Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

December 6th, 2018   



Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Treasurer Myron Pauly, Michelle Rutoski, Deputy Treasurer, Shelley Pauly, Clerk and Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk,


Others Present

Deputy Carns – Scott County Sheriff Dept, Curt Hennes - PLSLWD, Diane Lynch - PLSLWD, Fred Corrigan – PLSLWD, Frank Boyles – City of Prior Lake, Steve Herman – NetWave Broadband, Deb Pauly, Travis Cherro, Todd Dvorak.


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.



Minutes for the November meeting were presented to the Board. Motion to approve the minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:10 pm. Motion to erase the November recording of minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:10 pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for November was submitted by Myron. Motion to accept the report by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:11 pm. 



Monthly Claims


                        MATIT Disability Insurance                                         $      484.00

Dvorak Excavating                                                       $ 10,500.50

                        Bituminous Road (Golfview Drive project)                  $ 73,930.00

                        MAT Conference                                                          $      165.00

                        Annette Chlan – catering Gen. Election                        $      240.00

                        General Election – MVEC reimbursement                    $      385.00

                                                     Shelley Pauly                                   $      931.40

                        MAT Conference – Emily Nordick reimbursement       $      519.76

                        MAT Conference – Myron Pauly reimbursement         $      460.81

                        MAT Conference – Bruce Hunstad reimbursement      $      473.66

                        MAT Conference – Chad Sandey reimbursement         $      456.45

                        Shelley Pauly – cell phone, storage locker, deposit     $      365.92

                        Bill Schneider – Mileage, Meetings                              $      100.28

                        Election Judge – Emily Nordick                                   $      626.67

                        Election Judge – Pam Beckius                                      $      222.57

            Election Judge – Shirley Rutz                                       $      295.95

            Election Judge - Anne Heimkes                                   $      659.48

            Election Judge – Martha Reger                                    $      719.44

            Election Judge – Mary Pauly                                        $      758.95

            Payroll                                                                         $      637.21

            Payroll                                                                         $      761.89

            Payroll                                                                         $      438.66

            Payroll                                                                         $      277.05

            Payroll                                                                         $      715.71

            Payroll                                                                         $      484.84

            Payroll                                                                         $      946.59


                                                            Total                                        $ 96,557.79


                        Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:17 pm.



Public Comment – Travis Cherro commented on City of Jordan intersection of 282 and 169 interchange construction in 2020 and how will that affect our recent work with Stantec on finding ways to reduce conflicts in the Bluff Drive area on 169. Travis’ second comment was about last month’s meeting minutes regarding a nearby 15 acre property and if it can be zoned as a business. Chad explained that there was enough property to have a business but that we did not give them a variance for the weight limits on the road. The party interested in the property will need to go back to Scott County with further discussions as they would have needed a Conditional Use Permit to have a home-based business and the ability to store construction equipment. Steve Herman with NetWave Broadband introduced himself and the company to the Board. He explained that they are now in the Jordan and Sand Creek area installing commercial and residential broadband internet. They also deliver wireless internet from the Naylor tower (within 7 miles line-of-sight). He provided flyers and said that they would also be mailing them out.





Sheriff’s Department: Deputy Carns – There were 42 calls, no trends.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Curt Hennes, Diane Lynch and Fred Corrigan presented slides about the watershed district: budget, programs (Farmer-Led Council, Cost Share Assistance), flooding, water quality, stormwater management, carp reduction process, and flood storage on Sutton Lake.


SCALE:  Frank Boyles Prior Lake City Manager thanked Sand Creek Township Board for getting involved in the township. He further explained that Scott County Association of Leadership and Efficiency is about collaboration and partnership with county, cities, townships, school districts, and watershed districts.


Stantec – TH 169 Corridor Study:  Kyle explained that the report has been sent to Scott County, City of Jordan, and MNDOT and are waiting on their comments. The final report will be coming in the next couple of weeks and contains the traffic study data, 3 low to high cost concepts with Option 2 being the most feasible as it contains an overpass, acceleration lanes, and closing accesses along 169. The concepts will be referred to as Jordan is looking to remove the stop lights at 282 and 169. Brad Davis will be adding the report to the 2040 Comp Plan. There are plans for the 169 Corridor Coalition will be going to the Capital to look for a plan for funding on February 20th.


Capital Improvement Plan:  Bruce updated the report and explained that the Golfview Drive bid has been submitted for payment. We want to pay 50% the bill from CIP account and 50% from Roads and Bridges account since it is a significant project. Motion by Chad to pay the BR (Bituminous Roadway) bill 50-50 split ($37,000 and $37,000) between the accounts, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 8:35 pm. Kyle reminded Bill that the township can work with Burnsville to combine bids for seal coating in 2019. Kyle has square footage from last year for working with Burnsville.


2040 Comp Plan:  Bruce will submit the next draft. The last changes were with Stantec for Revision 2 of the Draft 169 Corridor Study that complements our 2040 Comp Plan. The Planning Advisory Commission met on November 13th to discuss the last additions to the plan and approve any changes. They passed 2 of our additions and tabled the third (Automobile Nation re-zoning) due to not having all members present for voting. Sand Creek Township was not asked to make recommendations but sent a letter explaining the facts and history about the property, and knowledge that the CUP conditions can’t be changed. In addition, the 169 Corridor Study area is not likely to be given frontage road access due to disturbance of the bluff face. We asked that the Planning Commission be confident in the existing zoning.


Website Updates:  Some updates were done to improve the number of headers so that mobile devices would show the website properly. Add “New to the Township” NetWave Broadband contact information announcement to News, add Nextdoor announcement about the website. Add ½ sheets announcing the website at township meetings. A picture will be taken in January to show new Board members.


Storage Unit – New Prague Mini Storage:  Shelley rented a 10-foot x 11-foot climate-controlled unit for $106 per month. Rented on a month to month basis. There is 24-hour access. Keys were given to Chad and Bruce; access codes and storage unit number will be sent by email. Myron and Bruce offered to put in racking/shelving.


Signatures needed:  Shelley provided Canvassing Reports from the tallies taken at the general election in November – provided by Scott County. It also includes Sand Creek Township’s report that comes off of the tabulator at the end of the day. The reports need to be verified, signed by Chad and posted on the website. The document will be added to the News section. Congratulations to Bruce, Bill, and Myron for winning their positions.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed Manager Interviews:  Two positions are open and are 3-year terms. Township recommendation will be sent to the County Board where they will make the final decision. Chad commented that all of the applicants are very capable, and highly qualified. The incumbents are Fred Corrigan and Woody Spitzmueller. Additionally, Ken Hedberg (former Prior Lake Mayor), Bruce Loney (retired Shakopee City Public Works Administrator) and Jim Wenninger applied for the positions. After the interviews, the council took a consensus about the applicants. The council recommended Fred Corrigan and Bruce Loney and hoped that Woody would reapply in the future. Motion to recommend Fred Corrigan and Bruce Loney to the two Watershed District Board of Managers positions that are open pursuant to our interview process that we had. Make the recommendation to Scott County by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 9:16 pm. Recommendation needs to be sent to Deb Brazil December 7th. Curt Hennes’ position will be coming up in June.


Reports and Discussions: 


Bruce Hunstad:  Bruce attended the MAT Conference. He commented that the conference was really interesting and about power and green power. The Utilities Commissioner spoke, the luncheon speaker/magician who engaged the audience discussions about perspective, open table discussions (attorney talk, fire-fighting training budget left for 2018), and classes. Next year’s conference will be in Mankato. All other activities were discussed in the 2040 Comp Plan.


Bill Schneider:  Bill went to the Service and Delivery Committee meeting which tries to guide SCALE in what direction they think it should go. A survey will be sent out to all of the SCALE members. Survey examples: What do you least like about the organization? What do you value most about the organization? What do you think we need to start doing? What things are missing that we should be doing? Need to give feedback. There will be no absentee voting in 2020 due to building availability. Solid Waste Management and IT security are big items coming up. A Nuisance Ordinance will also be coming to the County.


Road Report:  Bill said there were some bad days and some very bad days. We had rain and the roads froze – there is nothing that we can do with them when they are frozen. When we had a thaw day Todd went around and tried to fill the holes back in. County 21 and County Road 8 intersection was rototilled, took dirt out so it will drain better. The same activity will be done on 21 and Ridgeview is to be seeded. Beavers are causing a problem for a resident. She wants the beavers removed so they can remove the beaver dam as well. Conversation about storing extra sand at Bill’s place so Todd wouldn’t have to go so far to fill his trucks. Motion to accept the Road Report by Bruce, second by Chad, Unanimous at 9:34 pm.


Chad Sandey:  Chad commented about the letter sent to the Planning Commission about Automobile Nation. He attended the SCALE meeting and the MAT Conference. He attended meetings about a company in Aiken that will process peat dirt into pellets to be used for soils, issues for roads because of truck weight. FLC (Farmer-Led Council) meeting which discusses soil and fertility (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, etc.). Farmer-Led Council logo design options to be decided on for the Lake Friendly program (grass waterways, drain tile outlet locations, water shed off the land, a list of criteria to be followed to be lake friendly). There are 4 farmers in the incentive program, only 2 will be designated as lake friendly in January when the program is rolled out. The SCALE meeting is next Friday, December 14th. Thursday, January 3rd is the next township meeting. A meeting with Stantec will be held December 18th or the 20th.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 pm by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey