Sand Creek Township

Board of Appeal

and Equalization

Meeting Minutes

April 21st, 2021


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Chad Bohnsack – Scott County, and Katelyn Fedorko - Scott County


Called to Order

The Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting was called to order at 6:05pm by Chairman Chad Sandey.



A prepared statement was read by Chairman Sandey to all who were present. No residents made an appointment with Katelyn. No residents walked into the meeting during the 30-minute wait time set by the Board. Board Certification document was signed by Chad, Bruce and Bill.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:38pm by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey