Sand Creek Township

Monthly Meeting Minutes

July 11th, 2019


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Treasurer Myron Pauly, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Curt Hennes and Diane Lynch - PLSLWD, Roger Derrick and Mike Saxton – Cottage Homesteads USA, Travis Cherro, Deb Pauly, Todd Dvorak


Called to Order

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:06pm by Chairman Chad Sandey. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.



Minutes for the June meeting were presented to the Board. There was a short discussion about which resident’s checks had come in and dollar amount. Motion by Bill, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:08pm. Motion to erase the June recording of minutes by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:09pm.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for July was submitted by Myron. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:11pm.


Monthly Claims

Task: Discuss with Chad the order of presentation for future meetings.


                        Bryan Red Rock                                                            $ 22,514.06

                        Dvorak Excavating                                                       $ 14,385.50

                        NSI (dust coating)                                                       $ 22,932.00

Stantec                                                                         $        66.00

New Prague Mini Storage                                            $      106.00

SW News Media                                                           $        54.18

Bill Schneider - mileage & expenses                             $      684.36

Maggie Gallentine – cell phone                                    $        50.60

Bond – quarterly Principle, Interest, Fees                     $   2,135.75

Payroll                                                                         $      825.00

Payroll                                                                         $      450.00

            Payroll                                                                         $      475.00

            Payroll                                                                         $      475.00

            Payroll                                                                         $      525.00

            Payroll                                                                         $      759.38


                                                            Total                                        $ 66,437.83


Motion by Bruce to accept the monthly charges as read - but hold the Astech bill as we expected it to be itemized (by footage, by road) for future reference for budgeting, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:17pm.


Public Comment – Travis Cherro explained that the Sheriff was called about the parking on Valley View during ball games when there is a No Parking sign posted. Chad noted that the topic will be discussed in the meeting under Business. Emily Nordick asked Travis if he was going to talk about the construction vehicles at a residence along Valley View and Chad commented that it was also listed on the Agenda.




Sheriff’s Department:  Phil Nawrocki brought the monthly report and discussed the Valley View parking situation with the Township Board. Chad explained that the No Parking signs are necessary and need to be enforced. Phil suggested calling Capt. Jeff Swedin to let him know the Townships position. Bill commented that the speed of some of the vehicles was excessive. Phil offered to place the speed trailer on Valley View on ball game nights. Phil read the monthly report and noted that there have been 65 calls last month vs 53 calls in June of 2018, most calls were for traffic complaints. Bill asked if the Sheriff’s office has considered charging for false alarms. Phil replied that they have intentionally not charged for them. He also commented that the Sheriff’s Department will have representatives at the Scott County Fair, a Fishing Derby on Cedar Lake, and that the new frontage roads will be ready in time for the Renaissance Festival. Chad has since talked to Capt. Jeff Swedin.


Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District:  Curt Hennes introduced Diane Lynch (Watershed District administrator) who discussed some Watershed District projects. Diane handed out a summary of the Redwing Ave. and Sutton lake Boulevard potential projects requested by Sand Creek Township during a meeting in the Fall of 2018. The Projects are for ditch improvements for erosion control and removal of Phosphorous (P). A cost share request was made for $1000 to $1500 from the Township to apply to the engineering costs. The cost for this project is $13,810 per pound of Phosphorous and is on the high end of costs for a project. This is a PLSL Watershed Public Infrastructure project. No conversations have been made with the land owners. The Sutton Lake Water Control Outlet Structure Project has about 60% of the design concept completed. There would be 2 draw-downs, one in the Winter/Spring and one in the Fall. The DNR put up red flags as the draw-downs would affect reptiles and water fowl. The DNR wanted the PLSL WSD to do careful counting of wildlife and topography. There were a few options but the one that most likely will be used is to go ahead and build the water structure, built in a way that would still allow draw-downs. Then get the permission from the DNR to get some capacity. The cost will be approximately $300,000 and will not likely be completed this year. Motion by Chad to accept the cost participation for the engineering services for the Redwing Avenue Projects as proposed that amount will be $1500, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:44pm.


Cottage Homesteads USA Project Developer Introduction: Roger Derrick and Mike Saxton spoke about the Pasquarette and adjacent properties along TH 169 that they are interested in building a housing development on. They handed out several maps with property lines, topographical map, pictures, and the proposed one-way public road. They have been working with Scott County, and with MNDOT on access points to the property from TH 169. Roger expects to be able to develop the land in one season, with homes being built over a period of time. They will be attending a DRT meeting with the Township Board on Wednesday, July 17th. Chad commented that the area is especially prone to erosion. He also explained some of the issues/concerns with developments that we have experienced in the past. There was more discussion about the surrounding property owners.  Task: Put on August Agenda to discuss DRT2 Meeting.


Parking on Valley View during games at Holzer Park: Chad explained that the Township’s position is there should only be parking on one side of the road. Anyone parking on the side that it is posted as No Parking should be ticketed. It was noted that one of the No Parking signs has disappeared. The Board will add two more No Parking signs noting the exact area so any violations are enforceable.


Valley View 4 Ton load limit: Bill informed the owner of the property that the grading they were doing needs a Permit and shut down the work. Comments were made by Chad that if the property owner gets the Conditional Use Permit, they will likely need to extend the pavement from the SCALE facility to their property.


Stantec: Kyle is leaving Stantec for a company in Mankato. Sand Creek Township will be working with a Stantec Engineer who is also currently working with Spring Lake Township. Kyle and the new Engineer will be at the DRT meeting with Cottage Homesteads meeting on July 17th. Pat McGraw will still be leading any TH 169 Corridor activities. Emily asked if an Open house was still wanted for the TH 169 Corridor Study. Bruce and Chad responded said that when we get some funding for any of the projects it would be the right time for an Open House.


