Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

August 3rd, 2023


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad (via Zoom from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada), Supervisor Lee Kes, Treasurer Kevin Nordick, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick.


Others Present

Matt Stordahl – Stantec (via Zoom), Travis Cherro, Amy Bedeaux (via Zoom), Deb Pauly, and Todd Dvorak – Dvorak Excavating.


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social distancing.



Minutes for the July meeting were presented to the Board. Motion to accept the July Meeting Minutes by Bruce, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:05pm. Motion to delete the July meeting recording of minutes by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:05pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for July was submitted by Kevin. Chad asked Kevin to look at higher interest rate CDs (better than 3%). Kevin determined they are expiring at the end of this month (August). Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:09pm.


Monthly Claims


Dvorak Excavating (weed control and grading)           $  12,032.00

                        Stantec Consulting Services (planning & zoning)         $  12,523.75

                        Couri & Ruppe (city/town attorney)                            $       875.00

                        Bond Trust Services (interest – bond)                          $       475.00

                        New Prague Mini Storage (storage unit rent)              $       116.00

                        Gov Office (5-year domain name renewal)                   $       220.00

                        Maggie Gallentine (cell phone, printer ink, paper)       $       244.84

                        Lee Kes (July mileage – 344 miles)                               $       225.23

                        Kevin Nordick (office supplies, stamps, ink plan)         $       144.27

                        Nate Heinz (ditch clean up, 55 miles)                           $       176.02

Payroll                                                                         $    1,060.00

Payroll                                                                         $       190.00

Payroll                                                                         $       600.00

Payroll                                                                         $       560.00

Payroll                                                                         $       560.00

Payroll                                                                         $       760.00



                                                            Total                                         $  30,762.11


Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:17pm. Chad mentioned the shingle mix payment to Louisville Township to be pushed to next month (September). Charges from Couri and Ruppe to be broken out if they affect Sand Creek Drive and Twin Oak Circle and other Projects.



Public Comment:  None





Sheriff’s Department: Det. Muelken provided the Sheriff’s Report. It stated there were 53 calls in July, down from 73 calls for June. Calls included: 4 disturbance, 3 animal calls (2 neglect and 1 loose animal), 1 death at Valley View Assisted Living facility, 12 traffic, 5 medical, 2 lock outs, 1 missing person (JAF) and 3 accidents. Scott County Fair is done and waiting to see how the new parking situation works for the Renaissance Festival.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Christian Morkeberg did not attend.


Stantec: Matt Stordahl provided updates on the following Projects/Topics: TH 169 Overpass Project: Agencies have reviewed and sent comments back on the 100% road plan. Matt is working with MNDOT on signage for the overpass. MNDOT is working on a new signage policy that has yet to be enacted. They want to limit signage going northbound, but southbound signage is ok.  Bruce asked if SRF looked at design for intersection at Bluff Drive and Jordan Avenue. Matt responded that the design is to include turning movement in all directions and included a small sliver of right-of-way acquisition. LPP Grant: Matt noted the good comments received sound promising. Reviewers made positive comments about closing access points. Sawmill Road/TH 21 Roundabout Project: Project is slightly behind schedule due to high temperatures. They are looking to start concrete paving next week. They hope to have the Sawmill side open by Labor Day so school bus routes are minimally affected. Projected to have project completed by the end of September. Dust coating is expected today (August 3rd). Redwing and Sawmill have traffic counters installed by MNDOT. Sand Creek Drive and Twin Oak Circle: The job has been posted and we are now open for bids. We will have a special meeting on August 25th to open and award the bid. Maggie to check if the Jordan City Council Chambers is available for the meeting.


Shakopee Sand IUP Amendment: Chad explained recent events. Covia plans to sell their property. Q Prime does not have a prospective buyer yet for their property. Covia will no longer be mining on their property. The reclamation plan for Covia property will not include mining and the Amendment is to update the language in both IUP reclamation Plan and the Developer’s Agreement. The language for the Developer’s Agreement from the Covia attorney is not ready. Bob Ruppe informed Chad to table the Amendment discussion in spite of Covia wanting it blessed by the Township today (August 3rd). Motion by Chad to table the Shakopee Sand IUP Amendment discussion until next month, second by Bruce, Bruce -Aye, Chad – Aye, Lee – Aye at 8:04pm. Motion passed.


Swine Vet Center Meeting Date: Jim Blair informed Chad the Vet Center has decided to pursue building the facility at Hwy 282 & Pueblo Ave. Chad suggested they present information to the Board and residents at the Township meeting September 7th. Jim will respond if that date works. Ursela Bedeaux asked if it is a research facility or vet facility. Chad responded that it is a research facility. They would also need to follow the process to have the property re-zoned from A1 to A3 (agricultural classification).


Comp Plan Amendment Discussion: Chad noted the Township has submitted Amendment paperwork to Scott County. The Township is planning to sponsor the Comp Plan Amendment to change the zoning from Urban Business Reserve to Rural Business Reserve which will allow for outside storage. All jurisdictions will be notified of the proposed Amendment and will have 60 days for review and responses. At the end of the 60 days, a public hearing could be held in October with the Planning Commission. The Board of Commissioners could vote on it in December and then sent to the Met Council in January if it approved as it passes through each phase.


Scott County Agreement: Chad reminded the Board that the first Agreement with Scott County was to determine cost share responsibilities for development. This second Agreement is for Stantec to manage SRF on behalf of the Township for the TH 169 Overpass Project. Motion by Chad to allow (himself) to sign the Agreement, second by Bruce, Bruce – Aye, Chad – Aye, Lee – Aye at 8:39pm. Motion passed. Bruce is asking for a better breakdown of construction costs and not just estimates. Chad agrees. Matt explained the MNDOT bid forms. Brandon at SRF is working on breakdown of costs.


CIP Updates: Bruce asked Todd what the “weed control” charge for July entailed. Todd replied that he cut weeds in the ditches. A discussion about the failing culverts on Harlow Drive and on 173rd Street. Lee and Todd spoke about the sunken paved road edge at the bottom of the hill on 173rd Street. Todd noted that material has been washed out under the road and suggested repair materials. Tree trimming letters are to be sent to residents. Scope of work needed from Matt for culverts on Naylor Avenue and 173rd Street.


Website Update: Emily explained she added Resolution 2023-08 (MNDOT bridge maintenance responsibilities) and 2023-09 (MNDOT unofficial detours payment) were added to the News section. She added ariel photos of the completed Berkshire Ave. Extension to the Berkshire Project on the website. She noted that our Levy meeting is September 7th.  Task List: Emily noted that she removed the completed items and checked on status of invoicing MNDOT for unofficial detours.




Lee Kes Road Report: Lee reported his topics were discussed during CIP updates.


Bruce Hunstad: Bruce reported attending the TH 169 Executive Corridor meeting and his other topics were covered during the meeting.


Chad Sandey:  Chad attended many meetings with Covia, and provided the narrative for the Comp Plan Amendment.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:12pm by Lee, second by Bruce, All in favor: Lee – Aye, Bruce, - Aye, and Chad – Aye. Motion passed.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey