Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

March 7th, 2024


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor Lee Kes, Treasurer Kevin Nordick, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick.


Others Present

Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Todd Dvorak – Dvorak Excavating, Det. Muelken – Sheriff’s Department, Christian Morkeberg – Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District, Ursula Bedeaux, Adam Seamans, Brian Renstem, Nan Renstem, Yvonne Perkins, Travis Cherro and Deb Pauly.


Called to Order                                                                                               

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.                                                                                                                                                                                

Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social distancing.



Minutes for the February meeting were presented to the Board. Motion to accept the February Meeting Minutes by Bruce, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:04pm. Motion to delete the February meetings recordings of minutes by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:05pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for February was submitted by Kevin. Bruce commented that the Road Tax and ORI should move to the Road and Bridge CIP account. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:06pm.


Monthly Claims


Dvorak Excavating (grading,sand/salt,snow,tree trim) $  30,387.50

Stantec Consulting (Planning and Zoning, Eng)           $    8,993.00

Stantec Consulting (Planning and Zoning, Eng)           $    3,495.00

Couri & Ruppe P.L.L.P (city/town attorney)                 $    4,173.75

Scott County (SCALE meeting room rental)                  $       100.00

New Prague Mini Storage (storage unit rent)              $       120.00

MN Assoc. of Townships (Association dues)                $       882.64

City of Jordan (use Council Chambers for April mtg)   $       200.00

Jordan Dollars for Scholars (3-$1000.00 scholarships) $    1,000.00

                        Maggie Gallentine (cell phone,printer,ink,elect. food) $       772.12

                        Bruce Hunstad (legislative visit to MN State Capitol)   $         75.31

Kevin Nordick (mileage to Clerk’s, election setup)       $         48.24

Geoffrey Peterson (return driveway escrow)                $    1,000.00

Stantec Consulting (Planning and Zoning, Eng)           $    9,317.00

                        Lee Kes (February mileage – 341 miles)                       $       228.47

Payroll                                                                         $    1,160.00

Payroll                                                                         $       560.00

Payroll                                                                         $       660.00

Payroll                                                                         $       640.00

Payroll                                                                         $       810.00

Payroll                                                                         $    1,330.00



                                                            Total                                         $  67,953.03


Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Lee, Unanimous at 7:11pm.



Public Comment:  None




Sheriff’s Department: Det. Muelken provided the Sheriff’s Report. It stated there were 43 calls in February up from 36 calls in January. Calls included: 3 suicidal person(s), 5 medical calls, 4 accident, 1 welfare check, 5 suspicious (cars or activity), 3 alarm (false), 10 traffic, 3 animal (2 loose & 1 found), 3 hazard and 1 fraud (fake check). Lee noted there has been a lot of dumping between 160th and 170th & Zumbro. Det. Muelken said to inform the Sheriff’s Department and they will drive by those areas of interest.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Christian Morkeberg spoke about the Sutton Lake Management Plan and how they are tracking the natural drought is affecting the invasive cattail population and other invasive plants. Swamp Lake wetland improvement. The Watershed District is working with landowners on finding solutions for everyone. Bruce asked Christian if he could help with an MPCA surface water monitoring request for 2025 as we need to respond by April 1st. Maggie sent the email request to Christian and copied Emily Dick and Joni Giese from the Watershed District. The Spring Lake Township study of Fish Lake has been completed. Chad noted that the Farmer-Led Council benefit is March 20th.


Central Trailer Sales Introduction:  The owners of Central Trailer Sale is looking to purchase part of the former Camping World property and have been working with Yvonne Perkins. They are interested in the three (3) parcels along TH 169. The other Camping World parcel is being purchased by someone else. They have an existing site in East Bethel.


Auto Nation CUP Amendment: Chad provided historical information about the non-conforming property and its Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The property owners are looking for more flexibility within the CUP. There are a list of 14 Conditions that include changing the maximum number of vehicles on site from 44 to 80, no junk vehicles shall be allowed on site, and can now include RV and Marine as 25% of number, etc.


Stantec: Matt Stordahl provided updates on the following Projects/Topics: TH 169 Bluff Drive Overpass Project: Plans are done and is ready to be advertised to bidders. Specific trees have been removed. We are still waiting for the railroad agreements between the railroad and MNDOT at Bluff Drive and between the railroad and the Township at 166th Street. Without having these agreements, we cannot move forward with bid letting. MNDOT will be owning the bridge, but the seasonal maintenance will be Township responsibility. LPP Grant Project: The kickoff meeting was in February. Matt is to make the proposal for 2025 construction. The Railroad perspective is there are 2 accesses closing. MNDOT says there will be no closure at the intersection crossing so traffic can make U-turns in north and south directions. MNDOT is having a Public Meeting on March 26th at the SCALE facility to discuss TH 169 construction projects.


Comp Plan Amendment Update: Chad updated the attendees that Scott County Planning passed the Comp Plan Amendment in November and Scott County Board passed the Comp Plan Amendment in December with a 5-0 vote. Met Council staff has provided a “Staff Report” that looks favorable for the Township. Met Council meeting next week to vote on the Amendment. If they approve, it will be sent to Scott County for further processing.


Planning Commission Subdivision Ordinance for Townships Update: Chad provided historical update. City of Jordan has passed a Resolution based on a Minnesota Statute Permitting Annexation by Ordinance that adds a distance (mile) band around the city limits. Then City of Jordan passed a moratorium on their Subdivision Ordinance. Sand Creek Township enacted an Ordinance Establishing a Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment (24-01). Bob Ruppe submitted copies of a Subdivision Ordinance for Townships has been reviewed by the Township Board and Scott County but is waiting on Ron Hocevar to respond. Bob Ruppe provided a Memorandum of Understanding Between the County of Scott and the Town of Sand Creek which has been reviewed by the Township Board. Motion by Bruce to adopt the Memorandum of Understanding Between the County of Scott and the Town of Sand Creek regarding the administration of the Township’s Subdivision Ordinance contingent upon attorney review, and signage by the Town Chair once finalized, second by Lee, Unanimous at 8:16pm. Chad noted there will need to be a public meeting scheduled once Scott County has approved the Memorandum of Understanding. Motion by Chad that the Township Attorney and the Town Clerk are authorized to set a date for the Township’s Planning Commission to hold a noticed public hearing regarding the adoption of the Subdivision Ordinance once the Town Attorney has received an acknowledgment from Scott County staff that they will recommend approval of the Memorandum of Understanding to the County Board, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:18pm.


Louisville Township; Shakopee Sand; 4th Amendment and Assignment of Development Agreement: Chad provided historical update. Cambria is to take on the Interim Use Permit (IUP) tied to the property they are acquiring from Shakopee Sand and Quincunx Mining LLC. In the Development Agreement they will complete the remaining reclamation activities and other obligations including the construction of a Township gravel road. Motion by Chad to accept the 4th Amendment and Assignment of Development Agreement, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:22pm.


Cambria Development Update: Joel Peters from Cambria provided a process update. He explained that rail served the site and they plan on expanding the warehouse. They will be developing a road to TH 169 and Bluff Drive. There will be good net job increase for the Township and County. Chad mentioned that there is a DRT meeting next week with the Township, County and potential buyer for the south side of the property owned by Q-Prime. Matt noted the potential need for right-of-way for right turns going north on Jordan Avenue from Bluff Drive.


MN Valley Trust Land Acquisition: Chad informed attendees that the MN Valley Trust is purchasing property from willing sellers in the Township. MN Valley Trust is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. The purchased property would be restored as prairie and wetland, then handed over to US Fish & Wild Service (USFWS). The land is close to the intersection with the railroad. Matt to put together information about the future project and will look at getting an easement on the property.


PNP Election Overview: Maggie provided stats from the election. There were a total of 177 voters in 2024 vs 101 in 2020. There were 31 votes for Nicky Haley, 114 for Donald Trump, 26 for Joe Biden, 3 for Dean Phillips, and 1 vote for Marijuana Party which was made by mistake.


CIP Updates: Bruce added specific Township roads to the Scott County seal coat list. Bruce and Kevin shared a document with brainstorming ideas for how to pay for the Township Projects associated with the Bluff Drive overpass. Bruce updated the CIP spreadsheet with the final costs for Sand Creek Drive and Twin Oak Circle Project. We need to keep in mind potential road projects and the timing with the overpass projects.


Website Update: Emily added the Resolution 2023-12 for LRIP Funding to the News section, added election information to the Calendar and News section, added photos from Bruce from Scott County Emergency Training and TH 169 Corridor Coalition Awards photos to the News section, and added MNDOT’s Hwy 169 Public Meeting information to the News section. Task List: Emily moved completed items off the list. Matt said discussions with FEMA are getting closer. Matt had not heard from Diane at MNDOT about Sawmill roundabout unofficial detours. He reached out and found that she had missed the email. Bruce provided separate updates to multiple items on the Task List to Emily.




Lee Kes Road Report: Lee and Maggie spoke about the timing of the dust coating dates as they both have conflicts in May. Todd Dvorak suggested adding more material so he has something to grate. Bruce thought early May would be good timing. Lee stopped at The Shed Athletics to inform them not to park on the road. The renter will speak to Roger Anderson (property owner) about getting access to the other parking lot. Bruce forwarded to Marty at Scott County. Lee cleaned up ditch on Xanadu. Todd mentioned he was going to start tree trimming and asked residents to slow down or stop until he can have them safely pass the equipment. Emily will send an email to residents notifying them about tree trimming activities.


Bruce Hunstad: Bruce attended the Scott County Disaster Emergency training session. He spoke with Roger Anderson about potential parking spaces to be added. Bruce attended TH 169 Corridor Coalition Awards and the Coalition membership meeting on May 9th at By the Yard facility.


Chad Sandey:  Chad attended twelve (12) meetings.


Annual Meeting Preparation:  The Board reviewed the agenda. Chad and replaced ARPA with Comp Plan Amendment and Shakopee Sand/Cambria updates.


Motion to adjourn the meeting by Bruce, second by Lee, Unanimous at 9:48pm.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey