Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

October 7th, 2021


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad (via zoom), Supervisor Bill Schneider, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Matt Stordahl – Stantec, Curt Hennes – PLSLWD, Jessica Cross, Shane Kinney, Ryan Nicholson, Bob and Amy Mahowald, Jennifer Jensen, Barb Weckman Brekke, Tom Wolf, Joe Geis, and Todd Dvorak.


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Due to COVID-19 we are practicing safe social distancing.



Minutes for the August meeting were presented to the Board. Motion to accept the September Meeting Minutes by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:05pm. Motion to erase the September recording of minutes by Chad, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:06pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for September was submitted by Myron. One-half of the ARPA Funds have been received. There will be a discussion with the Banker about which account the funds will be ultimately placed. Chad commented on the Fire Contract cost vs the Fire Truck cost. Chad asked Myron to ensure the coding for the Stantec billing is updated so when Maggie reads the Claims, she can note whether the money is for Berkshire or Overpass Projects. Myron to start seeking reimbursement for the Projects. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:08pm.


Monthly Claims


                        Dvorak Excavating (grading, gravel, weed control)      $  14,978.00

                        Bryan Rock Products (2 invoices)                                 $    4,789.88

                        Stantec Consulting (general engineering, Berkshire)    $  28,587.00

                        Couri & Ruppe (general legal)                                     $    2,650.00

                        City of Jordan (Fire Contract/Truck payment)              $149,206.68

                        Internal Revenue Service (3rd Qtr. Payroll tax)            $    2,278.17

                        New Prague Mini Storage (Oct rent)                            $       113.00

                        RE2 Tech (anti-virus & network support)                     $       128.85

                        Maggie Gallentine (cell phone)                                    $         46.63

                        Bill Schneider (mileage: road inspect, mattress, etc.)   $       141.18

                        Myron Pauly (stamps and paper)                                 $         43.33

                        Scott County (crack fill)                                               $    9,876.09

Payroll                                                                         $       975.00

Payroll                                                                         $           0.00

Payroll                                                                         $       555.00

Payroll                                                                         $       555.00

Payroll                                                                         $    1,320.00

Payroll                                                                         $       540.00



                                                            Total                                         $ 216,783.81


Motion by Chad to accept the monthly charges as read, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:16pm.



Public Comment:  Jennifer Jensen thanked the Board for support and Jordan Honor Guard for their flag raising ceremony during the Military Appreciation Day at the Sutton Ridge Farm.





Sheriff’s Department: Jason Muelken spoke about the Report that listed 63 calls, up from 56 last month: more traffic stops, 8 accidents, 4 medicals, 1 theft, and 2 suspicion. Bill mentioned some break-ins at businesses on Jordan Avenue. Jason commented that people are targeting unlocked house and car doors and stealing garage door openers. Then they come back within a few days and steal from the house as people generally don’t lock the door between the house and garage. Bruce asked about the fatality on TH 169 and Bluff Drive. Sheriff’s Department assisted on the call for the State Patrol. Curt Hennes asked if the Sheriff’s Department volunteers to work at the Renaissance Festival. Jason answered that the Renaissance Festival contracts with the Sheriff’s Department.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Curt Hennes mentioned the six water quality projects: Sutton Lake iron-enhanced sand filter, Swamp Lake iron-enhanced sand filter, Buck Lake East Wetland enhancement (2), Spring West iron-enhanced sand filter, Buck Lake chemical treatment system, and County Ditch 13 chemical treatment system. senior staff changes in planning, regulation, and permitting. Fifteen people joined the “walk the outlet channel” which included Jeffers Pond, Pike Lake Road, and Park Ridge near Dean Lake. Watershed District is still trying to hire a replacement for Maggie Karschnia. Fish Lake will undergo enhancement to keep off of List of Impaired Lakes. Eurasian water milfoil has been discovered in Spring Lake. A Treatment plan is being discussed.


Kinney Variance: A 20-foot Variance is needed to reduce the required road centerline setback from 100-feet to 80-feet. Neither Bruce nor Bill had any questions. Motion by Chad recommending an approval of the 20-foot variance to reduce the required road centerline setback from 100-feet to 80-feet, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:39pm.


Barbara Dorey Variance: The resident is preparing to sell her property and is required to do a septic survey. The survey deemed a new septic system needs to be replaced with the sale. Resident is selling 2 lots together to one lot, and the only place to put the septic system is near the house which has a 30-foot setback from the bluff. Resident is looking for a 35-foot variance to reduce the required bluff setback from 50-feet to 15-feet for the septic tank. Bruce noted that he is concerned about the distance to the bluff for the tank. Bill has the same concern but is also comfortable with the decision from the County. Chad said a condition can be made so the Owner, potential buyer and any future buyers acknowledge the variance and risks if the bluff fails. Motion by Chad based on the criteria for this variance consider that I am recommending the approval of the request a 35-foot variance to reduce the 50-foot bluff setback to a septic tank with the condition that the current owner and future buyers of the property are aware of the risk of property loss if the bluff should fail, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:54pm.


Public Hearing – Beeline Avenue: The survey done on Barbara Dorey’s properties discovered a portion of the Township Road and Township Road cul-de-sac that veered into the property and overtook the location of Mrs. Dorey’s well. Our Township Attorney was hired to review the property and description of the easement and right-of-way. It was found that the survey had a conflict in the description in the easement. A decision was made to vacate the section of road that overtook part of Mrs. Dorey’s land, vacate that easement and create a new easement that follows proper property line, setbacks and road right-of-way. Chad explained a Road Vacation Petition was signed by Mrs. Dorey and eight legal property owners within a 3-mile radius. A Resolution needed to be created to vacate the portion of the property. Chad called to order the Public Hearing at 7:59pm. Chad asked if anyone was present for the Dorey Road Vacation Public Hearing. None were present. Chad read the Resolution to approve vacation of a portion of Beeline Avenue. Chad asked for a second on the Resolution, Bill seconded the Resolution to vacate part of Beeline Avenue. Bruce asked if the Road Vacation and the Petition go along with the Resolution. Chad responded the Resolution and the Petition are all in one document. Chad asked All in favor of my Resolution Proposal, Unanimous at 8:04pm. Bruce asked what changes do we make to the road. Chad explained the survey description was updated for narrowing of the cul-de-sac from a 50-foot diameter to a 35-foot diameter. Chad closed the Public Hearing at 8:07pm.


Stantec: Matt Stordahl provided updates on the following Projects/Topics: Hwy 2982 Project: Phase 3 from Dairy Lane to Hwy 13 may be completed before the end of October. Painting and rumble strips are still to be done. He suggested we check gravel roads to make sure un-official detour expenses are collected and submitted. Matt explained that we should have repair work done (if any) before the end of October. Bill said that he and Todd will be checking roads tomorrow (Oct. 8th). Heavy equipment is causing issues on Morlock Drive. Chad asked Matt if he would discuss the issues with the Project Manager (MNDOT) and get it resolved. Bruce would like to get the extra expenses (un-official detours) reviewed before we send them to MNDOT. Matt suggested to get together next week. Bill wants to compare expenses from last year to this year. Myron to pull costs for grading, gravel work and dust coating. Berkshire Extension: We have prepared construction documents for a 60% plan review by MNDOT. There is an internal review going on now and then it will be scheduled to submit to MNDOT. Project schedule is back on track, with the costs being $31,500 over budget due to relocating the overpass to Bluff Drive, moving the acceleration lanes, and locating right-of-way for Sports Wheels and Cemstone. That overage will be managed by Scott County and the Township will be responsible for a percentage. Chad asked Matt to email Lisa (Scott County) and copy Township with the overage information. TH 169 Overpass Project: In the PMT meeting today discussion included the overpass, 166th St. build-up with Berkshire, and 166th St. and Jordan Avenue build-up for the heavy traffic. Bill commented that the maintenance of the bridge (overpass) should not be the responsibility of the Township according to the legal seminar he attended. Jordan Avenue disconnection from TH 169 and connecting to 173rd Street instead. Jordan Avenue and Bluff Drive needs widening. Need to define a “T” at Jordan Avenue and Bluff Drive. ARPA Funds: Sand Creek Township has received half of the Funds. Minnesota Association of Townships is lobbying with Federal Legislators to get specific township uses. Chad saw “stormwater” and “flood mitigation” listed in an email with a link to the Federal description which could pertain to culverts. We have many culverts that need repair. Matt suggested we speak with MAT.


Fire Contract: All Supervisors have read the Fire Contract. Motion by Chad to approve signatures on the Annual Fire Contract for 2021, second by Bill, Unanimous at 8:35pm.


Scott County Ordinance: Chad read the Play & Recreational Facilities and the suggested conditions – grading permit and setbacks. Robert, Amy and Miles Mahowald came to discuss the need for a place for kids to ride as road ditches are not allowed anymore, only private property (home). Chad and Bill agree that more restrictions are not needed and communication of concerns is the way to manage it. Joe Geis is for better communication with neighbors and being respectful. Barb Weckman Brekke said the updated ordinance is based on complaints of one property. Setback regulations are causing the most conflict as not everyone has a 10-acre property that is the exact same size. Line 76b is too restrictive (setbacks). Bill asked about mufflers on bikes and if the Sheriff’s Department are checking decibel levels. Chad and others asked “What is the definition of a track?” “Why is it defining motocross bikes as side-by-sides, 4-wheelers, electric bikes, etc. are also noisy?” Look at hours that riding can happen. No one commented on Private Airport or Heliport (Line78). Emily to take minutes and send to Maggie within a week so she can respond to Scott County.


Ridges of Sand Creek Liquor License renewal: Chad read the Resolution. Motion by Chad to pass the Resolution to approve the liquor license for Ridges of Sand Creek, second by Bill, Unanimous at 9:05pm.


Website Update and Task List: Bruce forwarded emails to Emily regarding the overpass and the estimates for the Sand Creek Projects. Emily added Met Council Census information and Scott County Internet Service Survey information to the News section of the website. Maggie suggested we add the website link on Nextdoor. Bill asked what does updating hardware mean? Maggie explained that is new laptops and security. Task List: The Task List will be reviewed at the Township Workshop meeting on October 21st.




Bruce Hunstad: Bruce attended the TH 169 PMT meetings for overpass and Berkshire Avenue and a lot of email traffic.


Bill Schneider:  Bill attended the MAT Annual Conference meeting, a legal seminar in Albertville, and Bluff Drive zoom meetings.


Road Report:  Bill commented that he picked up a mattress, box spring, rain gutter, and tires. He explained that roads are in pretty good shape and will be graded and dust coated after it rains. Todd to work on trees at bridge abutments. Chad suggested to Todd to get the roads ready for winter (crown). Todd said Bluff Drive is getting a lot of traffic (likely due to un-official detours) and needs more gravel. Morlock Drive and Pueblo also need more gravel. Motion by Bruce to approve the Road Report, second Bill, Unanimous at 9:19pm.


Chad Sandey:  Chad worked with multiple residents, attended SCALE (entrepreneurial meeting) and will be attending the SCALE meeting tomorrow (Friday, October 8th). Bruce suggested to Chad to attend the U.S. 169 Corridor Coalition Annual Membership Meeting on Thursday, October 14th.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:22pm by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey