Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

August 1st, 2024


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad (via zoom), Supervisor Lee Kes, Treasurer Kevin Nordick, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Det. Muelken – Sheriff’s Department, Todd Dvorak – Dvorak Excavating, Deb Pauly and Peggy Jo Dunnette.


Called to Order                                                                                               

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.                                                                                                                                                                                



Minutes for the July meeting was presented to the Board. Motion to accept the July meeting minutes by Bruce, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:05pm. Motion to delete the July meeting recording of minutes by Chad, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:06pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for July was submitted by Kevin. Kevin mentioned that the found invoices were applied to the By the Yard Escrow. The remaining balance of $2,529.89 should be zeroed out. Motion by Chad to zero out the balance on the By the Yard escrow account since they paid the funds that we can substantiate, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:08pm. JL Theis used $3,032.50 of their escrow. The remaining balance will be paid back this month and includes breakdown of claims. Kevin to review everything was allocated correctly for 2008 Jordan Ave Fund. Balance to be paid off at the end of the year.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Chad, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:15pm.


Monthly Claims


Dvorak Excavating (grading, gravel, tree trimming)    $    9,671.00

Stantec Consulting (Planning & Zoning, Bluff, LRIP)   $  13,822.00

Martin Marietta (gravel & rock)                                   $       971.00

New Prague Mini Storage (storage unit rent)              $       122.00

JL Theis (Return escrow for grading project)                $  16,967.50

Maggie Gallentine (cell phone, election supplies)        $         82.57

Lee Kes (July mileage – 185 miles)                               $       123.85

Payroll                                                                         $    1,080.00

Payroll                                                                         $       160.00

Payroll                                                                         $       280.00

Payroll                                                                         $       620.55

Payroll                                                                         $       680.00

Payroll                                                                         $       770.00



                                                            Total                                         $  45,350.47


Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:18pm.



Public Comment:  None




Sheriff’s Department: Det. Muelken provided the Sheriff’s Report. It stated there were 71 calls in July up from 56 calls in June. Calls included: 10 medical, 9 traffic, 5 accidents, 5 suspicious, 3 frauds, 9 hazards, 8 assists, 4 disturbance, 1 welfare check, 2 alarm, 2 animal, and 1 fire. The situation on Cedar Valley (homeless person – noted in July minutes) has been resolved. Scott County Fair went well. Renaissance Festival is planning on limiting parking and bussing in attendees again.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Christian Morkeberg did not attend.


Stantec: Matt Stordahl provided updates on the following Projects/Topics: TH 169 Bluff Drive Overpass Project: The railroad crossing agreement for Bluff Drive between the railroad/MNDOT/Scott County is getting closer to completion. Scott County could potentially get the open bid starting in August/September, and award the bid by the end of September. The first things to happen in early October are the apartment complex driveway would be aligned and 166th Street would extend to Jordan Avenue. LPP Grant Project (Connect 173rd Street to Jordan Ave.): Surveying process completed, and are now working on drawings. LRIP Grant Project (Shift Railroad Crossing on Valley View Drive and pave): Surveying process is complete. Shifting railroad crossing approx. 150 feet. We are waiting for real estate agreements from the railroad. Bruce asked if it’s the same people from the Bluff Drive railroad project. Matt confirmed they are. Bruce mentioned the UP Railroad website for messages. Railroad crossing at 166th: Railroad agreement with Sand Creek Township has been sent to Bob Ruppe for review. Hwy 282 Closure: Closure is ongoing. County Road 10 is very busy. Sawmill Roundabout: Kevin and Maggie to pull invoices for showing to MNDOT for unofficial detours.


Cambria Update: Chad attended the meeting with Scott County and Cambria. There was a lot of discussion about Cambria connecting to Smith Drive only on their property and not through to the adjacent property connecting to Jordan Avenue/Bluff Drive. Sand Creek Township will be provided gravel from Cambria to complete the remainder of the road.


Sand Creek Business Park Developers Agreement (Messenbrink): Chad and Matt noted they worked on the Developers Agreement and sent it to the developer and Scott County. There is a $1.8 million shortfall for helping to pay for upgrading the roads leading to the developments. Have considered applying the shortfall to the developers. Chad explained there may be other sources of funding. County staff, city staff, Township (Chad and Matt) and developers discussed sewer and water comments by city and the timing expectations. Results from the discussion are that 4 of the 7 business sites must request city sewer and water. When the city brings it in, all sites will then be connected.


JMH Development: Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 12th. JMH preview of their paperwork was initially tabled. Flood Fringe fill permit is required by DNR. They expect to create duck ponds on their property.


Stantec General Engineering Proposal: Matt provided the new proposal as we have already spent $36,000 originally planned in January’s Scope of Services. The new amount is $25,000 and is expected to last until the end of the year.


CIP Updates: Bruce stated that we are completing many items on the prioritized list from the Spring Road Tour.


Website Update: Emily added multiple items to the News section – Hwy 169 traffic shift and Primary Election Day with a link to the Secretary of State website for validating polling location. Bruce and Emily discussed updating the website to be ADA compliant and the domain to .gov. Motion by Bruce that we move to Catalis software and .gov for the future, second by Lee, Unanimous at 8:15pm. Task List: Matt and Kevin to review charges for Xcel Energy and Northern States Power to ensure they align with CTAS. Completed FEMA paperwork in July. Pipe for Naylor has been delivered to the site.




Lee Kes Road Report: Lee mentioned that Meghan Darley is out on maternity leave, so Troy Kuphal is to be notified to use $5,000 to get as much of the weed spraying done. Project area near Dave Kepp has thin grass. Add topsoil and seed with mulch in September. Todd is grading today. Lee said Scott County will be billing us for signs. Lee and Todd discussed with Kevin the billing for Contech (pipes). Kevin to send invoice to Kevin Menden for the pipes. Township should not be charged tax on the pipes.


Bruce Hunstad: Bruce reported he has covered all of his items.


Chad Sandey:  Chad noted there was no SCALE meeting in July. He attended many meetings with Cambria and developer’s agreements. Nate Thomas asked about setting up ground-breaking ceremony for Bluff Drive Overpass Project. Would By the Yard allow us to use their parking lot for the ceremony on October 1st? Bruce to reach out to Roger and Deb for permission.


Motion to adjourn the meeting by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:35pm.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey