Sand Creek Township
Monthly Meeting at MVEC
June 1, 2017
Officers Present
Chad Sandey, Supervisors Bruce Hunstad and Bill
Schneider, Treasurer Michelle Rutoski and Clerk Shelley Pauly.
Others Present
Nordick, Gary Will, Ed Will, Cindy Will, Curt Hennes,
Scott Autenrieth (Deputy), Kyle Renneke,
Rita and Dennis Tauer, Herb Baldwin, Mary and Mike Kahn.
Called to Order
The regular monthly meeting was called
to order at 7:02 pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
for the May meeting were presented to the Board. Motion to approve the minutes
by Bruce, second by Bill. Unanimous.
Motion to erase the May recording of minutes by Bruce, second by Bill.
Monthly Claims
Bryan Rock $37,800.77
Couri & Ruppe $ 138.75
Scott County Treasurer $20,800.00
Southwest News Media $ 88.14
Stantec $ 248.50
Dvorak Excavating $29,728.50
Shelley Pauly – Reimbursement $ 106.25
MATIT $ 1,837.00
Bill Schneider – Mileage $ 104.86
Rita Tauer $ 118.75
Payroll $ 375.00
Payroll $ 425.00
Payroll $ 975.00
Payroll $ 517.50
Payroll $ 657.50
Total $93,921.52
Motion to accept the monthly charges as
read by Bruce, seconded by Bill. Unanimous
Public Comment – Herb Baldwin
addressed board regarding the culvert at Naylor and 185th. Herb said the culvert is filled with
water. Bill replied that the board
looked at it last week and it has been acknowledged and a service order has
been started to keep an eye on it and consider what needs to be done.
Sheriff’s Department – Deputy Autenrieth reported 70 calls for the month. A breakdown of
the calls will be filed with the approved minutes. A resident questioned the Deputy about which
fireworks are legal. Anything that
explodes or flies are illegal. All other
fireworks should be ok.
Prior Lake Spring Lake
Watershed District
– Curt Hennes reporting. Open
House for Fish Point Park will be on June 20th. June 24 & June 25th will be
Lake Front Days.
Long Range Planning
– Thursday May 15th was the Long-Range Planning Committee meeting. Herb Baldwin
reported that Bruce spoke of maps that were available on the different
websites. Herb acknowledged the fact that the committee needs to focus on two
topics per meeting to get things accomplished and ready to report on by the end
of the year to the Board. June’s topics will be Natural Resources and Land Use.
Herb will get the agenda to Rita and Dennis to get on the website. Bruce thought setting the topics will
hopefully be a good thing for everyone to be more prepared for each meeting and
hopefully entice more residents to participate in the monthly meetings. We need to specify at the meetings and on the
website why these meetings are being held and what we are trying to accomplish.
Purpose is to give the county our concerns and information on the 2040 comp
plan by the end of 2017. The next
meeting will be on June 15th at the Jordan Library at 7:30 pm.
Building Permit – Gary
Will –
The Wills brought the final plans for the additional dwelling on their
property. They have met the county requirements for the building. The Wills
were given the Township Recommendation form to take back to the County with
township approval.
Stantec – Bluff
– Kyle from Stantec requested that the Township send
a bill to the county for an initial payment of $150,000 to Stantec.
Shelley agreed to send the county a bill.
Kyle said they have begun hauling and grading the soil. Time line is approximately 3 to 4 weeks to
complete. Chad asked Kyle how Stantec decides on the
seed mix they should use for the slope stabilization. Kyle said Stantec uses a mix that contains prairie grass, wild
flowers/black eyed susans,
etc. The seed mixture is a MN DOT mixture. Sand Creek Township is beginning to
look at a mix to use within the township. Chad would like to see this project
use the mix the township decides to use.
Chad will connect with Kyle during the month.
Stantec –
Frontage Roads and Alignments – Kyle handed out a copy of an issues map that
Stantec had provided to another company. It is an
example of what they could do for Sand Creek Township to label the issues or
concerns as the 169 project continues through Sand Creek from Louisville. Kyle
agreed to bring a proposal of items that they can provide for us and the costs
to the next meeting. Kyle said culvert
recommendations needed for roads could be provided quickly by Stantec if the township needs a quick decision on any road
or culvert.
Prior Lake Spring Lake
Watershed District Interviews - Chad attended the Prior Lake Spring
Lake Watershed District interviews. The interview team recommended Charlie Howley. Bill asked
Curt Hennes his opinion on the nomination and Curt
had only good things to say about him and would highly recommend him. Motion by Chad to nominate Charlie Howley as a District Manager second by Bruce. Unanimous. Recommendation
form was filled out and signed. It will
be faxed to the county on Friday, June 2nd by Shelley.
Tree Trimming Update – Bill said that 80%
of the tree trimming is done and is looking great.
Dust Coating Update – Chad said the dust
coating was mostly completed on May 31st. They finished up today June 1st. All comments have been great.
Utility Permit
– All requirements are met and as soon as the weather cooperates the process
will begin.
Website Update – Dennis appreciates
the emails with items to be posted on the website. A reminder went out to all residents who had
previously signed up for emails to resign up again.
Bruce Hunstad – Meetings attended were
the SCALE – this month’s topics were The Technology Village about renting
office space for a reasonable monthly amount and help new businesses get
started. Technology Village link on the
Scott County website has information. Maxfield’s Research Update – The percentage of Self
Employed businesses in the Jordan area is about 20%.
Long Range planning committee meeting is
trying to get the word out by advertising it more also.
Bill Schneider – Bill attended a
meeting regarding weeds. It was informative regarding
certain weeds and what you
can and cannot do to take care of weeds
Bill Schneider – Road Report -Two areas that Bill is
working on that are immediate items now:
Akers Lane – culvert needing attention and it will be expensive. Redoing a ditch and the road approach. Also, another culvert is needing immediate
attention on 160th street
Chad Sandey – Working on a Sand
Creek Township seed mix. Chad signed a Utility Permit for gas service for 20321
Cedar Valley Drive. Also, Bill, Bruce
and Chad will be attending the Couri & Ruppe Law Seminar at Albertville City Hall. Bill will be attending the Summer Short
Courses in Mankato. Bruce will be
attending the semi-annual fire meeting on June 21st.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:25 by Bruce,
second by Bill. Unanimous.
Submitted By: _____________________________________________________
Shelley Pauly, Clerk
Approved by
Chairman, Chad Sandey