Sand Creek Township
Monthly Meeting Minutes
August 5th, 2021
Officers Present
Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Clerk Maggie
Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick
Others Present
Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Curt Hennes –
PLSLWD, Herb Baldwin, Marilyn Hentges, Paul Hentges, Alex Hentges, and Robert
Called to Order
The regular monthly meeting was called
to order at 7:03pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social
Minutes for the July meeting were presented to the Board. Motion
to accept the July Meeting Minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:04pm.
Motion to erase the July recording of minutes by Chad, second by Bruce,
Unanimous at 7:04pm.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report for August was submitted by Myron. Bruce commented on the starting and ending CIP
balance. Bruce to discuss with Myron when he is back from vacation. Bill
mentioned the Fieldstone Escrow situation.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at
Monthly Claims
Dvorak Excavating
(grading, gravel) $
Bryon Rock Products
(gravel) $ 1,589.56
Northern Salt, Inc.
(dust coating) $
SIR Lines-A-Lot (street
markings) $ 475.19
Stantec Consulting
(general engineering) $
Seamless Construction
Services (return Escrow) $ 1,000.00
Superior Construction –
Chris A (return Escrow) $ 1,000.00
New Prague Mini Storage
(Aug rent) $ 111.00
Maggie Gallentine (cell
phone, ink cartridges) $ 252.57
Bruce Hunstad (water
& cookies for Open House) $ 20.72
Bill Schneider (mileage:
road inspect/spray weeds) $ 349.88
Payroll $ 975.00
Payroll $ 600.00
Payroll $ 555.00
Payroll $ 480.00
Payroll $ 660.00
Payroll $ 525.00
Total $ 66,679.13
by Chad to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:13pm.
Public Comment: Herb Baldwin alerted the Board that the
intersection at Naylor and Akers Lane is a safety issue especially with the
growing corn and blocking views.
Sheriff’s Department: Deputy Strack spoke
about the Report that listed 53 calls, down from 74 last month. There were
medical calls and the missing person and vulnerable adult are the same person.
There is getting to be more traffic. Based on Herb Baldwin’s comment, Deputy
Strack will ask for more patrol on Naylor and Akers Lane.
Prior Lake Spring Lake
Watershed District: Curt Hennes mentioned the Watershed District
is looking for office space and have signed a contract with City of Prior Lake from
July 2021 to July 2022. Maggie Karschnia (Project Manager) has resigned effective
August 11th. She will be teaching at the University of Minnesota. The
2020-2030 Watershed Plan Executive Summary includes work in Sand Creek
Township. They will be installing two iron-enhanced sand filters at Sutton Lake.
Chamber Fest Days is on Saturday, August 7th. The Watershed District
is planning on winter carp seining.
Paul Hentges Variance Request: Alex Hentges
explained the location for their new accessory building is in the same general
location of a previous barn which was 74 feet from the road centerline instead
of 100 feet. The barn was built prior to county setbacks. The elevation at that
point of the lot makes it the best location. Motion by Chad to recommend the
variance for approval based on the variance listed in the staff report.
Recommend that Sand Creek Township give the recommendation for the required
100-foot setback to change it to 74-foot setback to construct their proposed
building. Second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:37pm. There will be no change to
driveway width.
Stantec: Matt Stordahl provided
updates on the following Projects/Topics: TH 169 Overpass Project/Open House
for Residents (July 21st): Open House went well with the results favoring
the new option where the overpass is located on Bluff Drive. The entrances will
be open at 166th Street (east and west sides on 169) with an
extension to Jordan Ave. (west side). The local businesses and residents are
much happier with this design. The costs are comparable with the previous
design. In the future, Bluff Drive overpass could have entrance/exit ramps or
cloverleafs. Scott County created a webpage for the TH 169 Bluff Drive/Jordan
Ave. Overpass project. The schedule for construction has not changed (2023).
“Sand Creek Township” or logo can be added to the overpass design. Berkshire
Extension: Cemstone, Sport Wheels and By The Yard
driveway designs need to be shown to them. Right-of-ways have been marked for
the affected properties. Clearing of the right-of-way’s needs to be completed
soon. Herb Baldwin asked what the ratio was of developed to undeveloped
properties. Matt explained that most of the properties are developed but Camping
World has an area that could yet be developed. The SMSC property is
undeveloped. The Sand Pit (Covia) is an area that could eventually be
developed, and the area south along Valley View. Herb asked, how we do
anticipate the crossing serves the potential for future development. Matt
further explained the greater project would include realigning 173rd
to get to the Bluff Drive overpass instead volume traffic trying to get on or
cross over making the dangerous left turn. Herb and Matt continued the
conversation about priorities of the project., your p is what the County Plans have
for the consideration of the industrial area. Matt explained that the biggest
consideration is how to reduce the number of access points onto 169, and reduce
the number of potential cross-over conflicts. It is a safety driven project
that may have some development opportunities. ARPA Funds: Sand Creek
Township has applied for the funds. There may be gravel/bituminous/culvert uses.
The corner of Jordan Ave. and Bluff Drive needs slope, larger turning radius
for trucks, improvement of sight distances, and better drainage. Bruce asked
Matt to come up with an estimate. Pave remaining gravel areas on Jordan Ave.
What can we get done and use our funding (ARPA or other).
We can take advantage of construction timing with the overpass project and work
with the county to save money with other projects going on at the same time.
Board to prioritize work and partner with the County. See if the funds can be
used for Berkshire and 166th. Bruce mentioned the spin-off projects
that are to be funded by Sand Creek and asked Matt to work on estimates.
District 4 Meeting: Chad asked for the
whole Board to be there on Wednesday, August 11th at 6:30pm in
Zumbrota. The Board will carpool.
Website Update and
Task List:
Emily added the TH 169 Open House and Flyer, and Local Businesses discussion
(and Open House info and pdf) to the News section. Creation of TH 169 Projects
and subsections are to be added to the Departments area of the website with links
to News and Scott County’s TH 169 Bluff Drive /Jordan Ave. webpage. Task
List: Marked completed items on the list. Reviewed the updated list and
found several new Tasks completed in the TH 169 Corridor/Overpass Project, Erickson’s
Driveway, Scott County, and Road Inspection items.
Bruce Hunstad: Bruce attended TH 169
Open House and PMT meetings on Bluff Drive and TH 169 Overpass. He attended the
169 Corridor Coalition Board meeting and noted that the 169 Corridor Coalition
is having a boat tour and meal at the Windmill Café on September 9th.
Bill Schneider: Bill attended the TH
169 meeting.
Road Report: Bill commented that the roads have gotten
better by adding dust coating and grading. He has been inspecting culverts and
weed spraying. He has a need for hot patching. Motion by Chad to approve the
Road Report, second Bruce, Unanimous at 8:45pm. Todd Dvorak added that
grass cutting in the ditches need a larger brush head because the trees are
getting too big. Bill said that hot patching needs to be priority.
Chad Sandey: Chad attended multiple meetings.
Motion to adjourn the
meeting at 9:10pm by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.
Submitted By:
Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk
Approved by
Chairman, Chad Sandey