Stantec Bluff Drive Stabilization Project: Chad commented that the Project is coming up on its two-year review date. Chad said that there should be some tree replanting and wildflower seed re-planting or restoration work in the bare areas.


Highway 282 Drainage Resolution: Chad explained that MNDOT will be re-creating a holding pond and the storm water structure that moves water down TH 282 hill. They will be re-claiming 282 and replacing culverts. Sand Creek Township would be responsible for its cleaning and maintenance. We will pass the Resolution on to our legal representative for review. Emily noted that we want to ask MNDOT to put in a turn lane from 282 (going east) to Pueblo Avenue (going north) as there currently isn’t one. Bruce suggested that when we pass our Resolution that we include the turn lane on Pueblo Ave. Task: Please find email from Diane Langenbach at MNDOT and forward to Ruppe.


Ace Auto Expansion DRT Discussion:  Chad said that Ace has grown beyond their new building and is renting out space in another building across the street and looking into purchasing the lots and buildings in phases. The County suggested re-platting the lots for phasing, and explained car repair is allowed in Industrial zone (which it is), but car sales would need to be in Commercial zone. They would need to build another large building to fit with the Sales lot percentage requirement.  A storm water plan, and natural resource plan would be required along with septic sites, hazardous waste generator licenses, environmental compliance within any shop area. Ace Auto would need a CUP for the other property or properties.


JFD Rural Fire Meeting Discussion:  Chad and Bill attended the meeting and received a packet with information. The JFD has recently received their new fire truck. A picture of the truck is available to view on the Township website in the News section.


KCHK Monthly Township Event sponsored by the Yellow Barn:  At the Clerks and Treasurers meeting a suggestion was made to have a “Township Tuesday” 15-minute interview with each of the Scott County Township Boards. Chad, Bruce and Bill agreed that it would be a good idea and would like to participate. Chad suggested that we create a Sand Creek Township 101 with general information so they can talk about it at our first interview and later post it on the Home page of the website.


Annual Meeting location for 2020: Bruce mentioned that the location has not yet been confirmed for our Annual Meeting in March of 2020. The Council Chamber has already been booked by JEDA (or another group). Chad said that it is very important that we are able meet at the Council Chamber. Task: Bruce to confirm Township has the Chambers.


Scott County Assessment Services Contract covering 2020 - 2022:  Bruce mentioned the costs are increasing. Chad said the costs are in line with previous years. Motion by Chad to accept and sign the Assessment Services Contract for 2020, 2021, and 2022, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 9:39pm.


Capital Improvement Plan:  Bruce handed out the updated CIP listing the street names (paved and unpaved) and their current status (what needs work, what work was done, etc.). Once the costs for crack seal and sweeping come in then we can fill in those values. Bruce or Bill commented that JMT are using an un-permitted driveway on their property. We have a concern that the location of it will conflict with Webb Pallet’s driveway. Chad asked Bruce to contact Greg Wagner at Scott County to discuss the location and legality before a letter is send to JMT. There was further conversation about how to address resident’s driveways that are not in compliance. The Erickson’s received a building permit for their garage from the County, but a driveway was put in and should have had a driveway permit from the Township. Chad asked Bruce to discuss with Greg Wagner how the Township can stop the communication failure. Todd mentioned more material is needed on Redwing Ave. Bruce said Bluff Drive needs frost boil drain tile, field road on Pueblo Ave. needs work, and other frost boils need material. We have to keep track of road project commitments with Todd Dvorak as a way to manage the road budget.


Website Update:  Bruce will send the CIP document and pictures from the Washington DC trip with the TH 169 Corridor Coalition to post on the website. Chad would like a Sand Creek Township 101 document to be created and added to the Home page.


Clerk and Treasurer Reconciliations and Tasks Discussion:  Chad would like to see any actions from previous meetings added to the Tasks area on the Agenda at the following meeting so they can be closed instead of dragging on for months. For the Escrow balances, the journal entries for each of the projects needs to be printed out for review. The AT&T contractor fell of the report and needs further review. Myron said that he hasn’t received the bill for the Bond quarterly Principle, Interest and Service fees yet. Chad asked Maggie to call Todd Hagen at Ehlers in Roseville to verify the Township’s address and contact information. Motion to approve the paying of the quarterly taxes by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 10:38pm.


Reports and Discussions: 


Bruce Hunstad:  Bruce attended the Washington DC trip representing Sand Creek Township in the TH 169 Corridor Coalition. He and others were a part of the Minnesota Alliance. He enjoyed meeting all of the State of Minnesota representatives for highway, air, and waterways.


Bill Schneider:  Bill attended the Township Legal seminar which discussed road topics, and township to township relationships to get along better and for stretching resources. He also attended the Service delivery meeting and found out that the absentee voting will be at the Highway department on 282 and 13 instead of Shakopee due to the construction. Bill tried to contact Zach King at Crown Underground multiple times. He will now call Jaguar to get them to replace the culvert.


Road Report:  Bill explained that the roads are looking good and only the holes are being graded so as to not disturb the dust coating. He is hoping to get some material to load in his truck to spot fill holes. Motion to accept the Road Report by Chad, second by Bill, Unanimous at 10:52pm.


Astech Bill: Maggie will call Astech for an itemized bill to include roads and mileage.


Chad Sandey:  Chad attended the Fire meeting.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:54pm by Chad, second by Bruce, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey