2040 Comp Plan Chapters                                                                                        Revision 11/1/2018


Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II: Community Engagement
Chapter III: Community Background
Chapter IV: County Vision
Chapter V: Land Use & Growth Management
Map: 2040 Planned Land Use (DRAFT: December 1, 2017)
Chapter VI: Transportation
Chapter VII: Parks & Trails
Chapter VIII: Water, Natural & Agricultural Resources
Chapter IX: Housing
Chapter X: Economic Competitiveness
Chapter XI: Utilities & Local Government Facilities
Chapter XII: Safe, Healthy & Livable Communities
Chapter XIII: Implementation & Metrics


Sand Creek Twp Inputs

Chapter I – Introduction

Chapter II – Community Engagement

Monthly Long Range Planning meetings held with interested Twp Residents who have participated in research, interviews, reviewed and commented on recommendations to the Town Board.  Meetings held from April to December in 2017 on 3rd Thursday of each month from 7:30-9:30pm Jordan Public Library. Special guest speakers from MNDot, Stantec Engineering (Twp Engineering firm), SC County Planning, SC Water & Natural Resources, City of Jordan Engineering and MNDot.

Chapter III: Community Background

Chapter IV: County Vision

Provide varying levels of education for all ages young and old in the form of information and access that help the residents of Scott County understand their local government plans, policies and entities.

Chapter V - Land Use and Growth Management

The consensus from the Sand Creek Twp Residents is to preserve Sand Creek’s good agricultural land if possible except in those areas that transition into and near natural features like bluffs, creeks, lakes, waterways, ravines, etc. These areas should be targeted mainly for future residential growth & development.  

Included in future commercial growth plans for Sand Creek Twp the agreement to rezone Urban Business Reserve to Rural Business Reserve for properties along Hwy 169 with future consideration of frontage and backage roads along with potential overpasses. All Land Use requirements and permits should be approved by the Town Board through a Site Specific review process and not global ordinances applied to all types of properties.

Orderly Annexation Agreement (OAA) between Twp and the City of Jordan is in process and will be leveraged from a similar agreements made between St Lawrence Twp. The proposed map boundaries for Annexation from the city of Jordan highlighted areas to the northeast, east and south into Sand Creek Twp that were not in their long term growth areas with supporting infrastructure. Our proposal is to move back the Urban Expansion boundaries in accordance to the 2030 Planned Land Use map in Appendix A to give the residents of Sand Creek Twp the benefit to develop their land in accordance with Urban Transition areas. Current Zoning maps should be revised to reflect some order of annexation and expanded growth outward from Jordan instead of treating everything highlighted as the same.

Chapter VI – Transportation

Met with and reviewed Louisville Twp plans for Hwy 41/169 + frontage roads. Discussed working together on frontage roads connections. Concerned that the traffic and safety at intersections within Sand Creek Twp will be severely compromised in the near future with newly constructed overpasses in Louisville Twp.

Created and discussed an “Issues & Opportunities Map” and shared with MNDot & Scott County.  Highlighted short term, mid-range and long term opportunities. Sand Creek Twp applied for a Grant to study the impacts of these intersections. A 169 Corridor Study was awarded with matching grant from the County and Sand Creek Twp. A final report from Twp’s Stantec Engineering Company is attached in Appendix B. Three potential case studies were mapped out, see Appendix C. Also included in the Report are potential next steps for applying for specific grants for frontage roads, intersection closures to Hwy 169, acceleration lanes and potentially overpasses. Addressing these key industrially used intersections prior to any long term overpass completion in Jordan is critical to the safety of Sand Creek Twp residents and businesses.

Would like to consider putting back on the 2040 Future and Functional Road Classification map a future “Ring Road” around Jordan connecting Hwy169 to Cty Rd 8.

Chapter VII Parks & Trails

Within the proposed annexation agreement with the City of Jordan is $500/acre annexed going into a Park & Trails fund to be used in agreement with the City of Jordan. Leverage what Jordan is planning to do with their Trails ending at the city limits and consider the Twp’s Natural Area Corridors as locations for continuing these future Parks and Trails.

Propose closing the Union Pacific RR that runs along Hwy 169. This ~4.5 mile stretch of RR track crosses 10 intersections which could be avoided of which 5 are major Truck crossings (including Bluff Dr, W 166th St, Jordan Av, W 173rd St). This RR track creates a major obstacle in future frontage and overpass crossings with added costs. If and when this RR track could be diverted to the parallel track just to the west and reconnected back to the Union Pacific RR track somewhere between southwest of the SCALE facility and northeast of the Jordan Sewage treatment ponds then the 4.5 stretch of pre-existing track could be converted into a future bike/hiking trail connecting the city of Jordan with Louisville Swamp Wetlands Recreational Area.

Chapter VIII Water, Natural and Agricultural Resources

Water is the Twp’s most precious resource so protecting this resource should play a large part of future CUP/IUP’s, Zoning, Permitting, etc.

Natural Resources within Twp should also be identified, protected and reviewed as a part of any future CUP/IUP’s, Zoning, Permitting, Site Specific Review, etc.

Agriculture is the prime economic base and land use within the Twp as it relates to the Natural Resources, Soils and Transportation System.

Chapter IX: Housing

Housing and Housing Developments should be used as a transition between the Natural Resources (water, bluffs, rivers and streams) and Agricultural areas.

Chapter X: Economic Competitiveness

Chapter XI: Utilities & Local Government Facilities

Promote acceptable Broadband access across the entire Twp.

Chapter XII: Safe, Healthy & Livable Communities

Chapter XIII: Implementation & Metrics


























Appendix A










Appendix B


Final TH169 Corridor Study Report V4 from Stantec Engineering


























Appendix C


 TH169 Corridor Study Concept Plots from Stantec Engineering