Township of Sand Creek

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes - MVEC

7:00 pm – May 4th, 2017 



Officers Present:           Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisors Bruce Hunstad and Bill Schneider, Treasurer Michelle Rutoski

                                        and Clerk Shelley Pauly.


Others Present:             Jake and Janice Lennox, Maggie and Steve Gallentine, Emily Nordick, Herb Baldwin, Travis Cherro,

                                        Curt Hennes, Dennis and Rita Tauer.     


Called to Order:           The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. 

           The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Minutes:                        Minutes for April were presented to the Board.  A motion to approve the minutes by Bruce,

                                       seconded by Bill.  Unanimous.  A motion to erase the April recording by Bruce,   

                                       seconded by Bill. Unanimous.  A motion to approve the Board of Appeal Minutes by Bruce, seconded by

                                       Bill. Unanimous. 


Treasurer’s Report:    The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by the board.  A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by   

                                       Bruce, seconded by Bill.  Unanimous.


Monthly Charges:      

                                                Avenet, LLC                                                            $845.00

                                                Bryan Rock                                                          $1,347.88

                                                Stantec                                                                     $197.25

                                                Shelley Pauly (Dust Coating Reimburse)           $409.11

                                                Bill Schneider (Dust Coating/Mileage)                 $82.21

                                                Dvorak Excavating, Inc.                                 $16,209.50

                                                Rita Tauer                                                                 $275.00

                                                Payroll                                                                       $440.00

                                                Payroll                                                                   $1,050.00

                                                Payroll                                                                       $800.00

                                                Payroll                                                                       $500.00

                                                Payroll                                                                       $962.50                            


                                                                Total                                                  $23,118.45


                                    Motion to accept the monthly charges as read by Bruce, seconded by Bill, Unanimous.                                                               

Public Comment:   No public comment






Sheriff’s Office:               No Sheriff’s Deputy present.  Received email with information.  43 calls – no serious accidents or crimes.


Prior Lake/Spring Lake:  A huge response of 80 people showed up to help clean-up at Sand Point Beach in Prior Lake.

                                                 They cleaned up 1,780 pounds of leaves and 7 truckloads of buck thorn and branches.  Lunch and

 t-shirts were given out.  Spring shore line improvement on Raymond Avenue will be in two weeks.


Long Range Planning:      Long Range Planning Committee Meeting was held on April 20th, 2017.  Chad accepted the notes submitted by Herb Baldwin and Emily Nordick from their meeting and they will be posted on the website. Permission was granted to Herb Baldwin to send Brad Davis and City of Jordan a copy of the notes from the Long-Range Planning Meeting.  Next meeting will be on May 18th at 7:30 pm at the Jordan Library. 


Stantec:                                 Bluff Road Update:   Mark Statz from Stantec attended our meeting and updated the board on the Bluff Road project. Rachel contracting will start clearing the area next Tuesday.  The corn crib has already been taken down.  Tailgate session will probably be on Tuesday morning and Chad is hoping one of the board members will be able to attend. Bill requested Rachel contracting to check on how deep the utility cables are buried in the ditch on Bluff Road.  It was discussed as to whether we need to have them buried deeper to be able to come in and clean up the ditch occasionally.


                                                Frontage Roads and Alignments with Louisville:  Sand Creek and Louisville Townships met last month to discuss and plan for changes as Hwy 169 continues to be worked on.  They talked about the plans for Frontage/Backage roads.  Chad just wanted to make sure Stantec was aware of what is going to be happening in the future. Mark spoke about putting together an Issues Map.  This map could be put together relatively easy and would give the Township the opportunity to look at any issues that may or may not be of concern.   


                                                Drainage Ditch at Golf Course:  Normally after an area is developed the township takes over the roads when the development is complete.  There were some warranty issues when the development was created. Most of them have been resolved.  At the time the township took over the roads, the homes were starting to be built.  A while ago some of the owners had brought concerns to the Homeowners Association regarding the drainage of the water. Many of those concerns were corrected by adding flumes to the culverts.   One of the individuals has brought up concerns about the water on his property coming down the road to his property. Mark from Stantec stopped out and looked at the area and talked to the resident.  There could be a couple of reasons for the water issue.   Mark requested the board try to locate a copy of the engineering plan to see how it was originally designed.  It is possible the final grading after the home was built could be part of the issue, that is why he would like to see the original plans.  We will try to locate the plans.


Annual Road Inspection: Annual Road Inspection was done on April 8th.  Chad, Bill, Bruce and Todd drove all roads of the township.  Most of the frost had come out of the roads and they were looking good.   Bruce is putting together a spread sheet of the roads, their conditions and what needs to be done and how soon.  Prioritizing is being done now.   It was very beneficial to have Todd along during the inspection.  Bruce mentioned that this spreadsheet will assist the board in putting together a Capital Improvement Plan and plan for future road needs of the township. 


Right of Way Letters:     A contract has been signed with Carr’s Tree Service to do the trimming for the township.  They are starting with the bushes in the Right of Ways.  Bill has spoken to all the residents that have been affected so far. Chad is wanting to get a letter out to the rest of the residents that the tree trimming will affect.  Mark Statz said that Spring Lake Township has a well written letter that they send out and we should contact them for a copy.  Shelley will contact Spring Lake Township.


Dust Coating Update:      Dust Coating requests and checks are coming in and being organized on a spread sheet.  Bill will receive a copy of the spread sheet soon.  Dust Coating will take place on May 25th and May 26th.


Clerks/Treasurer’s Mtg: Shelley attended the Clerk and Treasurer’s Meeting on April 26th at the Spring Lake Township Hall.  The meetings will continue to be held every other month.  Much of the discussion was on the retention of records.  One of the township clerks has been using the Minnesota Historical Society Guidelines and highlighted the items that pertain to townships and sent us all a copy of it.  Next meeting is set for June 21st at the Spring Lake Township Hall.


Utility Permit Install:        We have received both the Certificate of Insurance and Utility Bond for the installation of Comcast’s wire from the Syndicate Street to Metropolitan Mosquito Control Facility.  Chad had Bob Ruppe look over the papers and he requested a small addition to one.  Universal should be providing the information soon so that the installation can be done.     


Cy’s Memorial:                Rita met and discussed Cy’s memorial with Tom Klehr.  She showed the board two photos of the benches and a planter that Tom could make.   Rita has confirmed the memorial with the cemetery board.  They informed Rita that the plaque put on the memorial must be approved by them. There is no quote at this time for any costs.  Rita will get one when she has the go ahead from the board.


Website Update:                 The website is now set up to send a verification email out to anyone who signs up for notifications.  Monthly township agendas, minutes and Long Range Planning Committee notes are examples of items that the Website contains.  Send any items that need to go on the website to Rita’s e-mail -


Pollinator Mix:                   Chad talked about different mixes of seeds available to be planted in the ditches and right a ways after work is completed to enhance the look and attract wild life in the township.  Just smaller areas – nothing major. Chad would like to see the township consider this. 




Bruce Hunstad:               Bruce’s meetings for the month were the Road Inspection, meeting with Louisville Township regarding the

                                          169 plans, Long Range Planning Committee meeting, and the Scott County 2040 comp plan meeting.  Lots of useful information from all the meetings.


Bill Schneider:                 Bill talked about a meeting that was held at Kent and JoAnn Wolf’s home regarding the home purchased next to them.  A company has purchased the home to house children with disabilities.  This company attended the meeting also. They answered all questions and concerns of the neighborhood. 


Bill’s Road Report:           Roads were covered in an earlier section of the meeting.


Chad Sandey:                     Chad attended the County meeting also. Very good meeting.  Chad asked the board members if they would be attending the legal seminar on June 8th that will be put on by Couri and Ruppe.  Bruce, Bill and Chad will be attending.  Chad asked Shelley to register the three board members.               


Motion to adjourn meeting by Bruce, seconded by Bill.  Unanimous.  Meeting adjourned 9:20 pm.




____________________________________________            _______________________________________

Submitted by Shelley Pauly, Clerk                                         Approved by Chad Sandey, Chairman