Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

December 5th, 2019


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Treasurer Myron Pauly, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Curt Hennes - PLSLWD, Jennifer Jensen, Deputy Guralnik, Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Mike Saxton – Cottage Homesteads, Travis Cherro


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.



Minutes for the November meeting were presented to the Board. Motion by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:04pm. Motion to erase the November recording of minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:04pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for December was submitted by Myron. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:06pm.


Monthly Claims


                        Dvorak Excavating                                                       $   3,696.00

                        Herman’s Landscaping (weed control)                         $        59.32

Bryan Rock Products                                                    $        26.19

South Metro JPA                                                          $      556.07

Stantec (general engineering)                                      $      392.50

Dem-Con (furniture disposal)                                      $      283.14

Scott County Treasurer (signs installed)                        $   1,110.86

RE2 Tech (computer fix)                                              $      108.75

New Prague Mini Storage                                            $      109.00

MAT (annual conference fees)                                     $      400.00

MATIT (workers compensation)                                   $      531.00

Maggie Gallentine (cell phone, paper, conference)      $      213.83

Bruce Hunstad (mileage, hotel for conference)            $      183.20

Emily Nordick (mileage, hotel for conference)             $      183.31

Myron Pauly (mileage, toner, hotel for conference)     $      292.49

Bill Schneider (mileage, furniture disposal, confrnc)    $      247.74

Chad Sandey (hotel for conference)                             $      127.52

Payroll                                                                         $   1,200.00

Payroll                                                                         $      525.00

Payroll                                                                         $      775.00

Payroll                                                                         $      700.00

Payroll                                                                         $      750.00

Payroll                                                                         $      840.00


                                                            Total                                         $ 13,310.92


Motion by Chad to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:11pm.


Public Comment: Jennifer Jensen thanked the Board for taking time to go to the MAT Annual Conference.




Sheriff’s Department:  Deputy Guralnik said there were 74 incidents, an increase in traffic accidents due to the snow storms, and some false alarms. Jennifer called in a “suspicion” as there was a vehicle that was parked in the ditch near her home. Deputy Guralnik said that sometimes suspicion calls can change into something else on the report. Bruce asked if the Sheriff’s Department is called in to accidents on 169. Deputy Guralnik said that it is a state highway so they may be called in to assist, but generally it is state patrol that responds.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Curt Hennes -Water Management Plan provided an Agenda for their next meeting. Hwy 13 is now open. The 2-lane roundabout planned for Hwy 13 and 21 in Prior Lake will be worked on between April and July of 2020. Sutton Lake berm is waiting on DNR. Farmer Led Council meeting discussed soil erosion and planting vegetation between rows which helps keep the soil in place. DNR approved the Watershed District to purchase Northern Pikes to stock in the wetlands and inlets so they will eat carp. The Redwing projects are also waiting on DNR.


Stantec: Matt Stordahl said they are strategizing on TH 169 Corridor Study and how to get it in front of people. The MNDOT Open House on 282 activities went well and will meet in January. Bill asked if there are the same Grants available (for funding) every year. Matt explained that the differences are the budgets from year to year. Bruce spoke about the Open House meeting with MNDOT on 282 and the drainage issue (going down the hill to Jordan).


Orchard Oaks Proposal: Mike Saxton commented that they have closed on the Pasquarette property. He passed out a plat and an Administrative Subdivision Plan. They are looking to re-zone the property to transitional cluster so they can get down to 1 unit for every 10 acres. The property will no longer have a road through it and will be reduced to 7 parcels with 3 lots along 169. Parcel C is looking to be used for building a 10,000 square foot office building. Cottage Homesteads will be submitting a formal application with the County. Chad confirmed that a recommendation will wait until the County has reviewed the application.


Hwy 282 Resolution: MNDOT has plans to re-construct and re-pave Hwy 282 from Hwy 13 to Jordan in 2021. They will repair culverts, put in a bike/walking trail, and redo the shoulders. There are drainage issues along Krueser Road. MNDOT wants to control the water by creating a sediment basin and drainage system that runs down the hill to the storm sewer. They will deconstruct and abandon the old pipes. The expectation is the Sand Creek Township will retain ownership and maintenance responsibilities of the drainage system once the project is completed. The contract and plan from MNDOT will be shared with Stantec and (legal counsel) Ruppe.


Scott County 2040 Comprehensive Plan: In October of this year, Scott County approved the 2040 Comp Plan. There are several items the County needs to address and will conduct meetings with the Townships. The County will present the changes to the northern townships on January 15th regarding zoning map for Rural Business Reserve, heavy and light industrial parcel designations, storm water requirements and bluff development rules, septic ordinance, etc.


Building Permit Application for Verizon Wireless: An application has been submitted for a contractor for Verizon Wireless to repair the communication tower. The Board approved and signed the permit.


CIP Update and Priorities: Bruce has been working on the list of paved an unpaved-roads, tracking tree trimming, and proposed activities for Todd. We have to work on our budgeting and prioritizing projects. We have increased the levy for all of the large upcoming road repairs and culvert replacement. Stantec will help with ranking. Bill commented that we will be getting some money from FEMA.


Website Update and Task List: Emily added meetings to the calendar, added the MNDOT Open House notice, Sand Creek 101 document, and Farm Resources document to News. Bill asked her to email residents about the gravel road conditions. We reviewed the Task List and declared the Hwy 282 Drainage Resolution meeting and Sand Creek 101 document complete. Matt thought he may have some ditch products that can help with the washout on Sawmill Road. Bruce talked to Robert Wagner about the KCHK radio program and found we may get bumped up to sooner than September.




Bruce Hunstad:  Bruce attended the 169 Corridor Coalition meeting, received an update on 169 and 41. The Coalition will have 10-year celebration event next summer/fall and ribbon cutting. Lisa Freese thought Scott County CIP might have some funding for our project. Bruce attended the MAT Annual Conference. He really enjoyed the cyber security speaker, how the census affects our overall funding, CIP Bonding, Fire Fighters Association discussions, and Attorney talk.  He also attended the Open House for 169 meeting and discussion about the paving of 169 in 2024.


Bill Schneider:  Bill attended meetings with Maggie and FEMA, and the MAT Annual Conference.


Road Report:  Bill explained that Redwing and Pueblo both have resident groups that are on opposite ends of the township and talked with Todd about how to manage those areas. He checked the intersection of Naylor Ave. and Akers Lane but the cost of fixing the intersection would be very high. Motion to accept the Road Report by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 9:06pm.


Chad Sandey:  Chad attended the MNDOT Open House on Hwy 282, 169 Corridor meeting, Hwy 13 project in Savage, MAT Annual Conference, Watershed meeting discussed voluntary conservation, SCALE meeting discussed Met Council topics, and Farmer Led Council with PLSL Watershed district meeting. PLSL Watershed District will be having a meeting on February 26 at The Ridges at Sand Creek. They will discuss soil health, cover crops, no till, nutrient management and other topics from 9am – 3pm. Jennifer asked about a living snow fence and if there was any government help. Chad suggested contacting the Soil and Water Conservation District.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:16pm by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey