Sand Creek Township
Monthly Meeting Minutes
March 5th, 2020
Officers Present
Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Treasurer Myron
Pauly, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick
Others Present
Curt Hennes - PLSLWD, Matt Stordahl –
Stantec, Travis Cherro, Ron Anderson and Tony Keogh – Final Grade, Steve
O’Loghlin, Jeremey and Lainey Schwartz, Bob Ruppe – Township Attorney, Chad
Called to Order
The regular monthly meeting was called
to order at 7:03pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Minutes for the February
meeting were presented to the Board. Motion by Bill to accept the minutes, second
by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:04pm. Motion to erase the February recording of
minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:05pm.
Treasurer’s Report
Report for February was submitted by Myron. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Chad, second by Bill,
Unanimous at 7:07pm.
Monthly Claims
Dvorak Excavating (snow
removal, sand/salt) $ 11,130.00
Stantec (general
engineering) $ 263.00
New Prague Mini Storage $ 109.00
MATIT (Spring Short Course) $ 150.00
Messenbrink Construction (Escrow - Ace Auto) $
Maggie Gallentine (cell phone) $ 49.84
Bill Schneider (mileage: road inspection, trash) $
Maggie Gallentine (Election Judge Training & Duties) $ 499.85
Mary Pauly (Election Judge Training & Duties) $ 363.80
Shirley Rutz (Election Judge Training & Duties) $
Teena Medick (Election Judge Training & Duties) $
Martha Reger (Election Judge Training & Duties) $
Emily Nordick (Election Judge Training & Duties) $
Myron Pauly (Election Judge Training & Duties) $
Deb Pauly (Election Judge Training & Duties) $ 224.38
Payroll $ 900.00
Payroll $ 300.00
Payroll $ 550.00
Payroll $ 550.00
Payroll $ 600.00
Payroll $ 780.00
Total $ 20,233.02
by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read except for Barry Estates as that
is the development not the driveway, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:11pm.
Jeremey and Lainey
Schwartz: The couple brought house plans for their Honeysuckle Hills property. Township Board
suggested they get the Driveway Permit from the website and check the Driveway Ordinance.
Sheriff’s Department: Not present
Prior Lake Spring Lake
Watershed District: Curt Hennes handed out an article on neutralizing
carp spawning. Carp seining was completed on Upper Prior Lake and caught 5 tons.
They are looking to complete seining on Spring Lake before the ice melts. They
are asking to be a test site for working with the University of Minnesota. There
will be a seminar on Growing Healthy Soils Event March 19th from 8am
to 2:30pm at the Ridges at Sand Creek. Fred Corrigan is moving out of the
district and Water District will need to find his replacement. The last Sunday
in April is scheduled for the Spring Cleanup which includes leaf raking at Sand
Point Part or Pike Lake Park.
Stantec: Matt Stordahl has
contacted Diane Langenbach (MNDOT) for a meeting to discuss the 169 Corridor
Study, but has not heard back. Nothing new to report on the Hwy 282 MNDOT
plans. An Appraiser will be brought in to assess property values for residents
on Pueblo Blvd/Xanadu Ave/168th Street W. Matt and Bruce to discuss
PASER Ratings before Spring Road Tour.
Bob Ruppe: Bob explained the
different types of financing available for the potential Pueblo Blvd/Xanadu
Ave/168th Street W. paving project. There are two ways of managing the costs for
the Project: MN Statute 429 with a feasibility report and assessment, or
Subordinate Service District through petitioning by residents and assessment. Motion
by Bruce to pay assessor bill of $900.00, second by Bill, Unanimous at 8:10pm.
Ron Anderson – CUP for
Final Grade: Ron
Anderson explained they want to bring their CUP into compliance and do the work
this spring/summer. Otto Associates has redesigned the infiltration drainage. They
are meeting with Scott County on Monday, March 9th. Bill will call
Marty Monday morning to discuss meeting. The Staff Report is provided before the
Planning Commission meeting so the Township can review the details.
Webb Pallet: Dave at Webb Pallet
said Marty (Scott County) asked him to bring their plans showing the new office
location and driveway changes. They would also shift the trailers and add
fencing with screening. Multiple screening materials were discussed. Dave also
mentioned the plan to remove the house in 10 years. The Township will make a
recommendation when is requested by the County and the Staff Report is reviewed.
The new plan will be in a future Planning Commission meeting.
Weight Restrictions
Exemptions: Weight
restrictions on area roads starts tomorrow (Friday March 6th).
Dvorak Excavating will get exemption letters for his vehicles. Other
construction Projects: Shelly Pauly needs a (2-day) permit for concrete work
for next week (March 9-13), and Steve O’Loghlin has a robotic barn being built.
Steve requires access between April 1 to May 15. Signage required for
construction vehicles to keep off of Zumbro. Bob Ruppe suggested a seasonal
overweight permit agreement which includes routes. If there is damage to
road(s), the owner or contractors would be responsible for repairs. Bob asked
for names and addresses so he can write up the agreements. Once agreements are
signed, Township is to inform Scott County Sheriff Department of permits and
haul routes. Motion by Bruce to authorize Chad to sign and extend weight
restrictions as needed, second by Bill, Unanimous at 9:03pm.
Solar Garden
Scholarships: Maggie
said that she has not heard back from residents or Joe from NextEra. Bruce will
follow up with Joe.
Annual Meeting Prep: The Township Board
reviewed last year’s topics and discussed who will speak on each topic.
Levy Meeting Minutes: Motion by Chad to accept the Levy Meeting
minutes, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 9:30pm.
CIP Update and
Bruce commented that he and Matt are getting ready for the Spring Road Inspection
Tour. They are also discussing the PASER Rating for each road.
Workshop Update: Chad spoke with legal
(Bob Ruppe) regarding additional monthly meetings to discuss CIP and Task List.
Bob explained that each meeting must have and Agenda, discussions cannot stray
from the Agenda and no voting should occur without residents being present.
There are posting rules for Special Meetings. Maggie to check for availability of
the Council Chambers calendar and discuss with Mary in April.
Website Update and
Task List:
Emily cleaned up the home page by removing the posting dates for News items and
moved Helpful Links to under the Calendar. This allows more of the News items
to be visible. The Annual Meeting at the Fire Hall was added to the Calendar
and News section. The 2020 Census information was added to News. Task List: Emily
met with Bruce to discuss ownership of Tasks and to review Roads and
Maintenance document. They added Priority and Date Added columns. Completed
items: Review Driveway Escrows to see what can be closed. Assessment document
questions for Bob Ruppe. Added items: Board of Appeals Training for Chad and
Bruce. Workshop Meetings availability at JCCC. Weight Restrictions agreements.
Bruce to follow up with Joe at NextEra about Solar Garden Scholarships.
Bruce Hunstad: Bruce attended the Board of Audit meeting and worked with Emily
on the Task List.
Bill Schneider: Bill attended the SCALE meeting on
Road Report: Bill commented that the roads are in pretty
good shape. Some sections need more material. He checked out the culverts that
need trees removed (per the County Bridge Report). Motion to accept the Road Report by Bruce, second
by Chad, Unanimous at 10:03pm.
Dvorak Excavating: Bill commented that some areas have ridges which need to be cut down.
Todd is to grade twice before the grass starts growing.
Chad Sandey: Chad attended the SCALE meeting where they
discussed vaping and how the companies are targeting youth. He also attended Prior
Lake Spring Lake Watershed District interviews for Fred Corrigan’s replacement.
Motion to adjourn the
meeting at 9:16pm by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.
Submitted By:
Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk
Approved by
Chairman, Chad Sandey