Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

May 7th, 2020


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad (called in - Webex), Supervisor Bill Schneider, Treasurer Myron Pauly (called in - Webex), Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Travis Cherro, Mark Pahl, Mark & Jennifer Jensen, Webex Video Conference Attendees: Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Deputy Theis, Bob Ruppe (legal counsel), Doris, Larry Butler, Lee Hetherington, Steven Margl, Dan & Ursula Bedeaux, Joe Frey, Sheila, Chuck Devaney, Denise - Mdewankanton Sioux Representative, Roger Anderson, Call in User_5, Call in User_7, Call in User_8


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:09pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Chad explained the reduced presence of Board members and other regular visitors is due to COVID-19, and we are actively practicing social distancing.

During this monthly meeting we are also having a Public Hearing about the possible paving of Pueblo Blvd, Xanadu Ave., 168th Street.



Minutes for the April meeting were presented to the Board. Motion by Bill to accept the minutes, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:12pm. Minutes for the Board of Audit meeting were presented to the Board. Motion by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:14pm. Minutes for the Board of Appeals and Equalization were presented to the Board. Motion by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:14pm. Motion to erase the April recording of minutes by Bill, second by Chad, Unanimous at 7:16pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for April was submitted by Myron. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:18pm.


Monthly Claims


                        Access Networks (internet service)                              $   2,500.00

                        Jordan Dollars for Scholars (scholarships)                    $   3,000.00

                        Frandsend Bank & Trust (safe deposit box)                 $        22.00

                        Dvorak Excavating (tree trimming & roads)                 $ 29,551.00

                        Bryan Rock Products                                                    $ 38,827.52

                        Stantec (general engineering)                                      $   3,905.00

                        Scott County Treasurer (tax assessment)                     $ 22,900.00

                        Govoffice (Township website)                                      $      845.00

New Prague Mini Storage                                            $      109.00

Maggie Gallentine (cell phone, letters to res.)             $      391.56

Bill Schneider (mileage: road inspection, trash)           $      732.48

Payroll                                                                         $      900.00

Payroll                                                                         $      850.00

Payroll                                                                         $      475.00

Payroll                                                                         $      475.00

Payroll                                                                         $      600.00

Payroll                                                                         $      950.00



                                                            Total                                         $107,033.56


Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:23pm.





Public Comment:  Bruce asked to add Resolutions for Build Grant, Transportation Block Grant and 282 Drainage to the Business/Discussion. Chad added them between the Stantec and Workshop discussions.


Sheriff’s Department:  Deputy Theis (called in – Webex) and explained there were approximately 50 incidents: more medical and domestic calls (not in Sand Creek), and less traffic calls as people are sheltering at home.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Curt Hennes was not present but shared with us that the Alum Treatments are starting in Spring Lake then will move to Upper Prior Lake in mid-May.


Pahl Family Trust Rezone: Mark Pahl requested a parcel rezone as part of his Mother’s Estate cleanup with 10 acres moving to his sister’s acreage. from Urban Expansion Reserve District (UER) to Urban Expansion Reserve Cluster District (UERC). Chad: I recommend the approval of the re-zoning of the 39.04 acres from Urban Expansion Reserve District to Urban Expansion Reserve Cluster District and I recommend that Sand Creek Township sends forth that recommendation to the Planning Commission, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:34pm.


Public Hearing:  Pueblo Group Paving Project – Webex info and materials on website. This was an information only meeting as the Township Board was approached by residents to determine if Pueblo Blvd, Xanadu Ave, and 168th Street could be paved. Matt Stordahl presented the findings of the existing roads, number of properties affected, assessments, and some details of work that would be done. Bruce reviewed the appraisal provided by Nagell Appraisal Inc. Bob Ruppe discussed the process that would need to be followed if the residents choose to continue with project. He explained the use of creating a Subordinate Service District. He also explained about costs in the life of the road and who would be responsible to pay for maintaining the road after paving. Bruce wrote down many of the questions and answers which will be posted on the Township website for residents to review.


Stantec: Matt Stordahl explained the Township met with MNDOT, Scott County and Lisa Freese about the 169 Corridor Study. Bruce is working on the HSIP Grant for the backage road and acceleration lane northbound 169 from Bluff Drive. The Township would require right-of-way access from the Mdewankanton Sioux community, Cemstone, Sport Wheels, and KOA. More meetings on right-of-way will follow. We need to apply for the Build Grant and Regional Solicitation Grant. Application deadline is May 15th.


Resolutions: A discussion regarding the Resolutions needing to be passed for the Grants. There were comments about whether it would be better for the Township to initiate the applications or Scott County for the Regional Solicitation. Bruce commented that we need to allow Chad and Maggie to approve any Resolutions that may need updates after the Township meeting. Bob Ruppe suggested wording for that situation: to approve the application for a Regional Solicitation for Transportation Funds as the Township as the Applicant or the County as the Applicant which ever may have the greater chance of success. Bob was to create a written Motion for use by the Township. Motion by Bruce to accept Bob Ruppe’s written Motion for having the Township or the County be the Applicant for the Regional Solicitation Grant, and the Chair and Clerk can take action when the time is right, second by Chad, Unanimous at 9:08pm.


Resolution 2020-03: Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Grant application for US Highway 169 Freight Mobility and Safety Investments. Motion by Chad as he read the Resolution 2020-03 for BUILD Grant, second by Bill, Unanimous at 9:08pm.


Resolution 2020-04: Regional Grant had no motion due to who should be submitting it – the Township or Scott County.


Resolution 2020-05: MNDOT is asking for the Township to enter into an agreement retain ownership and maintenance of the drainage system MNDOT will build on the north side of TH 282 and Kreuser Road. Bob Ruppe will create language to allow drainage access and property easement for the Township. Motion to approve State of Minnesota Department of Transportation and Sand Creek Township Construction Agreement contingent on Attorney review and Town Engineer review and approval by Chad, second by Bill, Unanimous at 9:20pm. Matt will continue the conversation with MNDOT to ensure the pond is sized appropriately and easement is allowed.


Workshop Update: The third Thursdays are open on the Chambers calendar. The first Workshop will be May 21st. The Agenda will be CIP, Task List and any road issues. No decision making or voting is expected to take place during the workshops. If there are any, then meeting minutes will be provided.


Website Update and Task List: Emily added several items (gravel road updates, Survey about internet access, agreement with Access Networks) to the website and Nextdoor. Webex information for the May meeting was added to the Calendar. A News article was added for the information meeting on the Pueblo Blvd/Xanadu Ave/168th Street potential paving project. For the Task list we reviewed some high priority items – Webb Pallet received a 60-day extension, ongoing Berkshire Ave. project activities, Bruce to send Emily pictures taken during Spring Road Tour, and new Contact at NextEra for scholarship money.




Bruce Hunstad:  Bruce worked on the CIP, updated it with findings from the Spring Road Tour (crack seal list). He attended the MNDOT/Scott County/Stantec meeting to discuss funding for TH 169 and 166th Street/Berkshire Ave activities.


Bill Schneider:  Bill attended the Spring Road Tour and a tree trimming class.


Road Report:  Bill measured drop on culverts that still have flooding issue, worked with Maggie on tree trimming letter which needs further review by the Board. He explained that gravel is getting more expensive and is looking at materials and locations to decide what works best. Roads are in good shape. Street signs replacement is delayed as the business that provides them are behind schedule. He and Bruce did a lot of work on Akers Lane removing the silt fence. Motion by Bruce to approve the Road Report, second by Chad, Unanimous at 10:01pm.


Chad Sandey:  Chad attended meetings with Scott County, MNDOT and Bob Ruppe. He worked on the agreement with Access Network. Jennifer Jensen explained that they are going to host Disabled American Veterans and their Families with a fundraiser in late August. She was wondering if a Permit would be required. Chad replied that she should look for a “large function” Permit at the County.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:20pm by Chad, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey