Sand Creek Township

Board of Appeal

and Equalization

Meeting Minutes

April 24th, 2019


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Mr. Stich, Chad Bohnsack – Scott County, and Katelyn Fedorko - Scott County


Called to Order

The Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting was called to order at 6:06pm by Chairman Chad Sandey.



A prepared statement was read by Chairman Sandey to all who were present. Mr. Stich owns property (63 acres, approximately 35 acres are in the floodplain) on Valley View Drive between the nursing home and Mosquito Control. The property is zoned as UBR (Urban Business Reserve). His concerns were centered around the fact that the intersection of 173rd Street and TH 169 has been closed for northbound traffic. He also explained that the residence on the property was ruined by the renters who live there. The home was condemned in 1998 and should have no value. Katelyn Fedorko from Scott County explained that once they found the paperwork explaining the condemned status, they removed the previous house value of $70,000. There is also a newly built 2-story garage which Mr. Stich did not know about. There is a 3-acre gravel pit on the property as well. The county valued the semi-finished garage at $11,000. The County’s process of determining the land value for Mr. Stich’s property is they take the first 10 acres valued at $180,000 as a residential site, the usable acreage (upland value) after that has certain per acre rate, the 35 acres that are in the floodplain and the 3 acres for the gravel pit are at a waste rate which is $1,500 per acre. The original value was at $453,200 and now reduced to $359,700. A Motion to change Mr. Stich’s property from $453,200 minus the value of the condemned home, minus the value of the 3-acre gravel pit to a total value of $359,700 was made by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous. For taxes payable in 2020.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:11pm by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey