Sand Creek Township

Subordinate Service

District (SSD) Hearing

Meeting Minutes

June 1st, 2023


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad (via Zoom), Supervisor Lee Kes, Treasurer Kevin Nordick, Clerk Maggie Gallentine and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Don Hartman, Ken Lucas, Eddie and Christine Lusignan


Called to Order

The public meeting was called to order at 7:11pm by Chairman Chad Sandey.



Chad explained what a Subordinate Service District (SSD) is and the goal to establish the SSD for Sand Creek Drive and Twin Oak Circle to all who were present. The hearing is for the property owners on Sand Creek Drive and Twin Oak Circle to ask questions and for the Township to follow the legal process for setting up the SSD.


Chad asked if anyone has concerns about the SSD. No one commented.


Bruce asked Chad to summarize the property information. Chad responded that we have achieved the required percentage (over 50%) of signatures from the Petition sent in May. There are 30 properties, and we received 71% of the property owner’s signatures which allows us to move forward with the SSD.


Chad asked if anyone had questions. Ken Lucas asked if there will be a bigger crown on the road. Matt Stordahl (Stantec) explained they will grind up the existing gravel and asphalt. The first lift (base layer) will be 2 inches high, and the second lift (asphalt) will be 1-1/2 inches high. Don Hartman said he has landscape blocks along his driveway and asked how they will be affected with the process. Matt replied that there is a landscape allowance built in for the bidding to replace damaged landscapes (flowers, landscape blocks, etc.) affected by the construction of the new road.


Bruce mentioned that if owners still have questions, there are phone numbers available to call for answers. There was an interest rate question we do not have answer for yet. It is variable right now, but will have answer closer to the time of construction.


Don Hartman asked about accessibility to their properties. Matt responded that they will have access all of the time, but it would be more problematic during the second layer phase as they use a product called bituminous tack which you do not want to drive on. This product helps the asphalt stick to the first layer.


Eddie Lusignan asked if homeowners know what they are getting assessed. Matt replied that it is approximately $5,000 per lot, but could change once bids are in. Property owners pay 30% of the project costs and the Township pays the remaining 70%.


Chad closed the public meeting at 7:26pm. He read the Resolution to establish a Subordinate Service District for the improvement of Sand Creek Drive and Twin Oak Circle. Motion by Chad, second by Bruce, All in favor: Chad – Aye, Lee – Aye, Bruce – Aye. Motion passed at 7:30pm.


Chad explained the next step is for the Clerk to certify Resolution 07-2023 has passed. Chad read the certification. Maggie signed the certification and it was notarized by Chad as he is a Notary Public.



Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey