has put together a design
services proposal and working with MNDOT. The easement document for Shakopee
Mdewankanton Sioux Community has been sent to them. We are waiting for them to
sign the document and return it to us.
TH 169 Project: Stantec looking for
other funding options as the HSIP Program does not include engineering fees.
Bruce met with the SW Area Manager at MNDOT and discussed options for funding.
Bruce suggested he and Matt meeting with Lisa Freese (Scott County) and Diane
Langenbach (MNDOT) in the next couple of weeks. The Open House for Businesses
along 169 will be December 2nd, 2020 at By The Yard.
Pueblo Group Paving Project: Sandy Betchwars has
noted that she doesn’t consider her land-locked parcel as part of the
properties. Township agrees but needs to verify. The residents are looking for clarification
about the Trust language and Ordinance. We will update the website and FAQ with
any information received. Next step is for residents to decide if there are
enough that want to petition for a Subordinate Service District and continue
the process.
CARES Broadband Initiative: Perry Mulcrone (Scott
County) confirmed that the $5,000 spent earlier this year to help bring
broadband to areas of our Township will be refunded through the CARES Act.
There is still need in the Township and Scott County has until December 1st
to get more fixed wireless broadband towers or fixed wireless micro-pops
installed. If Townships choose to use their CARES Act funding to help pay for
more broadband, they can send it back to Scott County. County Commissioners
also want to focus on affordable access to help school students and families. Motion
Chad to allocate $35,000 of our CARES funding contribution back to the County per
County agreement for the use of second phase of fixed wireless expansion,
second by Bruce, Unanimous at 9:37pm.
Website Update and
Task List:
Emily added pictures of ditch work and tree trimming to the Roads &
Maintenance Department. Task List was not reviewed. Workshop scheduled for Thursday,
August 20th is cancelled.
Bruce Hunstad: Bruce attended the
Berkshire and MNDOT communications.
Bill Schneider: Bill attended the MAT Conference (online).
Road Report: Bill commented that after the last storm, 4
trees that came down. The roads were graded after the last rain. Because Scott
County’s Household Hazardous Waste facility closed, he is finding more junk
being discarded in the ditches. Motion by Chad to approve the Road Report,
second by Bruce, Unanimous at 9:47pm.
Chad Sandey: Chad attended the Farmer Led Council meeting
on the cover crop initiative, and discussed his property (and ideas) with Wenck
Engineering with the intent of further discussion and tour.
Motion to adjourn the
meeting at 9:59pm by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous.
Submitted By:
Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk
Approved by
Chairman, Chad Sandey