Sand Creek Township
Monthly Meeting Minutes
November 5th, 2020
Officers Present
Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Treasurer Myron
Pauly, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick
Others Present
Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Curt Hennes –
PLSLWD, Marty Schmitz – Scott County, Tim Serafina – Scott County, Jennifer and
Mark Jensen, Travis Cherro
Called to Order
The regular monthly meeting was called
to order at 7:03pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social
Minutes for the October meeting were presented to the Board. Motion
to erase the October recording of minutes by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous
at 7:04pm.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report for November was submitted by Myron. There was
a question by Bruce about the CIP account to possibly show it on the front page
of the balance sheet as a Certificate of Deposit. Myron is to check with Frandsen
Bank to find an account that is flexible in having unlimited deposits and
limited withdraws. Bill asked about Escrow for Final Grade. Bob Ruppe was to
draw up a Maintenance Agreement about the stormwater pond for Final Grade. Superior
Contracting sent in a $1,000.00 Escrow for the work being done on Golfview
Drive. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s
Report by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:10pm.
Monthly Claims
Scott County Treasurer
(Broadband CARES) $
Dvorak Excavating $ 4,680.00
Bryan Rock Products $ 402.52
Couri & Ruppe (legal
fees) $ 105.00
Stantec (general engineering) $
New Prague Mini Storage $ 111.00
Maggie Gallentine (cell
phone) $
Bill Schneider (mileage:
road inspection) $ 91.44
Lance Schmitt (Election
Judge) $ 288.75
Beth Johnson (Election
Judge) $ 201.25
Robert Johnson (Election
Judge) $ 179.33
State of Minnesota
(CARES Act) $ 325.00
Payroll $ 842.50
Payroll $ 545.00
Payroll $ 475.00
Payroll $ 475.00
Payroll $ 692.50
Payroll $ 305.00
Total $ 44,823.53
by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:12pm.
Public Comment: Bruce asked to amend the Agenda to add the
review of the Co/op Agreement with Scott County to help pay for the Stantec
design costs of the Berkshire frontage road Project. Chad commented about the
election held on Tuesday, November 3rd. Sand Creek’s election went
flawlessly in-spite of COVID-19 and the challenges presented.
Sheriff’s Department: No Deputy present. The
report showed 60 calls, down from 62 from October. There were 22 traffic and
accident calls, and 8 suspicious (vehicle or person) calls.
Prior Lake Spring Lake
Watershed District: Curt Hennes shared that Diane Lynch
(Watershed Administrator) has resigned/retired. Watershed District will form a
committee to create the job posting and review panel to interview candidates.
The Fall Tour was October 12th. They visited Swamp Lake, 282
culvert, Geis Lake, Sand Creek, Minnesota River, all to discover ways to divert
water to avoid flooding. They also looked at a cover crop seeded with rye for
avoiding wash out/erosion. There is a low area for a massive storage of water
at 195th and Vergus Ave. Storing excess water there would help avoid
multiple million-dollar alum treatments.
Stantec: Matt Stordahl explained
the status of the following Projects. Berkshire Ave. Project: Right-of
Way from Shakopee Mdewankanton Sioux Community is being recorded now. with the
County. We will want to check the status as we get closer to the Open House for
businesses on December 2nd. A
conference call is needed between Township Board, Stantec, MNDOT, and Scott
County. There needs to be a one-acre ponding area for impervious surface
runoff. Chad explained that Bob Ruppe said to make multiple checks for
everything affecting federal funding as the rules are complex. All of the other
Right-of-Ways have been dedicated. Still need to discuss U-turn at 166th
recommended by MNDOT before meeting with MNDOT again. Bruce to contact Chelsea
for the next meeting. Hwy 282 Project: No status change. Pueblo
Project: No status change.
Meet Compliance Officer: Marty Schmitz
introduced new Compliance Officer Tim Serafina. Tim and Marty are looking to
send out a monthly or quarterly report of violations in the County.
Resolution Adopting Snow Plowing Policy: After a discussion
with legal, we need an Ordinance to support the signage we installed at Ridges
of Sand Creek. Bill made a comment about plowing snow and affecting the
function of culverts. “No obstruction of culverts” needs to be added to Section
110. The Board will need to add or remove comments and send to Bob Ruppe for
review. Section 107 and Section 104 also need review to ensure they are not too
aggressive. Corrections will be made and page breaks checked before sending to
Bob. No Motion at this time.
Sutton Ridge CUP: The Board received the
Staff Report from the DRT meeting. Jennifer and Mark Jensen along with their
Architect Becky Olson (Finn Daniels) were present to answer questions from the
Board and to discuss the “Conditions of Approval” on the Conditional Use Permit
(CUP). The Board will include the agreed upon Conditions in the recommendation
of the CUP. Recommendation that subject to the Conditions of the Approval
the Proposed Uses conform to the Zoning Ordinance, therefor Sand Creek Township
recommends the approval of the Condition Use Permit based on the criteria for
the approval listed below: any Conditions stated in the Scott County Natural
Resources Department review, any Conditions stated in the Scott County Highway
Department review, any Conditions stated in our Sand Creek Town Board Recommendation
which will be amended for Conditions number 3 – “If traffic generated by the
facility is creating safety issues on County Road 10, the County Highway
Engineer can request a traffic study to be performed by a 3rd party
traffic consultant for the review of additional turn lanes that may be required
at the expense of the applicant. Traffic study to be prepared at the expense of
the applicant.”, Condition number 8 – changing two events to six, and Condition
number 9 – “The proposed building and surrounding farm are intended to be used
for youth and adult education, corporate workshops, youth birthday parties
without alcohol, cooking demonstrations, agricultural best practice seminars,
farm retail sales, and similar events. It is not intended to be used as a
wedding venue.” by Chad, second Bruce, Unanimous at 9:17pm.
Noble RV Zoning Approval Request: Noble RV was acquired
by Camping World RV Sales, LLC and changed business name on the Land Use
Permit Application for Scott County. the document provided was for review only.
Xcel Energy Road Use Agreement: Bob Ruppe updated
Permit and Road Use Agreement so it is the same for all affected Townships and
includes $5K Escrow paid to each Township. Motion by Chad to approve and
sign the Permit and Road Agreement between Sand Creek for the 345KV
transmission Rebuild Project, second Bruce, Unanimous at 9:08pm.
Scott County Comp Plan Amendment – JMH
Property: The
property owner is requesting a change in zoning from Urban Business Reserve (Mining)
to Industrial use. All changes have to comply with the Comp Plan. Similar
impacts still apply; access to TH 169, traffic issues, etc. The zoning changes
require all jurisdictions (Scott County, MNDOT, Met Council, etc.) to approve. Comments
and concerns – testing and upgrades to the paved roads (Valley View and 173rd
Street), testing and upgrades to gravel road (Valley View), railroad crossing
on 173rd Street, inspection and possible upgrades to bridge at 173rd
Street, concerns unknown traffic patterns, access to TH 169, Valley View Road
railroad crossing needs re-engineering, a connection between 173rd
Street and Jordan Avenue is needed and have them tie into Bluff Drive so an
access can be removed at Jordan Avenue and TH 169 (as detailed in TH 169
Corridor Study completed in January 2019). Motion by Bruce to approve the
comments listed by Chad and Maggie and allow them to sign the document, second
Chad, Unanimous at 10:01pm.
2021 Town Road Account Funds: This yearly document
is signed by the Township to acknowledge how many miles of roads the Township owns
and manages. Motion by Chad to approve the County Road Mileage by the
Township per the County letter, second Bruce, Unanimous at 10:05pm.
GMG Utility Permit: Chad signed the gas
line installation Permit. No Escrow needed.
Pheasants Forever Gambling Permit: Chad signed the
Permit for the event at Ridges of Sand Creek.
Pueblo/Berkshire Avenue Project Discussion: Chad wants to meet
with Bruce, Pat and Matt (Stantec).
CARES Broadband Initiative Update: Maggie said the
$33,000.00 check was sent to Scott County. Any remaining funds will go toward three
Election Judges and possibly to City of Jordan for updating their facilities.
Co/op with Scott County: Township costs are
10% of the Project cost plus overages. Bob Ruppe reviewed document. Motion
by Chad to sign the Construction Cooperative Agreement with Scott County for
Sand Creek Township for the work at Trunk Highway 169 at Berkshire pursuant to
Bob’s changes, second Bruce, Unanimous at 10:33pm.
Website Update and
Task List:
Emily added pictures to the Gallery from the Jensen’s Military Appreciation Day
and the TH 169/41/78 ribbon cutting ceremony. She still needs to pictures from
MNDOT’s meeting at Spring Lake Township of their upcoming Projects.
Bruce Hunstad: Bruce has been
working on the Agenda and prepping for the By The Yard
Open House meeting with Scott County, MNDOT, Stantec and local businesses on
December 2nd. He had a discussion with Mike Beard about Rails to
Trails. He also discussed the other overpass design (Concept 3) for TH 169.
Bill Schneider: Bill attended a Shakopee Sands (Covia) meeting
at Jackson Town Hall. The next meeting is on December 16th at 9:00am.
Bill asked about the state of the berms and weeds.
Road Report: Bill commented that rain and snow is coming
next week and the gravel roads will be graded at that time. Motion by Chad
to approve the Road Report, second Bruce, Unanimous at 10:46pm.
Chad Sandey: Chad attended multiple meetings.
Motion to adjourn the
meeting at 10:48pm by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.
Submitted By: _____________________________________________________
Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk
Approved by
Chairman, Chad Sandey