Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

May 6th, 2021


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Treasurer Myron Pauly, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Curt Hennes – PLSLWD, Lisa Freese – Scott County, Nate Heinz, Dave Heinz, Peggy Jo Dunnette, and Travis Cherro


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social distancing.



Minutes for the April meetings were presented to the Board. Motion to accept the April Meeting Minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:04pm. Motion to accept the Board of Appeals Minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:04pm. Motion to erase the April recording of minutes by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:05pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for May was submitted by Myron.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:07pm.


Monthly Claims


                        Dvorak Excavating                                                       $   8,119.00

Stantec (Engineering Services)                                     $   8,967.50

Pentagon Materials Inc.                                               $   3,039.33

Couri & Ruppe (legal fees)                                           $      440.00

Gov Office (Township website fees)                             $      845.00

MATIT (Township Dues)                                              $   1,837.00

SW News Media (legal notice)                                     $      194.97

DEM-Con Companies (mattress/box spring)                $        29.25

                        New Prague Mini Storage                                            $      111.00

                        Bryan Rock Products                                                    $      492.10

                        Scott County Treasurer (Tax Assessments)                   $ 23,600.00

                        Jordan Dollars for Scholars (2 Scholarships)                $   2,000.00

                        Maggie Gallentine (cell phone, printing/mailing)        $      334.48

                        Bill Schneider (mileage: road inspect/dust coating)     $      148.44

                        Triton Thomas                                                             $        80.00

Payroll                                                                         $      975.00

Payroll                                                                         $      565.00

Payroll                                                                         $      630.00

Payroll                                                                         $      630.00

Payroll                                                                         $      810.00

Payroll                                                                         $      820.00



                                                            Total                                         $ 54,668.07


Motion by Chad to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:13pm.



Public Comment:  Travis Cherro asked if Scott County is dust coating Valley View Road this year. Bill replied yes. Peggy Jo Dunnette asked about the comments in the March Minutes about JMH “paving the way”. Chad reiterated the Township will not put any money toward the development. The developer needs to pay for updating the infrastructure. Peggy Jo reminded the Board to avoid land changes, and to please protect the water.





Sheriff’s Department: No Deputy present. April Report listed 54 calls, down from last month. Top items listed: 14 traffic stops, 14 medical/assist, 7 accidents, 5 suspicious (vehicle) and 4 animal calls. A different Deputy will be assigned to our Township.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Curt Hennes mentioned the City of Prior Lake will be having Lakefront Music Fest (July) and Lakefront Days (August). There was a Carp sein which only captured 160 (1000 lbs.). Winter seins seem to work better. The U of M is looking at a virus which would sterilize the male Carp. Two iron sand filters will be installed north of the dam to help take out impurities at the Sutton lake Project. The I-LIDs Program will be installed at Spring Lake to look at boats going in or coming out of the Lake.


Nate Heinz Variance Recommendation: Nate would like to add a grain bin on his property but the best place to put it requires a Variance due to the setback distance from the State Highway right-of-way. Scott County Planning will schedule the Variance on the County Board of Adjustment on June 14th. Motion by Chad for Sand Creek Township to recommend that Nate Heinz receives a Variance for an 18 x 18 grain bin located 140-feet from the centerline of the road, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:37pm.


Stantec: Matt Stordahl commented on the following Projects: Berkshire Extension: Project is proceeding as expected. TH 169 Overpass: There were discussion with residents on the west side of 169. Good conversations and new contact information were made and added to the tracking spreadsheet. Hwy 282: Project pushed out to May 10th. We are waiting on the drainage pond agreement. The Project will take all summer until fall to replace the asphalt. City of Jordan to Lydia Road will take approximately 6-8 weeks. Nate Heinz asked about access to his home on 282. Matt replied that there will always be a route but it may change daily. The Construction Manager can be contacted to discuss access to properties. Funding for Projects: Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) received 400 applicants this year vs 200 in 2020. Local Partnership Program Grant is accepting applications. American Recovery Plan: every City, Township, County and State gets a portion for use on city sewer, water mains and broadband. Sand Creek Township has already supported expanding broadband access in 2020 with Scott County. Lisa Freese (Scott County) explained there is an opportunity for the Local Partnership Program with MNDOT looking for access closures. Jordan Ave. connection to TH 169 is on our list to close. There is concern about where the acceleration and deceleration lanes can be located and what alternatives can there be? What will MNDOT accept? How do we serve our residents and businesses? We are looking for funding for frontage and backage roads. An application for LRIP Funds has been discussed with Diane Langenbach (MNDOT) for the projects we have in our Township. We may find out mid to late June to see if we are considered for funding. Scott County has been discussing with the railroad company about their usage of the railroad running parallel to TH 169. Safe access is the goal for businesses in the area. Chad thanked Lisa for all of the work done so far on the projects including dedicated funding opportunities. Lisa responded that by having the Township taking the lead on the Corridor Study, and for planning and getting ahead of the problems. The County Board knew there was momentum going and knew the Township was going to need help working with what MNDOT was wanting the Township to do. Motion to approve the Resolution presented in front of us and I will quickly read through it. Chad read Resolution 2021-5 to the attendees. Now, therefor be it resolved, that the Town Board of Sand Creek hereby authorizes submittal of the Jordan Avenue Extension Project to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for consideration in the 2021 Local Partnership Program. second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:22pm. Lisa further explained ownership of overpasses as being owned by either Scott County or the Township. The first 20-years will incur little maintenance unless there happens to be an accident hitting a guardrail. Scott County does all bridge inspections and maintains their bridges. There is a State program for bridges owned by Townships that become deficient. Lisa stressed that the communication with the businesses is very important. The Township should take the lead and keep the County engaged in the dialog. Scott County appreciates the leadership the Township has taken on with the project.


Discuss Spring Road Tour: Bruce added comments to the CIP spreadsheet. On the Paved Roads section, Sawmill Road will want to limit expenses due to future road resurfacing. Matt to look at the edges (slow down the decay) of Sawmill Road to see what can be done? Crack Seal List updated to add Bluff Drive and Greystone Ave. Sweeping needs to be done. On the Unpaved Roads section, letters to be sent for tree trimming on Harlow Ave. Frost boils have been noted. The Compliance Officer needs to visit 6 sites. Maggie to ask for a Compliance Report update from Scott County. Matt has been asked to look at the culvert on Naylor Ave. and give an estimate for replacement. If American Recovery Plan considers stormwater (sewer), then we have multiple culverts that could be fixed.


Solar Garden Scholarship: Maggie spoke with Al Menke but has not received a check yet. Motion by Bruce to pay $3000 in scholarship money now and then we will be reimbursed the rest of the amount, second by Chad, Unanimous at 8:56pm.


Set Date for Dust Coating: The Tentative date is set for Wednesday, May 26th. Valley View Road will be dust coated by Scott County.


Website Update and Task List: Emily added the CIP spreadsheet. Task List: Completed Communication about holding pond in Berkshire Ave. Project. Add notes from Spring Road Inspection CIP spreadsheet for Paved and Unpaved Roads.




Bruce Hunstad: Bruce and Matt updated the 169 Project spreadsheet with business and resident engagements. Louisville will also put in for funding for backage roads to link with our planned backage roads. Bruce attended PMT meeting with SRF Consultants.


Bill Schneider:  Bill attended the District Eight Meeting about avoiding annexation, transportation for Township’s funding, and businesses not opening after COVID pandemic.


Road Report:  Bill commented that roads are in pretty good condition. Extra material was added to roads that needed it. Furniture was found in a ditch on Bluff Drive and removed. Motion by Bruce to approve the Road Report, second Chad, Unanimous at 9:35pm.


Chad Sandey:  Chad attended the SCALE meeting. Kudos was given to the Township by Prior Lake Mayor Kirt Briggs at the SCALE meeting regarding the Street Impact Fee Resolution conversation.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:37pm by Bruce, second by Chad, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey