Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

April 2nd, 2020


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad (called in), Supervisor Bill Schneider, Treasurer Myron Pauly (called in), Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Matt Stordahl – Stantec (called in), Perry Mulcrone – Scott County, and Steve Herman – access-net, NetWave Broadband


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:08pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Chad explained the reduced presence of Board members and other regular visitors is due to COVID-19, and we are actively practicing social distancing.



Minutes for the March meeting were presented to the Board. Motion by Bill to accept the minutes, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:10pm. Minutes for the Board of Audit meeting were presented to the Board. Chad said they were missing the statement about using the Treasurer’s computer, so the Minutes were tabled until next month. Minutes for the Annual Meeting were recessed until the September meeting. Motion to erase the March recording of minutes by Bill, second by Chad, Unanimous at 7:15pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for March was submitted by Myron. Myron created an account for the Pueblo Blvd/168th St/Xanadu Ave. Project. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:22pm.


Monthly Claims


                        Dvorak Excavating (tree trimming)                              $ 14,082.50

                        Stantec (general engineering)                                      $   1,186.00

                        Couri & Ruppe (general legal fees)                              $   2,140.00

                        Internal Revenue Service (1st Qtr. Taxes)                      $   1,507.24

                        Scott County OMB (treated salt)                                  $      675.00

                        Dem-Con (refuse disposal)                                           $        77.53

New Prague Mini Storage                                            $      109.00

Steve Gallentine (catering for PNP election)                $      380.37

Maggie Gallentine (cell phone)                                    $        41.18

Bill Schneider (mileage: road inspection, trash)           $      153.38

Payroll                                                                         $      900.00

Payroll                                                                         $      300.00

Payroll                                                                         $      550.00

Payroll                                                                         $      550.00

Payroll                                                                         $      525.00

Payroll                                                                         $      505.00



                                                            Total                                         $ 23,682.20


Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:25pm.





Sheriff’s Department:  Not present


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Curt Hennes was not present.


Stantec: Matt Stordahl has been working with Bruce on giving the paved roads PASER Ratings. The paved roads are in pretty good shape and most need crack sealing and maintenance.


There was a meeting on April 1st with MNDOT and Scott County and they agree that it makes sense to have an acceleration lane going north from Bluff Drive on TH 169 and to close the access from 166th Street and TH 169 will cost $330,000. The new backage road (Berkshire) from 166th Street to Bluff Drive on the east side of TH 169 will cost $440,000 plus contingencies and legal fees. That work would be done in 2022. Stantec to estimate on design cost and right of way property needs to be acquired. The right-of-way acquisitions should start as soon as possible. Matt to check on federal process as we want to understand exactly what access is needed. A meeting is required with interested parties. Diane at MNDOT said we can have another meeting to discuss further. There is not much money to do other things in conjunction with this project and should continue to look for funding.


In 2024 during the re-paving of TH 169, the Bluff Drive intersection would look like the 173rd Street intersection. We have concerns regarding the 2024 project as north bound traffic from the west side of Bluff Drive should also have an acceleration lane. Bruce will write a letter to MNDOT with concerns.


For the Pueblo Blvd/168th Street/Xanadu project, Stantec has sent schedule of costs to work with. Plans $47,000 and soil borings done between Board meetings and ready in June’s meeting. They will get bids ready for the July meeting.


Public Hearing Letter: The Draft of Public Hearing Letter regarding the proposed project on Pueblo Blvd/168th Street/Xanadu Ave. has been created. If the “Stay at Home” order is still in place. Then a Webex meeting information will be provided with chat questions only. In the event of an additional Stay at Home order we can postpone the hearing. Matt suggested putting a packet together ahead of the hearing with general costs, general property value, etc.


Jordan Fire Department Raffle Permit: Chad signed the permit – no Motion needed.


Xcel Energy Utility Permit: Chad signed the permit – no Motion needed.


Frontier Communications Right-of-Way Permit: The Permit is for the right-of-way on TH 169 going west to Valley View Road. Motion to approve the Permit by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 8:15pm.


Jaguar Communications Change of Control: Jaguar was sold to another company – MetroNet Holdings. Sand Creek Township granted Jaguar a utility permit. The contract from MetroNet says we have a franchise agreement. If so, can we collect the franchise fee? How do we find out? Maggie or Chad to contact Jaguar legal group. Motion by Chad to approve Resolution 2020-1 approving the change of control of Jaguar Communications, second by Bill, Unanimous at 8:19pm.


Dust Coating Letter: The letter will be sent out to residents with some small adjustments needed for clarification. The minimum coverage is 300ft x 18ft. The letter will contain both Maggie’s and Bill’s addresses for picking up stakes.


Scott County Township Approval Form: Each Township is expected to let the County know when they are to be notified for residential and commercial building inspections. Sand Creek Township has chosen to be notified for the following activities for residential properties: new home, demolition, move house/structure, garage, pole building, and for commercial properties: new building, move building/structure.


Access High Speed Internet: Perry Mulcrone (Scott County) has contacted providers to help get a rapid response to get access to unserved or underserved residents during the COVID-19 crisis. This proposal would be for internet only, no phone connection. Equipment would be added to three towers to provide internet access to target approximately 4,000 homes. The areas noted are based on a survey from Scott County. A discounted installation and monthly charges would apply for any new accounts for a 3-year agreement. The cost of getting the equipment installed is divided by thirds: 1/3 Access Network, 1/3 Scott County, 1/3 affected Townships (Spring Lake, Louisville, and Sand Creek). Motion by Chad to approve and execute a contract with the proposed internet provider contingent upon negotiating terms acceptable to the Town Board Chairman and the Town Attorney for the following: Provide the service to the residents of the Township for an agreed upon service price that would not be increased for an agreed upon number of years are negotiated; and the internet provider would also have to agree that the Township would receive one free connection and internet service to be used for Township business wherever the Town Board wants to assign it. It might be the Town Hall. It might be the Clerk’s house. Maybe it’s the maintenance garage. Wherever. Please note that this internet location may change over the years if the location of the Town Hall or if the Clerk changes, etc., second by Bruce, Unanimous at 9:40pm.


CIP Update and Priorities: Bruce has added tree trimming costs and has the PASER Ratings defined by Stantec. He is ready for the Spring Road Tour on April 11th.


Resolution 2020-2: The Township Board has approved Resolution 2020-2 to Conduct Open Meetings by Telephone. Motion by Chad to adopt the Resolution establishing the ability to conduct open meetings by telephone, second by Bill, Unanimous at 9:46pm.


Workshop Update: Maggie checked with Mary and found the third Thursday in May (21st) is open on the Chambers calendar. The Board can meet to work on the Task List at 6pm. No workshop meetings will happen until after the Stay at Home order is lifted.


Website Update and Task List: Emily added the meeting minutes and agenda the previous week. Other meetings the Township Board were to attend have all been cancelled. Chad asked Emily to add the Resolution 2020-2 to the website. Foe the Task list we reviewed the high priority items – Escrow Balances, Webb Pallet is moving driveway locations (medium), added more tasks to the Berkshire Ave. project, Bruce to send Emily a picture of tree trimming, 2019/2020 CIP projects, road grading and knock off high ridges before the Spring Road Tour, Contact Joe at NextEra for scholarship money.




Bruce Hunstad:  Bruce attended the annual meeting, the Stantec meeting about PASER Ratings, the MNDOT/Scott County/Stantec meeting to discuss funding and 166th Street/Berkshire Ave activities. The 2022 plan looks good, but have concerns about the 2024 TH 169 re-paving project plan because it needs work.


Bill Schneider:  Bill attended the Annual Meeting and the Poly Septic meeting. He and Maggie met about FEMA activities.


Road Report:  Bill commented that the roads are in pretty good shape. Tree trimming and marking has been done at the golf course with help from Bruce. More tree trimming in other areas. Todd has been grading. He removed large amounts of trash and furniture that is now at his house because Dem-Con is closed. Motion to accept the Road Report by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 10:09pm.


Chad Sandey:  Chad attended the Annual Meeting and Webb Pallet meeting where they are starting at 5 driveways and reducing them down to 3. Webb Pallet will be adding landscaping changes with shrubs instead of trees. The County is trying to be consistent with managing empty residences and requires the home on Webb Pallet’s property to be removed within 5 years per the Conditional Use Permit.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:14pm by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey