Township of Sand Creek

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes - MVEC

7:00 pm –  April 6, 2017


Officers Present:           Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisors Bruce Hunstad and Bill Schneider, Treasurer Michelle Rutoski

                                        and Clerk Shelley Pauly.


Others Present:             Edward Will, Gerhard Will, Mark Pauly, Rita Tauer, Dennis Tauer, Emily Nordick, Curt Hennes, Herb

                                        Baldwin, Travis Cherro, Shiela VonBank, Todd Dvorak, and Bob Wolf.


Called to Order:           The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. 

           The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Minutes:                        Minutes for February were presented to the Board.  A motion to approve the minutes made by Bruce,

                                       seconded by Bill.  Unanimous.  A motion to erase the March recording made by Chad,  

                                       seconded by Bruce. Unanimous.


Treasurer’s Report:    The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by the board.  A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by   

                                       Chad, seconded by Bill.  Unanimous.


Monthly Charges:


·         Sibley Aggregates                                                                         $61.88 

·         Southwest News Media                                                            $177.21

·         Couri & Ruppe   Feb Bill                                                          $801.25

·         Bill Schneider – Reimbursement                                              $107.11

·         Verizon Wireless                                                                            $93.63

·         Stantec                                                                                          $554.50

·         Shelley Pauly – Reimbursement                                                 $66.29

·         Scott Cty Association of Townships Dues                              $920.72

·         Couri & Ruppe March Bill                                                         $302.50

·         Dvorak Excavating, Inc                                                        $4,583.50

·         Bruce Hunstad                                                                               $66.34

·         Bill Schneider – Mileage Reimbursement                               $105.93                                                               

·         Payroll                                                                                       $1,038.94

·         Payroll                                                                                           $623.36

·         Payroll                                                                                           $609.51

·         Payroll                                                                                           $531.01               

·         Payroll                                                                                           $738.80

·         Payroll                                                                                          $692.62

·         Internal Revenue Service                                                        $1,250.30

·         Rita Tauer – Reimbursements                                                  $433.13

                                        TOTAL                                $13,758.53


Motion to accept the monthly charges as read by Bruce, seconded by Bill.  Unanimous.                                                                  


Public Comment:   No public comment





Sheriff’s Office:               Most of the calls for the month of March consisted of minor traffic calls and minor accidents.  No serious accidents or crimes were committed.  There were 41 total calls for the month.


Prior Lake/Spring Lake: Curt said they will be testing the water quality of lakes in the Watershed District.  On April 23rd, Sunday, at Sand Point Beach in Prior Lake they will be raking leaves so they do not end up in the storm sewers and lakes. Everyone is invited to help from 9 – 11 am.  The Watershed Group will be providing pastries, juice and coffee at 9 and sandwiches at 11.  Also, visited the new renovated capital for a meeting and said if you get a chance to get there they have done an awesome job in the renovation.



Long Range Planning:      Monthly meeting at the Library on the third Thursday of the month.  Bruce summarized from the meetings he has attended that the feeling he is getting from the residents is that they want things to stay as they are within the township. Residents are not looking to bring in a lot of commercial businesses.  

                                                Herb passed out the minutes and agenda from the last meeting.  Herb would like to see more people invited to attend, asking the people in attendance to invite their family, neighbors and friends to attend. Herb said the committee is incurring some costs and would ask that they could be reimbursed for these costs.  After much discussion, a motion was made to accept expenses from the Long-Range Planning Committee for reasonable and justifiable expenses by Bruce, seconded by Bill, Unanimous.

                                                Attached are the minutes and agenda from the March 23rd meeting of the Long-Range Planning Committee.


Edward/Gerhard Will:    The Will’s brought to the board their plans for an additional dwelling on their property.  Gerhard and Edward have taken their plans to the county and have met and/or exceeded all the requirements recommended by the county.  Once the township has approved the plans they will return to the county and apply for a permit to move forward. Motion was made to approve the plans as presented to the township for the additional agricultural dwelling (48 feet by 34 feet) as presented to the township on the Edward Will Farm on 17530 Baseline Avenue, the only condition is that it complies with the current additional agricultural dwelling ordinances with the county, seconded by Bruce.  Unanimous.


2016 Bridge Inspect:         There are 9 bridges that are listed in Sand Creek Township.   This year there were two bridges within the township that need some work. One on Jordan Avenue – remove trees and brush around the aprons and one on Bluff Drive – remove trees and brush around the aprons.  The Board will look at the bridges during their road tour on Saturday and will look at what is needed and will schedule the work to get done. 


Utility Permit Install:        Comcast requested a permit for installation of their wire on Valley View Drive.  The board has requested a      Certificate of Insurance and a Utility Bond for $10,000 to cover the township.  Motion by Chad to approve the permit to install Comcast from Syndicate Street to the Metropolitan Mosquito Control Facility at 17575 Valley View, Jordan, pursuant to the plans provided us by Comcast and pursuant to the permit application they provided with the conditions that we get a Utility Bond for $10,000 and a Certificate of Insurance, listing the township as additional insured, seconded by Bruce, Unanimous. 


Road Work Bids:               Bill has met with Dem Con twice regarding using the shingle and rock for the roads.  Dem Con would haul the recycled shingles to Bryan Rock, mix it with rock and Todd would pick it up at Bryan Rock.  The cost is comparable to what we pay now.  Dem Con is willing to dispose of mattresses and box springs that are left on the roads in the township at a very reduced rate if we go with them on the road material.  Bill would like to see that we use it on a lot of our rural roads. The board will decide on their road tour on Saturday which roads would be the best roads to use this application.


Tree Trimming Update:  Bill met again with Carr’s Tree Service to see if they could bring their bid down at all.  Bill has agreed to help Carr’s by loading some of the logs and do some trimming to reduce our costs with them. Bill has a couple of places where he can take the logs to dispose of them.   The new bill from Carr’s has come in at $23,000.  This allows the township to take care what is necessary this year.


MVEC Copy Charges:    Shelley requested the board’s approval for keeping track of the number of copies made at MVEC and to reimburse MVEC for the copies that the Clerk is making.  The board approved this request, Shelley will request a check every 6 months for the copies made.


Website Update:                 Bruce questioned Dennis and Rita if it is possible to have a monthly folder on the Website to attach the information pertaining to that month.  Also, to have more folders under the Long-Range Planning Committee to attach the agenda and minutes for this committee also. Dennis and Rita said there are places on the website to attach this information too.  Dennis requested the information sent to them in Microsoft Word form and they can attach them.   Bruce has requested as much information as possible should be on the website, meeting minutes, agendas, long range planning information and would like to see an email sent out when the agenda and minutes are ready to view for the upcoming meeting. Herb questioned the board as to when the board would like to see the information from the Long-Range Planning Committee on the website.  Chad informed Herb that whenever the information is ready, he should forward it to Rita and Dennis and they can then post it.




Bruce Hunstad:                Bruce, Bill and Chad attended the Scotty County Township Meeting.  There was much discussion regarding Transportation and the 169 Corridor.  Bruce was able to bring to the Long-Range Planning Committee lots of information and a few maps.  Bruce stated a bus route from Mankato to Minneapolis will be starting soon.  Jordan residents can hop on the bus at the Holiday Station in Jordan and will be taken to downtown Minneapolis.  You can purchase your ticket as you get on the bus.  No advance purchasing needed.


                                                A 169-pavement project is in the works for the summer of 2018.  Two sections will be done south of Jordan, around the new Jordan Supper Club.  One will be 6.4 miles and another will be 7.1 miles.  Planning stages will begin in the fall of 2017. 


                                                Scale meeting was hosted by the New Prague school system.  It was interesting to listen to the growth within the school district.  At Scale, they also talked about Body Cams as becoming the way of the future.   Many issues are being resolved with the cameras, versus going to court.


                                                At the Jordan Fire Department meeting it was announced that they will be purchasing a fast attack truck at about ½ the cost of a new pumper truck. 


                                                The board attended the Scott County Township Meeting at Spring Lake Hall on March 18th. This was a good chance to hear from other townships, the struggles and successes they have had within their townships.


                                                Township Short Courses were on March 22nd.  It was a good meeting for the supervisors. Items on the agenda were truck and weight restrictions, insurance, road maintenance, contracts and bonding.  Very informative.



Bill Schneider:                   Bill attended the same meetings as Bruce did in the month of March, most of the information was already     covered by Bruce.  



Bill’s Road Report:           Dust Coating will take place on May 25th and May 26th by Northern Salt, Inc.  Bill has spoken to a township that has used them before and the township was very satisfied.  They have more reliable equipment and are less expensive.  Also, the DNR will not allow trimming of ditches between May15th and August 15th – do not want to disturb the wildlife.  The DNR is also regulating the kind of spraying and the amount of spraying that can be done in the ditches.  A motion to accept the Road Report by Chad, seconded by Bruce.  Unanimous.  Travis Cherro asked what the decision was regarding the Dust Coating of Valley View Drive.   Bill said there was a meeting with commissioners and maintenance people, which Bill was not invited too.  Bill will be meeting with Scott County shortly. Bill suggested that at this time it would be best to just pay their half and the township pay half until a decision is made.


Chad Sandey:                     Contracts for the Bluff Drive Slope were signed this past month with the insurance provision included.  Rachel Contracting has purchased all the materials and they should be arriving by the 3rd week of April.  Once all the materials are there, they will be contacting Chad with a start date.  A corn crib located near bluff drive will also be dismantled and removed.  A private individual has contracted with Rachel Contracting to do this.


Chad talked to Marty regarding Auto Nation becoming compliant with all the stipulations.  Chad told Marty he did not want to agree to anything until the final stipulation of the cars moving off the Right of Way was done.  Chad suggested that Marty contact Diane from MN Dot to write a letter instructing them to remove the cars.  That was done and Auto Nation has now moved the cars back and are in total compliance. 


Sand Creek Township Board is trying to arrange a meeting with Louisville township regarding the 169 Corridor.  It will take place in April.


Update on the Solar Gardens - NextEra has all the permits from the Township, but the building permits have not all been approved by the county.  They are hopeful for construction this year yet.  Herb questioned the board regarding the 80/20 (referring to the Solar Production Tax paid by the developer over the term of the project).  It is currently legislated that 80% goes to the County and 20% goes to the township. Chad informed everyone that lobbying and legislation is still in the works to change that percentage more in favor of the townships.


Dust coating letter will be going out the week of April 10th.  


Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:25 pm by Bruce, seconded by Bill.  Unanimous.  Meeting adjourned 9:25 pm.




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Submitted by Shelley Pauly, Clerk                                         Approved by Chad Sandey, Chairman