SCTWP Residents Meeting - Jordan Library Conference Room                                                                      Thu Feb 23, 2017  7pm

Purpose of information gathering:

To gather and understand the needs of the residents of Sand Creek Twpfor future development, expansion, preservation of our interests and Creek resources that can eventually be fed back to Scott County’s 2040 Comp plan and Twp Long term Planning.


Timeline for gathering and sharing inputs:

Residents of Sand Creek Twp Planning Discussions (meet at Jordan Library conf room); Update at each Twp Board mtg

Main focus throughout 2017 will be at monthly Twp board meetings (1st Thu month @7pm).

 Scott County/TwpBoard  information sharingmtgs-Jan,Mar, Apr, Aug.AllTwp input due by Dec 2017.


Suggestions for ongoing working group/committee:

Setup additional date & time outside Twpmtgs to gather/organize input(we can reserve Library Conf Room)

Elect committee/spokesperson/chairperson for reporting back into monthly Twp Board mtgs.

                Select Volunteer to share info at Twp Board mtg

Review 2030 Comp Plan documents of interest via links below vs your interests and share next meeting

Method of future communications: PeggyJo email distribution, JI, SC Twp website

Handouts –

2030 Comp plan -

         2030 Vision -

2040 Comp Plan Timeline& Community Engagement Plan

Maps – Land Use, Future Functional Roadways, Natural Area Corridors, Parks & Trails System

Public Opinion Analysis (May 18, 2006)

Twp Website -


Focus Areas, Ideas  and Questions Thursday Feb 23, 7PM   (Input from Breakouts on Feb 2):

***Transportation Systems,Roads, Infrastructure, Technology.

More Representation by County Commissioner

Well testing (By the Yard) for contaminates, particles, smell, etc

***Residential Development, Mining, Community Solar Gardens, Commercial Industrial Development, Manufacturing.


***Land Planning, Growth Planning, Annexation, SC Twp development growth.

Orderly Annexation agreement by property owner; no forced annexation

Zoning to stay at 40 acres per resident

***Natural Resources, Water, Parks Trails, Paths, Ag preservation, Land, Vegetation, Soils, Bluff line, Wetlands, Aquifers, Creeks & Rivers

Preserve land as Ag use& rural way of life

Plan for open space

Erosion causes problems w/water system

Property rights; how to stop urban expansion

***Relationships, Sand Creek Township, Jordan, Scott County, other townships, Collaboration.

Relationships with neighboring Twp; Louisville Twp, etc

Work with other Twp’s on common themes: New Market hired a consultant to collect input

Communicate/Coordinate Hwy 169 Frontage Rds

Renaissance Festival new location?

***2040 Comp Plan.

Timeline of the 2040 comp plan

***Life in Sand Creek Township.  Who are we, who do we want to become?

Rural. Not city. Keep areas as Ag land

***Other Ideas:   What’s Critical to Sand Creek?

How do we make SCTWP the model TWP?

Clear Perspective on what we want

Need to know what we can & can’t fight for