Sand Creek Township
Monthly Meeting Minutes
May 5th, 2022
Officers Present
Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Treasurer
Myron Pauly, Deputy Treasurer Kevin Nordick, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy
Clerk Emily Nordick.
Others Present
Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Curt Hennes –
PLSLWD, Jennifer Jensen, Mark Jensen, Travis Cherro, Deb Pauly, Timur Volchkov,
Chris Price from Interlock Concrete Products, and Todd Dvorak – Dvorak
Called to Order
The regular monthly meeting was called
to order at 7:03pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social
Minutes for the April meeting were presented to the Board. Motion
to accept the April Meeting Minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:04pm.
Motion to erase the April recording of minutes by Chad, second by Bill,
Unanimous at 7:04pm.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report for May was submitted by Myron. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce,
second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:05pm. Bruce asked to collect ARPA funds on spreadsheet due to purchase of
laptops and MS Office software for Township Officers. Chad explained what ARPA funds
are and what they can be used for.
Monthly Claims
Dvorak Excavating (gravel,
grading, tree trimming) $ 20,004.50
Bryan Rock Products $ 29,600.34
Stantec (Berkshire
project, general Eng.) $ 1,962.50
Couri & Ruppe (gen.
legal fees) $ 1,150.00
Scott County Treasurer (tax
assessment) $
MATIT (Worker’s Compensation
Policy) $ 1,837.00
MATIT (4 corners
training for Kevin Nordick) $ 65.00
Dem-Con Companies
(furniture disposal) $ 108.99
Southwest News Media (meeting
notices) $ 113.03
Maggie Gallentine (cell
phone, dust coat letter, etc.) $ 580.33
Steve Gallentine
(pickup/paint stakes for dust coat) $ 46.75
Bill Schneider (purchase
stakes, mileage) $ 38.01
Bruce Hunstad (2 HP
laptops & MS Office software) $ 2,523.14
Kevin Nordick (2 HP laptops
& MS Office software) $ 2,279.24
New Prague Mini Storage
(May rent) $ 113.00
Payroll $ 969.67
Payroll $ 401.72
Payroll $ 581.80
Payroll $ 309.37
Payroll $ 512.54
Payroll $ 678.77
Payroll $ 263.20
Total $ 88,438.90
by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:10pm.
Public Comment: Jennifer Jensen asked about road construction
at 282 & 13. Matt Stordahl explained there is new overlay going down in
3-phases on Hwy 13 from 282 to 10, from 10 to 2 (roundabout), then from 2 to
New Prague.
Sheriff’s Department: Det. Muelken spoke
about the Report that listed 53 calls for service, down from 64 last month: 12
traffic, 9 assists, 8 medical, 3 accidents, 2 Disturbance, 2 suicidal person (same
person at Valley View), 3 suspicious, and 1 alarm. New Ordinance in Scott County being proposed
for possession of catalytic converter(s) that are not attached to a vehicle and
do not have a proof of ownership.
Prior Lake Spring Lake
Watershed District: Curt Hennes noted Board President Mike Myser
may be resigning for business reasons. Vice President Bruce Loney will be
taking over in mid-June. The most senior staff has been with the district for 2
years. 8,300 pounds of carp were removed at the sein in February which was not
as much as in 2021. Spring Lake West project for cleaning out an iron-enhanced
sand filter installed for water quality. Waiting for easement rights to get to
cleaning it out. Curt is waiting to hear who will be the Watershed District’s
representative at our monthly meetings.
Stantec: Matt Stordahl provided
updates on the following Projects/Topics: Unofficial detours caused by TH
282 road project: Diane Langenbach (MNDOT) will be getting forms together
and will turn in for reimbursement. Berkshire
Extension Project: Temporary easements are needed and are working to bring
to completion. Stantec couldn’t get MNDOT to give a straight answer on what
documents needed to include. Sport Wheels owner was going to get the temporary
easements notarized. Matt to check with Sport Wheels to ensure signing. Bid
opening June 24th. TH 169 Overpass Project: Detailed designs
of bridge going on now. Designs are scored on price, and impacts. Bruce wants
to review the resident’s driveway design with Matt as it should be gravel and
the smallest width possible. 2022 Local Partnership Program (LPP) Grant:
Working with Scott County on LPP Grant for 2 Township projects – 166th
Street extending to Jordan Avenue and Jordan Avenue connecting to 173rd
Timur Volchkov Staff
Report Recommendation: Timur is looking to build his
parents a home on his property and requires an Interim Use Permit (IUP). Scott
County Staff Report acted favorably for the request for an Accessory Dwelling
Unit (ADU) for immediate family. An IUP is required for the detached dwelling
unit. Conditions for the variance and Permit were read by Chad. Motion by Chad based on the criteria for approval listed
in the staff report, we as Sand Creek Township are recommending the approval of
the Interim Use Permit for Timur Volchkov to use and add an attached accessory
dwelling unit to his property, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:49pm.
Sutton Ridge Farm Staff Report Recommendation:
and Mark Jensen require a variance and Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Due to the
layout of their farm site, they need 133-foot setback instead of 150-foot. Recommendation
by Chad based upon findings that are listed in the Staff Report Sand Creek Township
recommends approval for the requested variance from the required 150-feet road
centerline setback to 133-feet to construct a building for agritourism
including farm stays, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:56pm. The new
building will be for agritourism for farm stays (rent rooms like Airbnb), sell
their meat/products, education, tours, wellness walks, school kid visits, and U
of M tours. A favorable Scott County Staff Report was given for the CUP. Chad
read 13 conditions for the Permit. Motion
by Chad based on the criteria for approval it is listed in the Staff Report we,
Sand Creek Township recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit to conduct
an agricultural tourism operation including farm stays and a farm market noting
that this recommendation is subject to approval of the conditions listed in the
Staff Report that must be satisfactorily addressed prior to the County Board
consideration of the project, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:11pm. Military
Appreciation Day will be September 10th.
Interlock Concrete
Products Recommendation: Chris Price from Interlock Products said they are looking
to expand and build a new plant 45,000 sq. foot building. They are asking for a
52-foot height variance from 45-foot. Their existing building will to continue to
be used while the other is going up. Then they will stop production in the old
building and decide what to do with it and may repurpose it. They have a 5-year
lease with option to renew with Final Grade. They are concerned about Condition
#12 of the CUP. They do not want to plant trees on the eastern edge, but can
plant anywhere else. Chad read conditions for approval, and to strike Condition
#12 due to lease. Motion by Chad based on the criteria and conditions
for approval listed in the Staff Report Sand Creek Township recommends the
approval of the amended Condition Use Permit for Interlock Concrete Products to
add an addition 45,000 sq. foot production building noting that this
recommendation is subject to Staff approval of the outstanding conditions
listed in the Staff Report and they should be satisfactorily addressed prior to
County Board consideration, and also strike Condition #12 because there is currently
a lease in place for the storage of their building products that makes planting
trees not viable, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:29pm. Variance height for
the building (52-feet) is required due to their equipment height. Scott County
Staff Report recommended approval of variance. Motion by Chad based on
criteria for determining variance hardships listed in the Staff Report, Sand
Creek Township recommends approval of the variance from the required 45-foot
height maximum in the I2 District to 52-foot height to construct a building for
concrete product production, second by Bruce, Unanimous by quorum (majority) at
8:33pm. Bill left the room for a short time.
Bluff Drive Area Application Resolution: Local Partnership
Program (LPP) for us to apply for State funding. We want to combine Jordan
Avenue connection to 173rd Street Project and 166th
Street extension to Jordan Avenue Project for funding. Chad read the
Resolution (2022-02) and motion, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:38pm.
Website Update and
Task List:
Emily updated the News section by adding 2022 County Notice of Filing (office
to be voted on in 2022 election), Mosquito Control posting, and Agenda. Bruce
suggested adding Sutton Ridge Farm agritourism information, and sent the CIP
spreadsheet for the website. Chad recommended reviewing News for stale/old
information. Task List: Removed 3 completed items – 1 under Berkshire
header, and 2 under Scott County. Emily also updated the status of the computers
as complete. No Workshop meeting this month.
Bridge Report: Motion
by Chad to approve Xanadu Bridge Report when the Report is found, the
respective Township Board member can sign it, second by Bill, Unanimous at
Bruce Hunstad: Bruce attended the 169
Corridor Coalition Executive meeting and Board of Appeal and Equalization
meeting. The Board of Appeal reconvened meeting will be May 9th. He
removed a snow fence and also attended the Annual Road Inspection.
Bill Schneider: Bill attended the
Annual Road Inspection.
Road Report: Bill said roads look pretty good and have
had grading done after
the rains. There is a new form for Todd Dvorak (Dvorak Excavating) to use every
month with dates and priority of road projects. Highest priority is grading and reclaiming shoulders. Dust Coating will
be June 2-3. Tree trimming, brush work, and clearing drain on Golfview Drive
are on the list. Motion to approve the Road Report by Bruce, second by Chad,
Unanimous at 9:22pm.
Chad Sandey: Chad attended the Board of Appeal and Equalization,
Annual Road Inspection and SCALE meeting.
Motion to adjourn the
meeting at 9:23pm by Chad, second by Bill, Unanimous.
Submitted By:
Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk
Approved by
Chairman, Chad Sandey