Sand Creek Township

Board of Appeal

and Equalization

Meeting Minutes

April 20th, 2022


Officers Present

Chairman Chad Sandey, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Clerk Maggie Gallentine and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others Present

Chad Bohnsack – Scott County, and Katelyn Nytes - Scott County, Scott Neubauer, Jeff Puls, Robert Johnson, Shirley Ackerman, Kevin Nordick, and Mike Saxton


Called to Order

The Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting was called to order at 6:02pm by Chairman Chad Sandey.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.



A prepared statement was read by Chairman Sandey to all who were present.


Katelyn provided a handout showing Sand Creek properties had a median value increase of 30%, while small cities had 27%, large cities had 21% and Scott County had 23%. She continued that even though the property value increased, do not anticipate a 30% tax increase for next year. She noted there is a 1 1/2-year lag between valuation and taxes. The 2023 valuations are based on sales from end of 2020 through 2021. Home visits are every 5 years. Mass appraisals are given. A resident can choose to have their home inspected and will have to attend a second meeting within 20 days of the first meeting (scheduled for Monday, May 9th – location TBD) with Scott County and Sand Creek Township Board.


A resident asked if there is a cap on Levy rate. Chad responded that we set our Levy and receive that or less if residents don’t pay their taxes. Sand Creek Township has Levy authority and doesn’t follow the county’s coattails. Bruce suggested posting Scott County’s Levy history on our Township website.


Scott Neubauer received a 35% increase and has spoken to realtors in the past who responded that his property would not sell at that price. He decided to have Katelyn visit his home and will be at the second meeting in May. Katelyn asked him to do some homework ahead of time to look for other comparable sales.


Jeff Puls noted his property had a 31% increase, while his townhome in Jordan had a 35% increase. He has a unique property and thought there should be more in-depth evaluation. He is concerned about the almost 2-year lag.


Bill and Christy Johnson spoke about their property being far from the city and not likely to be able to sell for the valuation price. Their home is 25 years old and needs a new roof. They refinanced in 2020 and didn’t pay the price listed. Katelyn suggested a home visit for inspection within the 20-day timeline.


Shirley Ackerman has 2 properties, one went up 29%, the other 23%. No updates have been made to the properties and doesn’t believe she can sell for the price listed. She would also need to replace the septic system. Katelyn did a re-inspection, provided comparable sales and doesn’t believe she can adjust further. Katelyn provided the printouts of comparable properties for Shirley to review.


Katelyn noted that she doesn’t have a problem adjusting property values, but needs to be able to justify it. She also explained having a septic system in non-compliance will not have a huge impact on property value.


Mike Saxton spoke about his tax statement and how it is affected by people elected, school boards, Sand Creek Township and Scott County Levy’s. He said the adjacent property tax is half of what his is. He believes he is being taxed in 2021 on a building that was taken down in 2020. Katelyn asked if he had filled out the abatement form that was due last year. Katelyn will work with Mike on getting the abatement form completed. Mike further explained that the weir system on the property was condemned by MNDOT who also knocked down the buildings. He said he is paying $2000 a year for taxes with a mud pit on it. Katelyn said MNDOT did not pull a permit for knocking down buildings. An Abatement form can help the process to pro-rate taxes, but can only go back a certain number of years.


Shirley Ackerman asked about one of her properties being listed as a 5 bedroom when it’s actually 3. One of the rooms does not have a closet and the room downstairs does not have an egress window. The built date is wrong, as it was built in 1969 vs 1974 as listed. Motion by Chad to make a recommendation that we allow them to adjust for the proper bedrooms, second by Bill, Unanimous at 7:03pm.


Consent Agenda for Virginia Heylman property. Slab on grade home moved in from the City of Shakopee. Property built in 1940 and has conditional issues. Requires revised value notice. Chad asked all in favor, Unanimous at 7:05pm.


Chad Bohnsack mentioned the appeal being addressed by Scott County on Twin Oaks Circle as the value increased 30%. The appraisal was quite a bit less in 2021. The property is owned by a former Sand Creek Township Board member and asked that it be handled by Scott County to avoid conflict of interest. Chad affirmed the value that Scott County has placed on the property and defer any further actions to Scott County. Motion by Chad we affirm the value of $1,030,500 over a property value last time of $740,800 and defer dealings to Scott County of 20054 Twin Oaks Circle, second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:08pm. Katelyn said appeal with County Board is by appointment only.


Chad to make a recommendation to reconvene at a later date – Monday, May 9th, location TBD (possibly Jordan Fire Hall), second by Bruce, Unanimous at 7:13pm.



Continuation of Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting on May 9th, at Jordan Fire Hall.


Officers present: Supervisor Bruce Hunstad, Supervisor Bill Schneider, Clerk Maggie Gallentine, and Deputy Clerk Emily Nordick


Others present: Katelyn Nytes – Scott County


The Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting was reconvened at 6:05pm by Supervisor Bruce Hunstad.




Katelyn reported on the Ackerman Properties. For the 2815 W 168th Street property, Katelyn provided median and average values and suggests no change. A reduction of $2,000 was made due to bedroom count (defined in first meeting), with final value of $440,800. Motion by Bruce on the Ackerman property at 2815 W 168th Street that we adjust the value from $442,800 to $440,800 down $2,000, second by Bill, Unanimous at 6:09pm. For the 2900 W 168th Street property, Katelyn stated the value at $396,400. Motion by Bruce to make no change to the property 2900 W 168th for $396,400, second by Bill, Unanimous at 6:10pm.


Katelyn reported on the Saxton Property. The property value changed from $420,700 to $395,200 based on remeasurement of usable land. An updated survey was provided to Katelyn for determining the usable footage. Mike was expected to show up to the meeting.


Katelyn reported on the Neubauer property. There was no response after Katelyn left 2 voicemails on 4/26 and 4/29.


Katelyn reported on the Puls properties. There was no change to the value at 1695 Avalon Trail after appointment on 4/26. Owner was ok with value after information provided.


Katelyn reported on the Johnson property. Owners did not wish to further appeal or make an appointment.


We waited until 6:30pm for Mike Saxton to show to the meeting. He did not attend. Motion by Bruce for property at 17471 Memorial Drive that we make an adjustment from $420,700 to $395,200 based on the usable land remeasurement, second by Bill, Unanimous at 6:36pm.


State Certification form was signed by Bruce and Bill.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:39pm by Bruce, second by Bill, Unanimous.


Submitted By: _____________________________________________________

Emily Nordick, Deputy Clerk


 Approved by ______________________________________________________

Chairman, Chad Sandey